What is up with Chilled Vodkas AV??


Tallahastezzi Kaffirs!!!
Feb 12, 2001
What are you spoofing or making fun of with this?

example below;

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WTF is this?

Hanns_Schmidt said:
Unless his sig line said "kill all non-believers"....you'd not have a fuckign hope in hell of seeing any irony you dirty bearded son of a ragged bitch.

Sorry Hanns,

I can and do read the English language,and I do understand irony,but this is the guy that even gets PC confused at times,

Your command of the english language needs work obviousley. I wasn't aware that "fuckign" is great spelling.Perhaps you need to work on that.Or get Busybody your crossdressing bitch to help.

2.I dont have a beard.

3.I take a shower every day

4.My mother is sick,but not ragged or a bitch,do you talk to your mother with such vulgar obsequious language? I suspect not.

You cannot intimidate me Hanns,so you might as well stop.

CH, that's my sig-line. AV is the picture you see. You are making Hanns look like a genius.
ChilledVodka said:
CH, that's my sig-line. AV is the picture you see. You are making Hanns look like a genius.

I stand corrected.

okay,then would you please explain to me what your sig line is spoofing?

I doubt anone can make Hanns look like a genius.

I've already answered to similar question in the Author's hungout.

SexyChele's thread.
ChilledVodka said:
I've already answered to similar question in the Author's hungout.

SexyChele's thread.

I never go to the hangout.