What if.......


Drive-by mischief maker
Oct 17, 2010
Post and discuss your various 'hypothetical' questions, scenarios, ideas, etc.

What if......

What if I had a sign-up sheet that contained two lists: People who just want to have sex with me like a one night stand, or People who want to know me as a friend on a longer term basis. Which one would you sign up for, or maybe not for either?
What if.....

What if you could have one (just one) superpower from any comic book superhero. What would it be and why?
Post and discuss your various 'hypothetical' questions, scenarios, ideas, etc.

What if......

What if I had a sign-up sheet that contained two lists: People who just want to have sex with me like a one night stand, or People who want to know me as a friend on a longer term basis. Which one would you sign up for, or maybe not for either?

I don't usually play the "what if" game....but I'm making an exception.

As much as I would like to get to know you, I would have to sign up for the "one night stand". You can blame that on Arwen...since the first time I laid eyes on her I've had a thing for beautiful elfin women. :rose:

Am I suppose to ask the next "what if?"
Post and discuss your various 'hypothetical' questions, scenarios, ideas, etc.

What if......

What if I had a sign-up sheet that contained two lists: People who just want to have sex with me like a one night stand, or People who want to know me as a friend on a longer term basis. Which one would you sign up for, or maybe not for either?
I would be your friend for as long as this world permits. If for some reason, we could never say anything sexual to eachother ever again, well, that would be ok with me. There is so much more about you I want to know.

...but since there is no rule that we can't be sexual, I am glad to have the best of both worlds.

What if you actually met someone from lit in person?
Thyri, I'd take option two.. you seem like a very interesting person that would fun to be around :)

Super hero power? Ummmmm... to fly. Flying looks fun!

What if your next door neighbor turned into a zombie?
I don't usually play the "what if" game....but I'm making an exception.

As much as I would like to get to know you, I would have to sign up for the "one night stand". You can blame that on Arwen...since the first time I laid eyes on her I've had a thing for beautiful elfin women. :rose:

Am I suppose to ask the next "what if?"

Thanks for your answer. Arwen is a hottie, I think even more so than Galadriel, but that's my personal opinion.

You can ask a what if if you wish, it's not really a game, just a discussion thread for whatever you want to pose a question about. There are no rules other than the ones that apply to Lit in general. Pose your own question or just answer one posed by someone else, it's all good.
1. List number two

2. Dr. Manhattan's powers, because of the infinite potential.

3. Depending on the person from Lit, could be a good time.

4. Shotgun. Double tap. No mercy. No remorse.

and you ARE a super power..

that's how powerful you are...at least in the way your heart touched mine.:rose:
I would be your friend for as long as this world permits. If for some reason, we could never say anything sexual to eachother ever again, well, that would be ok with me. There is so much more about you I want to know.

...but since there is no rule that we can't be sexual, I am glad to have the best of both worlds.

What if you actually met someone from lit in person?

Aw! Thank you for saying such a sweet thing. You're right of course, it was kind of a trick question, since a friendship has the potential to go to a more intimate relationship. But this is Lit after all, so there could be those who just want a hot fuck. But then again, that is a trick question too, because I'd like to think that I'm like a Lays potato chip; you can't be satisfied with just one. ;) :D

What if I met someone from Lit in real life? Hmmm, I won't say who I'd hope it would be, because choosing just one would be impossible. I'm pretty careful about my personal privacy though. I did have a fantasy once, or an idea for a roleplay where I develop an online relationship with someone who later decides to take it offline, and one night I come home from work to find him/her waiting by my garage in the rain. I have to invite them in, of course, and things take off from there.
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Thyri, I'd take option two.. you seem like a very interesting person that would fun to be around :)

Super hero power? Ummmmm... to fly. Flying looks fun!

What if your next door neighbor turned into a zombie?

Thank you, it's very nice of you to say that.

I have to agree, flying seems like the way to go. It would definitely be in my top 2-3 choices. I think invisibility would have to be considered too. Just imagine what kind of mischief you could get up to and no one would know who was doing it.

What if my neighbor turned into a zombie? I have it covered with my armory. I'm not that crazy about my neighbor anyhow. :rolleyes: In many zombie movies, people always seem to choose a large caliber gun, but I see this as illogical. Most .22 caliber guns have higher capacity of shots before you run out, plus the ammo is much smaller and lighter, so you could carry more with you. And the .22 is powerful enough to penetrate a rotten zombie skull easily, then bounce around in there to make sure the brain is destroyed.
1. List number two

2. Dr. Manhattan's powers, because of the infinite potential.

3. Depending on the person from Lit, could be a good time.

4. Shotgun. Double tap. No mercy. No remorse.

What if a giant asteroid was heading to earth, one big enough to wipe out mankind and send the world into another ice age, and you were one of the few selected to go to a top secret safely bunker for repopulation purposes?
What if a giant asteroid was heading to earth, one big enough to wipe out mankind and send the world into another ice age, and you were one of the few selected to go to a top secret safely bunker for repopulation purposes?

I'd ask them to double check the list to make sure that it really was me that they wanted.
Post and discuss your various 'hypothetical' questions, scenarios, ideas, etc.

What if......

What if I had a sign-up sheet that contained two lists: People who just want to have sex with me like a one night stand, or People who want to know me as a friend on a longer term basis. Which one would you sign up for, or maybe not for either?

I'd go for #2. Better to get to know you for the long term, and get a chance of a #1 with repeats. Even if the chance ends up being 0, I still come out way ahead than taking option #1.
What if you actually met someone from lit in person?

If I could chose the person, then I'd be all for it. I'd like to sit down with them somewhere nice and comfy and reasonable private and have a good long talk with them and see where things went from there.

And there are several people on the list that would fit for the above.
What if a giant asteroid was heading to earth, one big enough to wipe out mankind and send the world into another ice age, and you were one of the few selected to go to a top secret safely bunker for repopulation purposes?

I seriously doubt that I would get such a memo...:eek::rose:

What if you actually met someone from lit in person?

I have had two instances when I was sorely tempted.

The first I never gave into and never will, some things are meant to be always separate. You cannot always have the things you dream about and I am fine with that. I valued his happiness above all else. :rose:

The second occasion? I never kiss and tell.:):rose:

As a general rule It would never happen I am simply too shy. It would take me years to make the leap if I ever could. :rose:

If I did ......mmmmmmmmm ..by bye bye Lit and welcome real world.:rose: :devil:
Annisthyrienne;42151066 said:
What if......

What if I had a sign-up sheet that contained two lists: People who just want to have sex with me like a one night stand, or People who want to know me as a friend on a longer term basis. Which one would you sign up for, or maybe not for either?

Number two, but that should be obvious Blessing. I can fuck anyone my heart desires. In the Real World, it isn't hard to collect one night stands if you want them and even less difficult to get cyber play on line. So why would I settle for just one night when I can have friendship?

What if.....

What if you could have one (just one) superpower from any comic book superhero. What would it be and why?

I would want the ability to control the weather (like Storm). Why? Because dammit, it would be utterly cool when I am pissed off to call lightening to underline my pissed offness.

What if you actually met someone from lit in person?

I have...and I loved her for nigh on 3 years. nuff said.

What if your next door neighbor turned into a zombie?

Lil Bit is my friend. (snub nose .380)
she would be used.
Along with Mini Me (my revolver)
I have kidlets...and neighbor is annoying, anyway.

What if a giant asteroid was heading to earth, one big enough to wipe out mankind and send the world into another ice age, and you were one of the few selected to go to a top secret safely bunker for repopulation purposes?

I am fixed. They wouldn't ask me to join them.
What if a giant asteroid was heading to earth, one big enough to wipe out mankind and send the world into another ice age, and you were one of the few selected to go to a top secret safely bunker for repopulation purposes?

Well, since we're assuming what if....I'll pretend I'm still fertile. If I were selected, I'd have to wonder how the whole thing would work. Would it be up to us to select someone we're interested in? Or would we be told that we had to meet a quota of so many babies in a certain amount of time, and perhaps we would be assigned to suitable males and 'bred' to make sure we conceived? Either way, it's an interesting idea. No doubt if the government was in charge, it would find a way to fuck up fucking. :rolleyes:
So many people opted for the friendship option rather than the quick and easy fuck. This encourages me, because it shows that most people value the relationship more than just the physical act. And not just where I am concerned, but in general. Everyone pointed out good reasons for their answers, and I suppose it might also depend on if they knew me before, even just a little. Those who did favored friendship. But of course this is Lit, so there are going to be some for whom the only thing that matters is that I have the necessary opening to stick something into.

I don't know where I'm going with this, or if I have a point. Just musing I guess.
Lil Bit is my friend. (snub nose .380)
she would be used.
Along with Mini Me (my revolver)
I have kidlets...and neighbor is annoying, anyway.

I saw a .380 snubnose revolver in a gunshop in the city where I work. I didn't even know they made such a thing, but it was pretty cool. It used moon clips to hold the rounds in the chambers. After doing some research I found out that Charter Arms makes a revolver snubbie that will shoot 9mm, without using a moon clip. I'd love to get one as my carry gun, but no one seems to be able to stock them so far. Well, there is a gun show in my town this weekend, so maybe I'll get lucky!
Here is a favorite old standby: What if.....you won the lottery. You know, the BIG one! Hundreds of millions of dollars, and you are the only winner! What would you do with the money? Would you quit your job? Would you give some of it to friends or family? What would you buy with it? Would you share it with anyone here on Lit?
Here is a favorite old standby: What if.....you won the lottery. You know, the BIG one! Hundreds of millions of dollars, and you are the only winner! What would you do with the money? Would you quit your job? Would you give some of it to friends or family? What would you buy with it? Would you share it with anyone here on Lit?
I would give two weeks notice. No one deserve the torture of cleaning up y office and trying to finish the rest of my work. Then I would ask everyone here for their address, and drive around the country meeting all of my lit friends. First stop, the home of Thyri. I would buy you a brand new rifle. I don't know the first thing about guns, but I would hire someone who does so that I could pick out the perfect gift.
What if you had the opportunity to drop everything and restart fresh somewhere, like a relocation program kind of thing. Would you take it?
I love the what if game...I play it often just by myself. Guess that's just daydreaming isn't it :)

So first, I'd chose list #2...I'd like to be Thyri's friend, she's one of those people who has that special spark in them.

Then I'd want to have telepathic powers like Professor Xavier

There's one person from Lit I have often thought I would like to meet in person, if only to be able wrap my arms around her and give her a real hug.

If my neighbor was a zombie I am afraid that I would become dinner...sad but true.

Giant asteroid? If I was chosen I'd be sure there was a mistake, but if they want these faded genes they can have them. (Sounds like a good thread idea, has it been done? I love a good post-apocalyptic story.)

And if I won big in the lottery? I'd make sure my parents wanted for nothing the rest of their lives, and I'd help out the rest of the family and my RW friends in smaller ways. There are a few on Lit I would find a way to do something nice for as well...but it would be in secret. With that kind of money I could find them and be able to do one really great thing for them. (that sounded far less creepy stalkerish in my head)

Think that's it....I have no what if to add to the mix at this point. Have to think on that.

Oooh, missed that last one...that's a hard one. I'd want to, but I couldn't. Not as long as my parents are alive.