What is the most important material object, that you own?


Literotica Guru
Apr 20, 2002
Just being curious, i got alot of time on my hands tonight, i've been doing my laundry,helping with the neices that are staying with me, picking up the house, and cooking for everyone else, i'm not eating tonight though, dont feel like it. So anyway like i was saying what material object do you value most? and why?
My house. I've never worked so hard or sacrificed so much to own something. And I did it all on my own!
Eidted. I'm sorry, posting that felt wrong.
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My chain and its two medallions. My grandmother gave them to me. I never take them off.

I miss her........
My biggest item

I have to say that after having many different material items from a house, a car to small items such as cameras, there is one item I would not like to lose. It may sound mushy to some but I don't want to lose my wedding ring. I have gone through the pain and trouble of ending a marriage one already. My new wife is more then I could hope for and it would hurt me the most to lose my ring which is the symbol of our life together.
The one thing I value most is a pocket watch my real mother gave to me before she walk out of lives. It was my fathers, and I would never want to lose it.
The only thing I actually own is my horse, she's the one thing I have to take with me, wherever I end up.
Mine is a ID bracelet, i gotten from Innocent, the first christmas we were together, we had been through alot back then, and it was very confusing at times, i wore that thing untill i was forced to take it off, because from working, sweating etc i had tarnished the part that went against my wrist , but what matters is if you look close enough you can see the inscription she had written there, "love Angela" , i lost it before when i was cleaning :'( and i literatly freaked out, thats how much it means to me, i keep it on top of my desk at the moment, so i know exactly where it is
I could loose all my material objects, that would not bother me. It seems like the accumulation of wealth is really the chain that most people tie themselves to the corporate machine with. I'm trying to break free of that.

The think I couldn't deal with loosing, is my sanity. Nothing is more frightening to me then that.

My Billy Dee Williams Colt 45 light above my bar.


Hey when I was searching for a picture of one I see they're selling for $175. I bought mine for $5 at a garage sale like 8 yrs ago.
my baseball kleets which were given to me by my lover(really cute story goes with it) my baseball jersey and my $400.oo Freddie Mercury box set:p :D
A little rubber roger rabit bendable figurine.. dont ask why, this monster has a soft spot. but the little roger goes everywhere I do. I take it from home to the truck to the office back to the truck to the home etc.
Avery_Chisholm said:
my baseball kleets which were given to me by my lover(really cute story goes with it) my baseball jersey and my $400.oo Freddie Mercury box set:p :D

I think I'll take the FM box set, myself....

Oh, you meant MY material objects? Well, that's different.

Okay, pictures of my son and my two dads.
Material items....

I think I could do without all my material items... everything material can be replaced... I couldn't do without my husband and 3 boys though - and nothing could replace them.

But, I guess, if I had to pick one thing... like, in case of a fire in my home - and I knew that everyone was ok... I'd grab my photo albums and my artwork...
My cottage, which I built myself and has always been debt-fee....totally free of The Establishment, you know? Zero Worry Factor.

After that my bimmer, then my musical instruments...but that might be a toss-up, as my bass in particular is special and cars are cars are cars.

But the cottage is magic.

Nice thread. Thanks.
A ring that I designed and had made. It has my Father's wedding ring and my mother's wedding ring as two separate pieces - welded together in only the front and the back - and on the front it includes diamonds from both my grandmother's wedding sets. All of the above are deceased and this is the one thing I have that is truly precious to me.