What happens to a thought?


Grumpy Doms Union 361
Apr 18, 2002
One minute you have a thought. It is a really intresting one and you wish to share it with others. You start typing or talking and it is just gone. What happened to it?
Aww... it was set free in the eternal limitless spaces of the universe... to find a new home...:)
man, if you figure that out let me know. i seem to loose a lot of them nowdays.
It grows wings and flitters away, off to this little place in the sky called Thoughtland. Then when its needed most by someone who doesn't have the right words to say it gently floats down from the skies and into their mind.

If you have a thought set it free, if you were meant to have it, it will return to thee - if you have a thought set it free, if you were meant to have it, it will return to thee - If you have a thought set it free, if you were meant to have it, it will return to thee - if you have a thought set it free, if you were meant to have it, it will return to thee - ....

A good example of circular reasoning.