What Is The End Game In Iraq?

Remove a genocidal mass murderer from power who has been oppressing and slaughtering his people, backing terrorist organizations and developing weapons of mass destruction that he would likely eventually use against his neighbors or the US. If that isn't a good enough plan, what is?

What would you have done with Hitler -- demanded a long term action plan? Oh, that's right, Hussein is no Hitler, the Kurds and Shi'ites have a different skin color than the Jews, and they don't count? Right?
yea i know.

want control of oil and travel routes in Iran, Iraq and Saudi + afghanistan...

the whole thing was concoction of FBI...

look at CIA files dated 1920s....ok

same plan
takingchances42 said:
Remove a genocidal mass murderer from power who has been oppressing and slaughtering his people, backing terrorist organizations and developing weapons of mass destruction that he would likely eventually use against his neighbors or the US. If that isn't a good enough plan, what is?

What would you have done with Hitler -- demanded a long term action plan? Oh, that's right, Hussein is no Hitler, the Kurds and Shi'ites have a different skin color than the Jews, and they don't count? Right?

We are talking about invading a country with a population of over 23 million people and a land area of about 444,000 square KM's.

That is about twice the size of Idaho.

see the http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/index.html and go to Iraq.

You don't have to pacify all of those people, some will be on our side and some will be killed, and you don't have to directly pacify all of that land area, some of the people on our side should help with this.

Even taking the above statements into account that is still a lot of most likely hostile territory and people to control for an unknown amount of years and that is something the United States has not done in a very long time.
lavender said:
I want to see the dirty work, the planning, what they actually hope to achieve, how they plan on maintaining a balance of power in the region and how they hope to ensure that Iraq can be stabilized following our invasion.
Never gonna happen.
(edited to sound less of a asshole, my apologies)

I think that the invsion of Iraq would, as the article states, simply inflame agitation against the American Peoples again.

Of course, if they wanted oil, there are a few places to look.....

Or we could get off this rock, and spark up the engines, head towards another system.

"Warp Speed Mr. Sulu"

"Aye, Sir"
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James Fallows is also a staff writer for The Atlantic, a very classy publication.
I don't think there is one. Protecting American lives? That's been there all along, so from a long-term view, what does America, and her 51st state, expect to gain?

Bombing the shit out of Iraq and pounding out Saddam is the easy part. Beyond that, I don't think most Americans have thought a lot about it- let alone that we have established a precident for the next cowboy to do the same.

If people are gonna have faith in "the American way," then we need to stick to our gloried principles. Or is it too late for that?
takingchances42 said:
Remove a genocidal mass murderer from power who has been oppressing and slaughtering his people, backing terrorist organizations and developing weapons of mass destruction that he would likely eventually use against his neighbors or the US. If that isn't a good enough plan, what is?
Take your head out your arse all democratic countrys are at risk not just the USA!!
Im gonna say something really unpopular but fuck it.

Personaly, I think the middle east is one big cluster fuck of a region. taking out the iraqi government and then leaving would just create a vacuum for another dipshit to step in with anti-american rhetoric..

Just about everyone in the middle east hates us.. and if you think its REALLY because of our "Meddling" you have succumbed more to the propaganda war than most people I know, its not our fault they hate us, they hate because to them we ARE "Evil" our women drive,vote and hold office, we do not follow most of their mores.. hell apostasy is a Capitol crime over there. so to them we are satan. the general populace of each of those contries is kept stupid and uninformed, and fed bullshit through a tube by few who want to have power.

There WILL NEVER be peace in the middle east, ever. unless they kill each other off to an extinction level war. unless of course some larger country comes in and conquers them.. Im betting on china eventually, because its just not what the US does. However I would not be opposed to an actual U.S. military action aimed at not only knocking someone back, but HOLDING what we take.. which we really havent done since WWII.

Don't think about it. We bomb people all of the time. Helps keep the cost of consumer electronics down. Don't worry about it. Tomorrow will be like the day before. Life is like that.
End game.....hmmmm.....Parcheesi anyone?
