What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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Prove it. The Obama vs. Bush vacation lineup. Stop the bullshit and just prove it.

We all know what the result is going to be and you know what the result is gonna be, but we wanna see you do it.

can't prove it, eh?

Boortz is showing that 90% of the new jobs were from temp companies...

No one wants to hire, no one wants to pay benefits, and has soon as as Obamacare kicks in, 1 in 3 working Americans will have to take a pay cut as employers stop getting waivers and simply eliminate health-care benefits telling their employers to go suck government teat...
can't prove it, eh?


Paddy O’Bama Says: FORE! more years!
U_D, U_D, why hast thou forsaken us?

You want me to argue with Neal "FairTax" Boortz about the economy?
You have another "Right" wingnut opinion piece to post? Thinker or NRO?

Look back at teh OP of the thread and compare that to today.

Hundreds of thousands in job losses per month vs. companies rehiring: It's not fast enough! Obama should have fixed everything by now! *sniffle*

The DOW is over 12K vs the low of under 7K even with recent wobbles. "But.. But.. The DOW isn't an indicator of anything (unless it's dropping)..

Two years now you've been predicting economic collapse and killer inflation and yet, here we are. Still plugging away while the Chicken Littles are still watching the sky in rapt hopefulness.
You enjoy an inflated stock market?

You benefit a little from being vested and close to the inflation by way of your 401K, but then you pay for your distance from it at the grocery store and gas pump...

;) ;)

What happens in July? when QEII ends?

Hey, that's the way U_D began this thread.

He who gloats last, probably just screwed his goat... ;) ;) :D

A interesting composite graph could probably be made of this thread, charting the rise and fall of housing starts, COMEX & the baltic dry index against all gloat modes...
Yeah, we're watching China now in fear of a slowdown...

;) ;)

Sorry vette, we blame BUSH!!!
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4.3 MILLION JOBS LOST Since Obama Took Office

B-b-b-b-but MeeMie, he kept unemployment to 8%!

You just want him to fail! You just want America to fail so you can get the failed Republican policies of the past back in place with all those temp and burger-flippin' jobs that don't provide a living wage or health insurance...
B-b-b-b-but MeeMie, he kept unemployment to 8%!

He did?

I know he wasted billions of stimulus dollars SAYING that he did ... and Biden's out on the stump trying to convince taxpayers that he ACTUALLY did ...


( wait for it )

I blame Nixon, J. Laurence Laughlin, Carter Glass, H. Parker Willis (Federal Reserve Act), & the architects of the Treaty of Versailles, the Dawes Plan and Bretton Woods.
He did?

I know he wasted billions of stimulus dollars SAYING that he did ... and Biden's out on the stump trying to convince taxpayers that he ACTUALLY did ...


( wait for it )


Don't you know how long we've waited for a bright, clean, articulate President who would not embarrass us with his pronunciation of NUCLEAR or CORPSEMAN?

Who cares? He sounds magnifiCENT!

There's a guy on another forum where I hang who summed it up:

"We got an African in the White House, printin' up fiat currency!"

I thought he was a half-white krazy KANSAN!

:D ;) ;)

I spent so many hours trying to keep my girlfriend's Fiat up and running that it's like deja-vu all over again!
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Well, I know the lying clown is trying to tell America and the world he created 2.5 million jobs but none of his people will reveal the method he uses to arrive at that number. So he blames Bush for the residual continuation of lost jobs, but will not tell us the metrics he uses to claim he creates jobs to the tune of 2.5 million. He presents us with lies about the auto industry as well.

[voice=Tom Hanks][tone=slow] Well he saved about a billion jobs altogether... [/voice]

If you still have a job, it was "saved." If you don't have a job, it's being "created."
A_J, the Incredulous
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