What I Wrote and Why: Barstow - Letter from Home


Just a Regular Guy
May 12, 2020
I never thought I'd have to justify any of my lighthearted Barstow swinger stories to the world, but based on the surprisingly poor scoring, Barstow - Letter from Home seems to need explanation.

Normally, Barstow installments don't draw a lot of votes nor comments, but when they do, they're positive with most cumulative scores in the high 4s and most earning the vaunted H. Letter from Home is drawing more votes in a day than most of the series has in the weeks and months they've been up, and at the moment have an average in the high 3s. Same core characters, same location, same silly humor, slightly shorter than the others... so what's the deal?

Two scenes with gay sex, that's what's "wrong", with my usual squicks about anal intercourse. Throughout the series, many of the characters are bi, which makes it fun to write. Lots of MF action, MFMF action, MFMFMF+ orgies, FFF scenes, and FFFF+ "puppy piles". So I thought I'd give the bi guys their evening in the spotlight, organized by one of the two FMCs. One scene, mostly inferred, is an all-male "puppy pile", the other is a MMFF shower scene involving the primary MMC and FMC interceding in a domestic squabble over, yes, sex, and with whom, the scene ending in MF+MF coitus.

Oh... and one short scene sharing concerns about a GF friend with a pre-op trans lover contemplating "the irreversible." That was sure to trigger somebody or several somebodies.

So apparently girls with girls is A-OK with my audience, and guys with guys in similar scenarios violates sensibilities; TMI about the realities of transgender is also "don't go there." I sort of suspected much of this was going to be the case, and sure enough, received that confirmation.

So to my readers, don't worry, this was mostly an experiment, but do expect in the future that the men might steal away from time to time to share a moment or two, mostly as an excuse for the primary MMC to have the girls to himself for a while. That's just who he is.

So apparently girls with girls is A-OK with my audience, and guys with guys in similar scenarios violates sensibilities
As I’m sure you know, the average Lit reader is most likely a white guy of a certain age. An age which dictates that male homosexuality is still kinda taboo for many.

My firm belief, consistent with the rather patchy research, is that sexuality is a spectrum, with most people somewhere between gay and straight, even if they are much closer to one extreme than the other. Again that age group is - correct me if I’m wrong - more likely to be appalled by any latent attraction to another man, any youthful indiscretions, and the occasional guilty viewing of GM porn. All that makes you “not a real man,” right?

So of course bi and gay guys are going to be problematic - they either challenge views of how the world should be, or remind people about tendencies that they would rather not admit to.

But girl on girl? What’s not to like? Unthreatening, hot, and they may well be craving a guy getting involved, right? All lesbians secretly crave monster cocks, right? Anyway, gurls is just so dang pruttie*.

As for me, well into my old age, I’ve figured out I’m attracted to people, not genders.


* A sentiment I support
My firm belief, consistent with the rather patchy research, is that sexuality is a spectrum,

Absolutely. I'm recognizing that more and more in my stories, as in "Yeah, she's bi, but certainly enjoys her men," or "Mostly straight, but will have the 'male bonding' experience with the right individual and moment."
the average Lit reader is most likely a white guy of a certain age. An age which dictates that male homosexuality is still kinda taboo for many.
I'm of that certain age, and I'm long past it being taboo or appalling, or the rest. I still don't want to read about it, though I have read the occasional gay scene, in stories outside that category, without squicking. I'd even theoretically read a GM story if there was some theme or topic or something that promised to make up for the utter lack of smutty interest for me. But I have no reason to go looking for them, there's plenty to read in the categories I like.

I happened just now to be looking over my Nudio's Pizza story, which has a bi male secondary character, and I think the MC's attitude about it is pretty much channeling my attitude, give or take.

I think that view is fairly common among the guys my age that I know. But then, I don't usually get to know regular people.

sexuality is a spectrum, with most people somewhere between gay and straight, even if they are much closer to one extreme than the other.
That's my semi-educated guess on it as well.
Absolutely. I'm recognizing that more and more in my stories, as in "Yeah, she's bi, but certainly enjoys her men," or "Mostly straight, but will have the 'male bonding' experience with the right individual and moment."
I think it’s more acceptable nowadays to admit that, while a guy is predominantly straight, they might have ideas, or have thought about exploring, at some point. Or even done something about it back in the day. I think that such an admission would have been viewed negatively by potential or actual women partners in the past.

Again, I’d think it odd (or that they were suppressed) if a guy around my age didn’t at least say they’d thought about it.

So apparently girls with girls is A-OK with my audience, and guys with guys in similar scenarios violates sensibilities; TMI about the realities of transgender is also "don't go there." I sort of suspected much of this was going to be the case, and sure enough, received that confirmation.
Off and on I've been writing a gritty sci-fi western that includes gay, bi and transgender sex. SF/F seems to be more tolerant than most categories, but even so, when I get round to publishing it, I'll add a disclaimer at the start. Something along the lines of "This is a harsh, gritty world, and sex is one of the few pleasures its people have. They take it where they can, in whatever form they can. This might include gay, bi and transgender sex. If that offends you, stop reading now. Otherwise, welcome to the High Plateau!"

ETA: It's sad that this should even be necessary. After all, why should the default for erotica be "what the conservative* straight male reader enjoys"?

* Used here as a euphemism for "closed-minded".
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So to my readers, don't worry, this was mostly an experiment, but do expect in the future that the men might steal away from time to time to share a moment or two, mostly as an excuse for the primary MMC to have the girls to himself for a while. That's just who he is.
Do Father Son anal with Mom watching, while darling daughter goes down on her, that really fucks with the Real Men's heads.

I have a chapter in Erotic Horror, no less, that goes there. It holds pride of place as my lowest ever chapter/story score. Oddly, it's slowly creeping up in - it was 3.86 at its lowest, it's now 4.10, I think. I put that down to the Real Men of Lit reading it twice - you know, to make sure of their reaction the first time...
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They take it where they can, in whatever form they can. This might include gay, bi and transgender sex. If that offends you, stop reading now.
I have:

  1. Hetero Octopus sex
  2. Horse sex
  3. Ogre FF threesome
  4. Hetero sex
  5. MFF sex
  6. Lesbian sex
  7. Lesbian squid sex
  8. Sex with another copy of yourself
  9. Pregnant sex
  10. Menstrual sex 😱
In Sci-Fi with no disclaimer - and that’s just Coeloidphilia 😊

I have:

  1. Hetero Octopus sex
  2. Horse sex
  3. Ogre FF threesome
  4. Hetero sex
  5. MFF sex
  6. Lesbian sex
  7. Lesbian squid sex
  8. Sex with another copy of yourself
  9. Pregnant sex
  10. Menstrual sex 😱
In Sci-Fi with no disclaimer - and that’s just Coeloidphilia 😊

Well sure, you don't need a disclaimer if you're playing it safe. But gay male? Transgender? Those kinds of extremes have to come with a warning!
I have:

  1. Hetero Octopus sex
  2. Horse sex
  3. Ogre FF threesome
  4. Hetero sex
  5. MFF sex
  6. Lesbian sex
  7. Lesbian squid sex
  8. Sex with another copy of yourself
  9. Pregnant sex
  10. Menstrual sex 😱
In Sci-Fi with no disclaimer - and that’s just Coeloidphilia 😊

Oh, well, in SF anything goes! There's a reason SF and Fantasy is disdained by Pure Litritcha fans, and that's probably it.

And that SF/F are often the gateway to adult stuff for teenagers. Even more terrible!
gritty sci-fi western that includes gay, bi and transgender sex. SF/F seems to be more tolerant than most categories
This would normally make me take a pass on the story, OTOH, I have read an entire Samuel R. Delaney novel, and your stuff is pretty good, so I might give it a whirl. On the gripping hand, I have to confess I didn't finish The Dome; couldn't get past the six-titted catwoman.
I have read an entire Samuel R. Delaney novel,
Which brings up a relevant point: The novel did not have squick warnings. I think in SF, it's less necessary, but even other genres of trad pub works would not have them.
Which brings up a relevant point: The novel did not have squick warnings. I think in SF, it's less necessary, but even other genres of trad pub works would not have them.
And my story shouldn't have to have one either. But still, given the readership here and their habits of dropping 1s on anything they don't like, I'll add one anyway.