What is the best time between stories?


Lovin' Life
Apr 24, 2001
Okay, so I'm one of those writers who gets hit with an incredible number of stories all at once and need to write them out. And then I'll have a period where I can't put anything down to save my life.

Right now I'm in a glut - I have so many stories floating around in my head, I need to write outlines so I won't forget them.

But I was wondering - what is the best time between stories? Do you do one story a month? Publish one story every other week? Do you publish when you the story is completed? Have readers said anything to you?

I know this seems basic, and I will still write the stories, regardless. Just wondering if my creative drive turns out a story a week, how that affects readership - if, in fact it does.

Maybe it's just my natural pessimism, but when I post a story here, I say goodbye to it. I know it'll appear in the New Stories for a while, and then sink beneath the waves of other stories.

When I started posting to lit, I already had a bunch of stories written, so I posted a bunch at once time. Since then I've posted single stories a day apart, a week, several months. I haven't noticed any difference in terms of feedback or rating or anything.

In your case Chele I'd love to read one every day, but then I've always been greedy.

I know the problem you have. I now have 7 on the go. 4 erotic, one thriller, an autobiography, and a childrens story I'm writing for my daughter. Too many words not enough time.:(
I have two stories starting to percolate, but they're off to a terribly slow start.

Like everything else SC.....do what feels right for you.

For self, I often am working on two or three stories simultaneously, though depending upon the story line, or ideas as they come to me, I may finish up the last (or middle) story I started on before going back to the other two. And like the "Dr",
I will submit and forget about them, going back to work on the others.

Sometimes I'll submit one on average once a week. But I've been known to submit two stories simultaneously though I have since learned its better to wait...spreading them apart. But again, I don't think there's any set rule as to what works best. If you enjoy writing like I think most of us do, then write. When you're happy (finished) with the product, submit it so that the readers can enjoy your storytelling. :D

I remain,
As soon as I write The End, I post the story up. I can barely even ait to edit them. I hate waiting to post my stories; just can't wait for them to go up and into the world.

So just put them up as often as you churn them out Chele. Wouldn't have thought it'd hurt.

The Earl
I always have to tweak my stories for about a week before I release them.
I write slow, very slowly, mostly because I don't usually write the story from beginning to end, but by writing bits here and there, then adding parts to piece them together. Inspiration's a bitch to me in that regard, but I guess I'm thankful it's there at all.

I doubt it makes much difference when you post them, but I wouldn't know. OT make it more clear: I started a story about three onths before the Halloween story contest was announced. i planned on finishing it and submitting it then, as it fit the parameters (I think it did) for the contest. I haven't finished it yet, but I'm getting closer. I've also been working on a sequel to After the Party: Dana, for about six mopnths and haven't gotten even close to finishing it yet.


Not that I can be much use really I'm strictly a part time author, full time electrical engineer, too much work to spend as much time as I'd like on the writing.

I have a million stories in my head, I just write one when it appears to the front.
I don't sit and try to think up a tale I just wait for one to arrive.

I can sit or whatever for weeks without bothering to write anything, then bang it has to be done and done until it's finished.
I don't often write in bits and wait for an ending or whatever, if it isn't all there I don't start it.

As for editing and checking the content, often that's no more than a second spelling / grammar check with Word spellchecker.

I am at the moment editing one properly all the way through, it was written last year and posted on another site, a site with less shall we say, intelligent, readers than this site and it needed to be simple as possible for them to take an intersest.
I am now trying to get it back to the way it was originally
intended to be.


Thanks to all who posted. Sorry I didn't get back until now - it's been quite a day!

Guess the word is: just keep writing! :) Will do, but I think I need to better my editing skills. Oh well, off the writing board!
I sympathise Q-C, I still have story that I started writing for the Christmas comp (sorry, winter holiday) in October and still haven't finished.

Slow, Moi?

The Earl
TheEarl said:
I sympathise Q-C, I still have story that I started writing for the Christmas comp (sorry, winter holiday) in October and still haven't finished.

Slow, Moi?
I'm the same as you guys - and I was actually foolish enough to start a series! :eek:

It took six months to get part 2 up; I've been working on part 3 for about seven months now, and I'm still not quite done - damn real life, always interfering with my writing *grumble*
I like to be close to finished writing the story before I begin posting chapters. I always have a fear of needing to alter something in the first chapter because of a new plot twist I want to use late in the story.

I have chapters of several stories just sitting waiting for me to finish the last few chapters. I keep getting new ideas for other stories and feel compelled to outline them before I forget the idea.

I know what you guys mean, crysede and Pookie, I wrote "A Warrior's Tale: Elvin Encounter,"--I'm aware I misspelled 'Elven'--and I've been e-mailed by damn near everybody who read it, wanting Chapter two, which isn't finished yet. I submitted the first one in Dec of 2001. *shrugs*
I should have waited before submitting, as my audience for the sequel is probably gone by now.
And TheEarl, I started one for the "holiday Contest" as well, and haven't finished it yet either, nor have I even worked much on it...did I mentioned I started it for the 2001 contest?
I should have waited before submitting, as my audience for the sequel is probably gone by now.

If people like your stuff, they'll wait for anything that comes out.

I still remember the general maledictions called down on people who begin series and then leave their readers hanging, which is why I view starting a series with trepidation. I have actually submitted two two-parters, but the first of each was able to stand on its own.