What is the longest you have gone without masturbating?

@thomassinfi: um

@hothelen: i think close to 40 maybe? Tbh I kinda forgot.
If I'm having hot, regular sex, I don't need to masturbate! Is the question limited to "droughts" or when you're getting some luvin regularly? :)
I specifically remember going an entire year once without masturbating, but it was a year that I was getting LOTS of sex with several very horny women. Wasting any energy alone was not in the cards.

Other than that, during drier spells, I try not to go longer than a week without cleaning out the pipes. The prostate needs exercise too, you know.
Currently going on a week now, but I have gone as long as 2 weeks.
The question is open to all.

Probably once or twice went as long as maybe two weeks when recovering from surgery. Once for a hernia, once for something else similar. I was in enough discomfort that it's not something I even thought about doing. Colds and flu can knock out the desire for a week. As for "voluntarily" going without orgasm either through masturbating or having partner sex, probably maybe 3-4 days, but one or two is probably the norm.
I challenged myself to go a whole month once, so 30 days.

That reminds of that Seinfeld episode where they challenged themselves to see who could go the longest. I think Kramer came in shortly after the bet was made, put his money on the table and declared "I'm out".

For me it varies. When there is regular regular Hootchie-Cootchie taking place between myself and Mrs. E, there can be weeks that go by.
When schedules / travel prevents this, it could be a few days to a week max.
Much more than week without release gets the boys feeling achy, and I get irritable.
At most

Longest since started has been maybe a month
Not much longer than that