What is the male version of swooning?

Ask Cheffie. He's in a perpetual swoon over something. David Bowie usually.
Swooning in women occurred because their girdles were too tight. Nowadays it would be because they haven't eaten.

A lack of blood flow to the brain.

So, I guess a male version would be a really, really HUGE erection, no blood left over to go to the brain.

A constant state for many.

Appreciated by women.
HeavyStick said:

That's what I said, A huge erection...Oh, I guess stalking would be what you do with it...

the second definition in my dictionary is:

to enter a state of hysterical rapture or ecstasy

Works for me.
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When your hair stands on end in response to seeing a woman so beautiful your heart hurts.

Or drooling.

miles said:
I really want to know.

Chuckling - my man last evening! I happened to mention to him that my busy schedule was finally easing, leaving this weekend open for hot sex. He was driving, and attempted to exit where there wasn't one!

I think it is something about circulation. Blood flows to the brain in the big head or it flows to the little head. Apparently it cannot do both!!
