What is the most romantic thing a sweetheart has ever done for you?

Helping me equip my character in Dragon Age 2. He had beat the game already so I got the best equipment from the beginning. I played while he watched and talked. At one point he curls up around me and falls asleep!
He gave me 144 origami roses for Valentines Day. T'was only a month and half after we'd started dating and it took him and a friend hours to do. We're still together now, though no other gift he's ever given me has beaten that one.
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Wow, origami roses take about an hour each when I do them, so that's an impressive investment of time. :rose:

Let's see, most romantic... brought me a box of gourmet eclairs that I had mentioned two weeks earlier were my favorite; made a dentist appointment for me and then went with me to it when I was dreading doing that; cooked for me when I was sick and also did the laundry; has repeatedly refrained from making fun of the fact that I have almost no sense of direction and get lost frequently.
Wow. That is romantic. Lets see my sweetie has held my hand when I had to get a flu jab.
And gave me a shoulder massage when I had a really bad day.
After a truely awful day, a sweetie ran me a candlelit bath, gently washed my hair, dried me, rubbed body lotion into every inch of my skin and then put me to bed in fresh sheets, with a kiss on my forehead. Why I broke up with her 6 months later?, I can't seem to remember.
After a truely awful day, a sweetie ran me a candlelit bath, gently washed my hair, dried me, rubbed body lotion into every inch of my skin and then put me to bed in fresh sheets, with a kiss on my forehead. Why I broke up with her 6 months later?, I can't seem to remember.

This is one of my most wanted!

I was once interested in a guy that wasn't into me at the same time. A good while
later he sent a heart shaped pizza with my name written in pepperoni to my house. Although it was extremely sweet I had already lost interest in him, so too little too late.

Another one made notepads with my name for my first job. They all said "From the desk of Lily_______. There was only one that was different and said, "From the desk of that sweet and innocent little girl Lily ________. They should only know".
That is very sweet. I really like the fact that romance is not dead. Just buried under some stuff and it is making a break for the surface.