What if the real danger wasn't those against mask mandates/vaccines but instead.


Loves Spam
Dec 28, 2020
... those who rushed to vaccination?

For a pandemic to be brought under control, a sufficient part of the population needs to acquire sterilizing immunity so that transmission among individuals can be minimized and herd immunity of the whole population can be achieved. COVID mass vaccinations have been a medical disaster in the U.S. and many other countries because the vaccines allow high levels of transmission of the virus and block our innate and naturally acquired immunity. As a result of this high level of COVID infection spread, the current lull in virulence (severe outcomes and deaths) will soon skyrocket to levels far higher than 2020.

This warning that the pandemic is "far from over" comes from Geert Vanden Bossche, a well known vaccinologist based in Belgium who has been ringing alarm bells for over a year.
Early last year, Geert sent a video message to the World Health Organization about his urgent concerns regarding mass vaccinations. His plea was to "open the scientific debate on how human interventions are currently driving viral immune escape." He called the mass vaccinations a "colossal blunder." He called for "devising a strategy ... to eradicate the steadily emerging highly infectious variants."

Geert has been particularly alarmed by the vaccination of the young, who have the best innate immune systems, which normally act as a sponge, or drain, for the entire population to rid itself of a pandemic. In his view, it is the superior strength of the innate immune systems in children, with their ability to neutralize the virus, that helps to enable the population to achieve herd immunity. But by injecting vaccinal antibodies into young people, Geert is warning that we are in effect replacing neutralizing antibodies with non-neutralizing antibodies:


We hate Science when it counters our politics.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
People are being infected with Omicron and its offshoots twice in the space of a month. "Natural immunity is better than vaccine immunity" has never had anything scientific to back it up, but now there's less evidence than ever.

Getting booster #2 in a few hours, so if I drop dead in the next few days, you all can quote this post with variations on "told ya so."
What if pigs had wings?

Do I look all rancid and clotted? You look at me, Jack. Eh? Look, eh? And I get a lot of vaccines, you know. I'm what you might call a vaccine man, Jack - that's what I am. And I can swear to you, my boy, swear to you, that there's nothing wrong with my bodily fluids. Not a thing, Jackie.

We hate Science when it counters our politics.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).

American Thinker isn't science and is nowhere in the vicinity of even being margianlly credible as a resource.
It has links to every source cited. Don't be hateful and avoid looking moronic.

Here's the question, with Covid for a certainty to come around again in a wave, like the flu,
and the vaccines are known to have limited efficacy and the masks, really more myth than Science,
will the government lock us down again, shut the economy down, print "free" money to sustain us in isolation
and then try to blame the next subsequent round of inflation on Putin! Putin! Putin!?

As far as the uncited anecdotal evidence of people getting Covid right after having had it,
to which I call bullshit, I had Covid, once. Once.
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
The OP caught COVID due to his own ignorance.

Not only that, the Chief was the VERY FIRST PERSON in "flyover country" to contract Covid. You may recall initially the was confined to areas around west coast cities with international airports and a cruise ship, but way back in November 2020, months before most folks knew what Covid was, AJ came down with flu-like symptoms and immediately recognized Covid for what it was.

He then declared himself "immune" to it because he suffered for almost three days, but a strict regimen of advil (pre-invermectin days) helped him conquer that virus. Science is still baffled by the fact that he somehow managed to contract Covid AGAIN a year later.....methinks Skyfather wanted to teach him a lesson.