What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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I'm sorry, but if it were up to me Welfare would not be a career option. I would go back to what Thompson did. And what a mistake when those flaming liberals revered the good work of Thomson and performed for the state of Wisc.

Wisc is another of those states where the union and government workers are out of control

and lastly, your state (Il) as I think you are in chicago land, has a massive liability called GOVERNMENT PENSION as they do NOT have the money to PAY

What do you do for a living?

Meanwhile, as Rome burns— the world votes with its feet.

_____ US $ vs. Swiss franc
_____ US $ vs. Canadian dollar
_____ US $ vs. Euro



Explain the math?

Its OK

I'll wait:cool:

In what can only be described as a miracle, the September federal government jobs report shows that over 456,000 people gained employment through the creation of only 114,000 new positions!

Pookie explains the math in simple terms so that even dullards like busybody or Ishmael can understand it.

Pookie has all the answers.:rolleyes:

She certainly had the answer to Ish's and BB's question.
Don't worry, they'll find some new shit to fling at the wall next week. Chimps always do.

Pookie later summarized it in two sentences
1) The official unemployment number that doesn't include underemployed people.

2) The U6 unemployment number that does include underemployed people.

I wonder why the fringe right seems unwilling or unable to comprehend these two statements?
In other news, GM now has $34 billion dollars in cash to fund $31 billion in pension liabilities.
I'm sorry, but if it were up to me Welfare would not be a career option. I would go back to what Thompson did. And what a mistake when those flaming liberals revered the good work of Thomson and performed for the state of Wisc.

Wisc is another of those states where the union and government workers are out of control

and lastly, your state (Il) as I think you are in chicago land, has a massive liability called GOVERNMENT PENSION as they do NOT have the money to PAY

Writing shit-quality e-books that nobody will ever read or buy shouldn't be a career option either, but here you are twaddling away your working years on that crap, being no more productive than the very welfare mooches you deplore. Why don't you get a real job?
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In other news, GM now has $34 billion dollars in cash to fund $31 billion in pension liabilities.

Expecting an annualized growth rate of 26% this year and 11% next year.

No federal tax liability for 10 years (Congress allowed them to carry their historical losses forward as an offset).

Impala and Cadillac "product refreshes" expected to drive volume growth next year.

Expecting an annualized growth rate of 26% this year and 11% next year.

No federal tax liability for 10 years (Congress allowed them to carry their historical losses forward as an offset).

Impala and Cadillac "product refreshes" expected to drive volume growth next year.


That's the link.

It wasn't congress that let them not pay taxes though, it was part of a Treasury Dept ruling. But as much as conservatives will cry foul, carrying forward prior-year tax losses is standard fare in the business world. It's not that they don't owe taxes on their income, it's that the total amount they owe is considered over multiple fiscal years. So since they lost money for several years they have to make money for a while before they get even and start paying taxes again.

Aerospace Industries Association in testimony before Congress predicts Obama's sequestration will cost a million jobs.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

You mean Congress' sequestration that had to be constructed because of the insane no-compromise pledge Republicans took?

Aerospace Industries Association in testimony before Congress predicts Obama's sequestration will cost a million jobs.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

I guess government spending creates millions of jobs and is extraordinarily good for the economy after all.
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