What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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Another individual wrote: "Website doesn't work. Tried the 800 number twice, was told 30 minutes wait time...hung up on me after 25 minutes...TWICE!!!" Someone behind the government's HealthCare.gov logo wrote: "Good morning Jeff! We are aware of the issue and are working to address it as soon as possible."

Is this a relative of yours?

Millions can't sign up for health care.

The government is shut down, shut down I tell you!

Gas prices are under 3 FUCKING dollars!

Unleash the National Guard.

Four dead in Ohio.:cool:

They'll never catch Chicago at that rate.
Thirty five minutes on opening day for something "mandatory"? Fuck a new Iphone, has this guy ever gone to a summer blockbuster? Ever eaten at a restuarant not named McDonalds?

Our society is geared for instant-gratification.
Thirty five minutes on opening day for something "mandatory"? Fuck a new Iphone, has this guy ever gone to a summer blockbuster? Ever eaten at a restuarant not named McDonalds?
What's the average wait time at the clinic these days?
I'm talking about the dumb fuck who doesn't know that Obamacare is the law, like the President likes to tell us daily.

You mean the fully constitutional law that you and your impotent glee club try to pretend doesn't exist and keep bitching about every day?

Is it safe to go back to the news, or is Obama still lying to the people???:confused::rolleyes::D

He wasn't lying, he doesn't do that but he's done telling the world that he's tired of Republican bullshit. When the fuck did he grow a pair and where was I when it happened? Where the fuck was this guy when the sequester was being passed?
He wasn't lying, he doesn't do that but he's done telling the world that he's tired of Republican bullshit. When the fuck did he grow a pair and where was I when it happened? Where the fuck was this guy when the sequester was being passed?

I think he was still being one of five people in America who believed that Republicans had a soul and would be willing to go halfway in for the country's sake instead of burning everything to the ground out of spite.

I don't fault him for that. Once upon a time, Republicans did have a soul, y'know.
Zoomie reminds me of the old joke about the international medical symposium where brilliant minds come together to share their latest findings, where a witch doctor is constantly jumping up and down yelling about the "nominom" and after hours of trying to get to the floor breathlessly reports on the "nominom," that "De "ana" bites off the turd...but it has no TEETH!":rolleyes::D

Diss Fail. Desperately over-explaining, unfocused, verbose with forced non-creativity, multiple subject vectors, doesn't deliver the punchline properly, etc...

Our society is geared for instant-gratification.

Yeah, I'm aware. I like the instant-gratification myself. But I wait in que to play Tekken for fifteen to twenty minutes somedays. That's instant by comparison of a forty five minute drive to a friends house or waiting for a local tournament!

What's the average wait time at the clinic these days?

It's been a while so I dunno.

I think he was still being one of five people in America who believed that Republicans had a soul and would be willing to go halfway in for the country's sake instead of burning everything to the ground out of spite.

I don't fault him for that. Once upon a time, Republicans did have a soul, y'know.

I fault him for that, they'd made their intentions clear in 2008. Still I guess that's why he's president because he's a better man than me. Also because I'm not eligible until 2020 (well 2017 but that's effectively the same.)
Yeah, yeah, but it does accurately illustrate the the big build up to a big let down that your posts represent.:D

Now go nibble on somebody else's ankle for the rest of the day.

Baby, that was a bonafide mess that even you didn't deserve to represent you. I would suggest you hire me to ghost write your shit for you, but I know what you pay your lawn guy and I don't work for chump change. :D

Don't bunch your panties up too much, I'm just having a bit o' fun slapping you around on this day of ultimate misery for you before I fix some vittles, head out and enjoy the glorious 79 degree clear-skies.

*The Quote of the Decade*

"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the United States Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally.!! Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.!" Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better.!"

* Senator Barack Hussein Obama, (D~IL.) March 2006*
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