What is sexy to you?


Feb 7, 2010
I had a woman call me sexy the other day. It took me by surprise. I have been called funny and even handsome a few times, but sexy never. Well besides someone I am dating or my wife. This was someone I know but not in an intimate way.

So I ask you. What is sexy you to? Is it an attitude? A certain look?
Confidence is sexy. However that can bleed over into cockiness, which is not. A guy has to know the difference in order to be sexy in my book.
Confidence, not arrogance. Wittines. Teasing is sexy as well. A certain look, a smile, a whisper...too many things make one sexy. A hoody pulled over Clowns' head. ;)
Confidence is sexy. However that can bleed over into cockiness, which is not. A guy has to know the difference in order to be sexy in my book.

So when does that fine line get crossed? I think confidence is very important. So give an example of crossing the line between confidence and cockiness. Not a blatant example such as pinching a womans as she passes or something like that. One that might be more subtle. One where a guy may not realize that women find it overly cocky when we might think we are being just confident.
Sexy is............


Looks can come into play too...but you could be the hottest looking person and have the worst attitude and be ugly.
So when does that fine line get crossed? I think confidence is very important. So give an example of crossing the line between confidence and cockiness. Not a blatant example such as pinching a womans as she passes or something like that. One that might be more subtle. One where a guy may not realize that women find it overly cocky when we might think we are being just confident.

For example there is a guy I work with... well he's not in my office, but I have interaction with him at least 1-2 times a week. He thinks he's the shit. All that matters in his world is him. I actually know a girl in the organization who went on a date with him and she said it's pure torture because everything revolves around him. Which I can see because it's hard to carry on a conversation with him because he's so confident in himself and what he does, that he refuses to see anything else. That's not confidence, its cockiness. Of course, that is kind of extreme.
Quick story about the first time I found my wife sexy. My wife is gorgeous, and that is what originally attracted me to her, but the first time I looked at her and said damn she is sexy to myself happened on our 2nd date.

We met my friends at a bar. A big group of my friends. My fraternity borthers and a few others. For most women that is an intimidating scene. First impressions are important especially when it comes to your friends and family.

As we were walking in she held my hand tightly and i could feel a bit of her nerves. Hell I was a bit nervous. I knew she was a special woman and I knew I was going to at least date her for a long time, so it meant a lot to me that my boys liked her.

Anyway as soon as we got in and found everyone sitting around a couple of tables out on the patio, I introduced her to the guys and then started bro hugging everyone. I sort of forgot about her a little bit saying hi to everyone. After saying hello to the 2nd or 3rd guy i realized what i was doing and turned around expecting her to be glued to my side.

No instead she had sat down at one of the tables and was talking to my friends. She was laughing with them and sharing and hearing embarassing stories about me chiming in on some of the things we had done together.

In that oment she was the sexiest woman in the world. Not because she was stunning to look at but because she is comfortable in who she is. She was nervous and admitted later a bit intimidated, but instead of being a wallflower she just jumped right in and made herself at home.

Not only was she sexy as hell, that was the very moment I fell in love with her. A woman who is comfortable in who she is, doesn't need to be baby sat is extremely sexy. I didn't even sit by her once we all settled in. But I can tell you this, the quick eye contact we made with each other was sexy as hell and some of the best foreplay we have ever done with each other. By the time we made it back to my place it was on.

To me that is sexy.
For example there is a guy I work with... well he's not in my office, but I have interaction with him at least 1-2 times a week. He thinks he's the shit. All that matters in his world is him. I actually know a girl in the organization who went on a date with him and she said it's pure torture because everything revolves around him. Which I can see because it's hard to carry on a conversation with him because he's so confident in himself and what he does, that he refuses to see anything else. That's not confidence, its cockiness. Of course, that is kind of extreme.

Yeah that makes sense. Can be said for both sexes. A woman who HAS to look in ever mirror she passes turns me off. I love a woman who doesn't realize how attractive she is. It's not tha she lacks self confidence, she knows she isn't ugly by any means, she just doesn't know how sexy she really is.
Wit. I do find that sexy when a man can go "toe to toe" with me in that department. Sense of humor is a certain must .. and, on the physical side, eyes and hands. I'm a sucker for hands. :)
Quick story about the first time I found my wife sexy. My wife is gorgeous, and that is what originally attracted me to her, but the first time I looked at her and said damn she is sexy to myself happened on our 2nd date.

We met my friends at a bar. A big group of my friends. My fraternity borthers and a few others. For most women that is an intimidating scene. First impressions are important especially when it comes to your friends and family.

As we were walking in she held my hand tightly and i could feel a bit of her nerves. Hell I was a bit nervous. I knew she was a special woman and I knew I was going to at least date her for a long time, so it meant a lot to me that my boys liked her.

Anyway as soon as we got in and found everyone sitting around a couple of tables out on the patio, I introduced her to the guys and then started bro hugging everyone. I sort of forgot about her a little bit saying hi to everyone. After saying hello to the 2nd or 3rd guy i realized what i was doing and turned around expecting her to be glued to my side.

No instead she had sat down at one of the tables and was talking to my friends. She was laughing with them and sharing and hearing embarassing stories about me chiming in on some of the things we had done together.

In that oment she was the sexiest woman in the world. Not because she was stunning to look at but because she is comfortable in who she is. She was nervous and admitted later a bit intimidated, but instead of being a wallflower she just jumped right in and made herself at home.

Not only was she sexy as hell, that was the very moment I fell in love with her. A woman who is comfortable in who she is, doesn't need to be baby sat is extremely sexy. I didn't even sit by her once we all settled in. But I can tell you this, the quick eye contact we made with each other was sexy as hell and some of the best foreplay we have ever done with each other. By the time we made it back to my place it was on.

To me that is sexy.
Did it ever cross your mind she might have been looking for a better alternative...:):):):)
Wit. I do find that sexy when a man can go "toe to toe" with me in that department. Sense of humor is a certain must .. and, on the physical side, eyes and hands. I'm a sucker for hands. :)
Me too.. hands are key for me.
Do you find people sexy and they don't even realize how sexy they are?
Quick story about the first time I found my wife sexy. My wife is gorgeous, and that is what originally attracted me to her, but the first time I looked at her and said damn she is sexy to myself happened on our 2nd date.

We met my friends at a bar. A big group of my friends. My fraternity borthers and a few others. For most women that is an intimidating scene. First impressions are important especially when it comes to your friends and family.

As we were walking in she held my hand tightly and i could feel a bit of her nerves. Hell I was a bit nervous. I knew she was a special woman and I knew I was going to at least date her for a long time, so it meant a lot to me that my boys liked her.

Anyway as soon as we got in and found everyone sitting around a couple of tables out on the patio, I introduced her to the guys and then started bro hugging everyone. I sort of forgot about her a little bit saying hi to everyone. After saying hello to the 2nd or 3rd guy i realized what i was doing and turned around expecting her to be glued to my side.

No instead she had sat down at one of the tables and was talking to my friends. She was laughing with them and sharing and hearing embarassing stories about me chiming in on some of the things we had done together.

In that oment she was the sexiest woman in the world. Not because she was stunning to look at but because she is comfortable in who she is. She was nervous and admitted later a bit intimidated, but instead of being a wallflower she just jumped right in and made herself at home.

Not only was she sexy as hell, that was the very moment I fell in love with her. A woman who is comfortable in who she is, doesn't need to be baby sat is extremely sexy. I didn't even sit by her once we all settled in. But I can tell you this, the quick eye contact we made with each other was sexy as hell and some of the best foreplay we have ever done with each other. By the time we made it back to my place it was on.

To me that is sexy.

That kind of confidence is very sexy. It's really great when people can see how comfortable you are with yourself.
Do you find people sexy and they don't even realize how sexy they are?

Yes very much so. I think we all have this preconceived notion of what sexy is and a lot of us feel we don't fit that stereotype. I know I don't feel that way. That is why I was surprised when she told me I was.
That kind of confidence is very sexy. It's really great when people can see how comfortable you are with yourself.

I am not near as comfortable in my own skin as she is in hers. I think I mask my insecurities with my humor. I make fun of myself in hopes that people find it endearing.