What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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AJ's inadvertent slip this year was a classic.

After telling everyone for 5 solid fucking years NOT to invest in stocks, but to invest in precious metals instead, he admitted he was 100% invested in stocks and didn't own a single fucking ounce of a precious metal. Oh, and he made a ton of money in the stock market.

"Do as I say, not as I do".

I made quit a bit on my investments over the past few years. When people were bailing on stocks I was buying at an undervalued price. I tried telling my employees to hold on, that if they sold now they were losing money, that the market would recover and they would make it back and then some.

Unfortunately, many chose to listen to those preaching doom and gloom. I made a tidy profit as the economy recovered and stocks that were depressed when i bought them came back around to their normal price levels.
Obama knew how to develop an open, participatory, bipartisan health care program.


But Obamacare was written in total secrecy by lobbyists for insurance/pharm, etc.

It was rammed through on the pretense that the biggest social welfare legislation in a generation was mere budgetary reconciliation.

Obamacare was pushed through not because it was the best idea to improve national health care, but because Obama/Pelosi/Reid saw an ideological opportunity.

Obamacare was not read by those who voted on it, and indeed it couldn't be "read" because even now it is still developing via NPRM.
Obama knew how to develop an open, participatory, bipartisan health care program.


But Obamacare was written in total secrecy by lobbyists for insurance/pharm, etc.

It was rammed through on the pretense that the biggest social welfare legislation in a generation was mere budgetary reconciliation.

Obamacare was pushed through not because it was the best idea to improve national health care, but because Obama/Pelosi/Reid saw an ideological opportunity.

Obamacare was not read by those who voted on it, and indeed it couldn't be "read" because even now it is still developing via NPRM.

Your revisionism fails to account for the following:

  • The ACA was passed by a majority of the House of Representatives
  • The ACA was passed by a majority of the United States Senate
  • The ACA was signed into law by a lawfully elected President
  • The ACA was upheld as constitutional by the United States Supreme Court
  • There was an election in 2012, a clear referendum on supporting candidates dedicated to repealing the ACA. There were not enough votes to obtain the majority needed to repeal the ACA.

At some point, you must come to the realization is that the majority of America has spoken. Obviously, today is not that day.
The sad thing about this whole debacle is that Obama knew how to develop an open, participatory, bipartisan health care program.

He displayed that knowledge over and over:

But Obamacare was written in total secrecy by lobbyists for insurance/pharm, etc.

It was rammed through on the pretense that the biggest social welfare legislation in a generation was mere budgetary reconciliation.

Obamacare was pushed through not because it was the best idea to improve national health care, but because Obama/Pelosi/Reid saw an ideological opportunity.

Obamacare was not read by those who voted on it, and indeed it couldn't be "read" because even now it is still developing via NPRM.
The sad thing about this whole debacle is that Obama knew how to develop an open, participatory, bipartisan health care program.

He displayed that knowledge over and over:

But Obamacare was written in total secrecy by lobbyists for insurance/pharm, etc.

It was rammed through on the pretense that the biggest social welfare legislation in a generation was mere budgetary reconciliation.

Obamacare was pushed through not because it was the best idea to improve national health care, but because Obama/Pelosi/Reid saw an ideological opportunity.

Obamacare was not read by those who voted on it, and indeed it couldn't be "read" because even now it is still developing via NPRM.

The law was constructed over a year or so. What's your proof that nobody read it during that time?

And you guys are tripping over your own narrative again. If the law was written by big insurance then how is it that the ACA is going to make insurance companies go belly-up? Can you guys all huddle up and pick a talking point because I'm tired of you guys kicking your own asses.
The sad thing about this whole debacle is that Obama knew how to develop an open, participatory, bipartisan health care program.

He displayed that knowledge over and over:

But Obamacare was written in total secrecy by lobbyists for insurance/pharm, etc.

It was rammed through on the pretense that the biggest social welfare legislation in a generation was mere budgetary reconciliation.

Obamacare was pushed through not because it was the best idea to improve national health care, but because Obama/Pelosi/Reid saw an ideological opportunity.

Obamacare was not read by those who voted on it, and indeed it couldn't be "read" because even now it is still developing via NPRM.

Repeating the same talking points over and over?
Kewl. I'll play.

  • You're wrong.
  • You're always wrong.
  • You'll always be wrong.
Hey, this is easy!!
Wr must tax people at a min of 80% as this and only this will give pimp whore cuckold enough spending money to support his bitch ass self.


Also this new tax will offer enough of a penalty and deterrent to fix people behavior. Sucess can only be acheived through government crack...sorry...welfare
Wr must tax people at a min of 80% as this and only this will give pimp whore cuckold enough spending money to support his bitch ass self.


Also this new tax will offer enough of a penalty and deterrent to fix people behavior. Sucess can only be acheived through government crack...sorry...welfare

When Republicans give tax credits they're letting people keep their hard-earned money.

When Democrats give tax credits they're giving out welfare.
Oh sweetie...my heels are bigger then your penis :)

The reason movie theater seats have been widened in recent years is because of women with fat hips and asses like you. I can see your Facebook pics, remember? You need to lose 45 pounds like yesterday.
Oh sweetie...my heels are bigger then your penis :)

NY Times Poll: People Prefer Default to Increasing the Debt Limit Without Cuts


No shit.
The debt has to be addressed with a combination of spending cuts and tax increases, Either one alone won't work.

Who has suggested increasing the debt ceiling without cuts? The Dem position is that we need a combination of spending cuts AND tax increases. The GOP refuses to budge (surprise) and wants spending cuts alone (mostly cuts that impact the poor instead of runaway defense spending).
Guess what you're no longer a free individual the government has all say in your life they control your health care bet you're happy you have no responsibilities are control of your life:cool:
If this was " so great" why did congress exempt their self, that should tell you everything you need know!!

there to stupid to know it:cool:



Mostly Democrats unless we're talking whacking the military. Anyone laid off at the EPA yet, any proposals to do so? Just askin'.

That's bullshit and you know it.

The EPA with its $5.5 billion budget Vs over $670 billion on defense? 2013 budget.

Gee I wonder where more waste can be rooted out.. You could cut the entire budget of the EPA from defense discretionary spending and they wouldn't even notice.
I know, we don't need the EPA keeping companies from polluting the shit out of every square inch they can. Naaah..

1.2 trillion has already been whacked out of the military and mandated across the board cuts too. Obama's Senate refuses to take up appropriation bills, preferring instead a "clean CR" to keep spending levels at the present level, no time for conversations he says. The adminhistartive state stays intact, beyond budget debates.:rolleyes:

I assume you're talking about the sequester.

The $1.2 trillion is total cuts, not just defense spending from 2013-2021. Those cuts were triggered because of the GOP refusal to compromise on anything. Those cuts are roughly evenly split between defense discretionary and discretionary domestic spending. Roughly 600 billion over the course of 9 years, or 66.6 billion per year.

That's a good start, but that still leaves over $600 billion in defense discretionary spending, which amounts to around 47% of total worldwide defense spending. It's simply not sustainable. But the GOP wants to cut the EPA budget by 30%. Fine. Do the same with your sacred cow.
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