What happened to all of the doom and gloom economic threads?

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Nearly 50 Million Americans Below the Line...

Child Hunger Rates 'Alarmingly High'...



But the ECONMY





And Republicans want to double-down on their hunger by also making sure they don't get health care. Or food and stamps even though they're poor by no fault of their own. And they want to cut WIC because those moronic babies should have picked better parents if they wanted to get nutrition at a critical stage in their development.

$2 trillion to go find non-existent WMDs in Iraq though? Yeah we can afford that no problem.

$2 trillion more onto the base Pentagon budget like Romney wanted? Yeah not a problem at all!
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And Republicans want to double-down on their hunger by also making sure they don't get health care. Or food and stamps even though they're poor by no fault of their own. And they want to cut WIC because those moronic babies should have picked better parents if they wanted to get nutrition at a critical stage in their development.

$2 trillion to go find non-existent WMDs in Iraq though? Yeah we can afford that no problem.

$2 trillion more onto the base Pentagon budget like Romney wanted? Yeah not a problem at all!

mindless JACKASS

yeah, REPOZ want peeps to starve and have no healthcare

mindless JACKASS

yeah, REPOZ want peeps to starve and have no healthcare


That's right, they want children to go hungry and not have health care. Otherwise they'd allow the Obamacare Medicaid expansion in their states and eliminate the WIC, food stamp, and SCHIP cuts in their budget proposals. Cutting those things will directly and immediately cause child hunger and health problems to worsen.

Of course they don't really want those things to happen. They just want to take away the resources that make it not happen and then pretend like they had nothing to do with the problem getting worse.
#GREENFAIL: Solyndra 2.0: Fisker Automotive is teetering. How many others in the government loan program that funded Solyndra will eventually fall? But the connected folks got their money out first. That’s what matters.
That douchebag Cramer's been pimping Netflix for weeks and today it falls off the cliff. I hope he owned a bunch of it.
White House throwing star-studded concert despite sequester

Though the White House has been singing the sequester blues, the Obamas still have managed to scrape together enough cash to throw a star-studded concert celebrating "Memphis Soul" later this month.

The White House announced Tuesday that the 10th concert in its "In Performance at the White House" series would go on April 16. Set to perform are Al Green, Ben Harper, Queen Latifah, Cyndi Lauper and Justin Timberlake, among many others.

Though the White House last month decided to suspend official tours of the "people's house" citing the sequester, the budget cuts apparently have not impeded the concert schedule.

Since their inception in 2009, the White House concerts have featured Paul McCartney, Stevie Wonder and other stars.

The concerts are not for the Obamas' ears only. The events are streamed live on www.whitehouse.gov/live, and the April 16 concert will be broadcast on PBS stations across the country. It will also be broadcast to U.S. forces overseas at a later date.

Virtually every social event held by the first family, though, has come under scrutiny, given the impact of the sequester. Republican lawmakers ripped the administration for its decision to cancel White House tours, which affected school groups and others who had made spring plans to visit.

The administration claimed that it made the call in order to save the Secret Service money, and in turn reduce the need to furlough agents.

President Obama has since indicated he's open to allowing some exceptions for school groups.

Meanwhile, the White House did host the annual Eager Egg Roll on Monday, which is open to the public.

And the April 16 concert will feature a special event for school children.

First lady Michelle Obama plans to welcome 120 school students for a workshop that afternoon on "The History of Memphis Soul." Featured performers are expected to speak to the students and answer questions during that event.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...dded-concert-despite-sequester/#ixzz2PQCqh96x
Obama Admin To Pay Union Workers, Community Activists Up To $48 An Hour To Work As Obamacare “Navigators”…

California alone wants 21,000 “navigators,” so yes, this is going to cost an obscene amount of money.

Via Washington Secrets:

Tens of thousands of health care professionals, union workers and community activists hired as “navigators” to help Americans choose Obamacare options starting Oct. 1 will be paid up to $48 an hour, more than six times the federal minimum wage of $7.25, according to new regulations issued Wednesday.

The 63-page rule covering navigators, drawn up by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, also said the government will provide free translators for those not fluent in English — no matter what their native language is. [...]

It is still not clear how many navigators will be required. California, however, provides a hint. It wants 21,000.

The rules allow navigators to come from the ranks of unions, health providers and community action groups such as ACORN and Planned Parenthood. They are required to provide unbiased advice.
Written by Joe the JEW for Obama Klein, who sucks his PUSSY 23/7
Obamacare Incompetence

Obamacare Incompetence

Let me try to understand this: The key incentive for small businesses to support Obamacare was that they would be able to shop for the best deals in health care super-stores—called exchanges. The Administration has had 3 years to set up these exchanges. It has failed to do so.

This is a really bad sign. There will be those who argue that it’s not the Administration’s fault. It’s the fault of the 33 states that have refused to set up their own exchanges. Nonsense. Where was the contingency planning? There certainly are models, after all—the federal government’s own health benefits plan (FEHBP) operates markets that exist in all 50 states. So does Medicare Advantage. But now, the Obama Administration has announced that it won’t have the exchanges ready in time, that small businesses will be offered one choice for the time being—for a year, at least. No doubt, small business owners will be skeptical of the Obama Administration’s belief in the efficacy of the market system to produce lower prices through competition. That was supposed to be the point of this plan.

Certainly, the Republicans who have stood in the way of these exchanges—their own idea, by the way, born in the conservative Heritage Foundation—deserve a great deal of the “credit” for the debacle. But we are now seeing weekly examples of this Administration’s inability to govern. Just a few weeks ago, I reported on the failure of the Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration to come up with a unified electronic health care records system. There has also been the studied inattention to the myriad of ineffective job training programs scattered through the bureaucracy. There have been the oblique and belated efforts to reform Head Start, a $7 billion program that a study conducted by its own bureaucracy—the Department of Health and Human Services—has found nearly worthless. The list is endless.

Yes, the President has faced a terrible economic crisis—and he has done well to limit the damage. He has also succeeded in avoiding disasters overseas. But, as a Democrat—as someone who believes in activist government—he has a vested interest in seeing that federal programs actually work efficiently. I don’t see much evidence that this is anywhere near the top of his priorities.

One thing is clear: Obamacare will fail if he doesn’t start paying more attention to the details of implementation, if he doesn’t start demanding action. And, in a larger sense, the notion of activist government will be in peril—despite the demographics flowing the Democrats’ way—if institutions like the VA and Obamacare don’t deliver the goods. Sooner or later, the Republican party may come to understand that its best argument isn’t about tearing down the government we have, but making it run more efficiently.

Sooner or later, the Democrats may come to understand that making it run efficiently is the prerequisite for maintaining power.

Joe Klein @JoeKleinTIME

Joe Klein is TIME's political columnist and author of six books, most recently Politics Lost. His weekly TIME column, "In the Arena," covers national and international affairs.

Read more: http://swampland.time.com/2013/04/02/obamacare-incompetence/#ixzz2PQpJfAPf

She shoulda majored in CUNT STUDIES

IS AMERICA RAISING A Generation Of Interns? “Desperate as she is, the Department of Labor doesn’t consider her to be unemployed, because she has two jobs. . . . The permatern phenomenon points toward wider trends in the economy — namely the cutthroat competition for knowledge-economy jobs, the lack of investment in this generation, and the skills gap between what a generation weaned on a liberal-arts education is trained for and what the in-demand skills and professions are right now (i.e., not another poli-sci or English major). The result? For many in Washington, the American dream starts with a highbrow internship that pays $4.35 an hour — then another, and maybe another.”
IS AMERICA RAISING A Generation Of Interns? “Desperate as she is, the Department of Labor doesn’t consider her to be unemployed, because she has two jobs. . . . The permatern phenomenon points toward wider trends in the economy — namely the cutthroat competition for knowledge-economy jobs, the lack of investment in this generation, and the skills gap between what a generation weaned on a liberal-arts education is trained for and what the in-demand skills and professions are right now (i.e., not another poli-sci or English major). The result? For many in Washington, the American dream starts with a highbrow internship that pays $4.35 an hour — then another, and maybe another.”

Quite possibly. This is the future of America unless we get around to fixing it somehow. Congrats Republicans, you won. We lost.
Hey yo, NIGGER CURRY, soon you will be the last NIGGER supporting NIGGER CARE

Better get on the bandwagon of repeal

ObamaCare in Trouble? Exchange provision delayed, as lawmakers push to repeal another

By Jim Angle

Published April 03, 2013


Parts of ObamaCare are starting to fray, even before full implementation.

The Obama administration now says a special system of exchanges designed to make it easier for small businesses to provide insurance will be delayed an entire year -- to 2015.

"Lots of small businesses struggle with providing insurance for their workers so this was supposed to facilitate it and make it easier for small business to do this," said Jim Capretta of the Ethics and Public Policy Center. "It was a huge portion of the sale job. When they passed the law in 2010 there were many senators and members of Congress who were saying 'I am doing this because it's going to help small businesses.'"

The exchanges were designed to give workers a range of choices supported by dollars from their employers. But now they will have only one choice until 2015, which could mean they can't shop for insurance that includes their current providers. Capretta said the administration is "way" behind schedule.

Since insurance is more expensive for small businesses, many of which have no obligation under the law to provide coverage, analysts now fear many might just stop trying and let workers go on the soon-to-be-launched state exchanges.

Sara Teppema of the Society of Actuaries -- which did an exhaustive study of ObamaCare -- said that "even if it's just a small change of people who are leaving the employment-based insurance and coming into the individual insurance market, their costs and their numbers will overwhelm those who are currently uninsured."

That means costs would increase.

Meanwhile, 79 senators including several liberal lawmakers recently voted to repeal a new tax on medical devices contained in the health care law following a similar vote in the House.

"The House and the Senate agreeing? This is a harmonic convergence, it doesn't happen," said former Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh. "But on this it's happened because the adverse consequences to our economy and the quality of health care are so apparent."

The two separate votes have not become law but show widespread opposition to the 2.3 percent sales tax on medical devices. Critics say the law is unfair to the industry since it's a tax on gross sales -- meaning it adds up to a much bigger percentage of a company's profits.

But supporters such as Paul Van de Water of the Center for American Progress oppose any repeal.

"I think that repealing the device tax would be irresponsible. We need the revenue and it's not going to be a job killer," he said.

The theory was that ObamaCare would insure 30 million more people and that device makers, like pharmaceutical companies, would get lots of new customers and a steady stream of new revenue to make up for the tax. Van de Water predicted that would still happen.

"These device manufacturers are for the most part going to be getting a large increase in business thanks to health reform, thanks to ObamaCare," he said.

But the CEO of one company said that's not true for the 7,000 small companies with 400,000 employees who make a wide range of devices.

Christine Jacobs of Theragenics said: "We make widgets -- hips, knees, stents, pacemakers, and implants, even, for prostate cancer. Those widgets tend to be used by people that are elderly. As the body parts wear out, we're needed."

But Jacobs notes that most people whose body parts wear out are already on Medicare, so ObamaCare does not provide a new revenue stream for her company -- only financial pain.

"In the case of a small company, that medical device tax is equal to our R-and-D budget for this year," Jacobs said.

Bayh said in his own state of Indiana, one company planned to open up to five facilities over the next five years but had to scrap those plans because of the "uncertainty created by this tax."

Jacobs said the huge multinational device makers might be able to handle the burden but not the small companies.

"It's just such a disproportionate burden for little guys," she said. "Because we're all being told that it's the little companies that create the jobs. And that's not message that we're getting."

The tax will even be applied to sutures used on pets that Theragenics developed for the veterinary market.

She sought FDA approval to demonstrate the quality of her products. But now she said "it's hard for me not to get frosted on this one" -- she explained that whoever wrote the regulations said "if you have FDA approval, you will be taxed."

President Obama has vowed to veto any repeal of the tax, but Bayh notes that 79 votes in the Senate would be more than enough to override any veto.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/201...ed-as-lawmakers-push-to-repeal/#ixzz2PRgmZHH6
Streamlined ObamaCare Application Goes On for 60 Pages

Wonderful news — our federal overlords have streamlined the process of applying for ObamaCare, making it so simple that a team of experienced accountants could complete an application in only a matter of days:

The Obama Administration quietly released a draft copy of its “single streamlined application” for Obamacare. This is the form that the government will use to certify eligibility for the program’s subsidies. The on-line version of that form requires 60 printed pages to spell out all the queries.

State paperwork to determine whether you are eligible for Medicaid comes separately, as does a form your employer has to fill out on your behalf. But getting back to your own single streamlined ObamaCare application:

Most families of four will have to answer about 1,000 discrete queries by the time [they are] done. …

Members of your household could be asked to upload proof of income, proof of citizenship, and even proof of tribal membership. Have you smoked in the last 12 months? The government wants to know.

Yet the feds couldn’t care less if you are in the country legally when it comes time to vote

Careful with your answers. They will be scrutinized for discrepancies by at least three major federal agencies, including the sinister IRS. Mistakes will potentially result in perjury charges.

More good news — the Regime is using this massive waste of time to mitigate the stratospheric unemployment it has caused.

The Obama administration is subsidizing the hiring of thousands of guides to help people wade through the paperwork.

How will they be paid for this Sisyphean task? More money will be sucked out of the private economy, causing still more unemployment.
Health Care

Obamacare Incompetence

By Joe KleinApril 02, 2013

Let me try to understand this: The key incentive for small businesses to support Obamacare was that they would be able to shop for the best deals in health care super-stores—called exchanges. The Administration has had 3 years to set up these exchanges. It has failed to do so.

This is a really bad sign. There will be those who argue that it’s not the Administration’s fault. It’s the fault of the 33 states that have refused to set up their own exchanges. Nonsense. Where was the contingency planning? There certainly are models, after all—the federal government’s own health benefits plan (FEHBP) operates markets that exist in all 50 states. So does Medicare Advantage. But now, the Obama Administration has announced that it won’t have the exchanges ready in time, that small businesses will be offered one choice for the time being—for a year, at least. No doubt, small business owners will be skeptical of the Obama Administration’s belief in the efficacy of the market system to produce lower prices through competition. That was supposed to be the point of this plan.

Certainly, the Republicans who have stood in the way of these exchanges—their own idea, by the way, born in the conservative Heritage Foundation—deserve a great deal of the “credit” for the debacle. But we are now seeing weekly examples of this Administration’s inability to govern. Just a few weeks ago, I reported on the failure of the Department of Defense and the Veterans Administration to come up with a unified electronic health care records system. There has also been the studied inattention to the myriad of ineffective job training programs scattered through the bureaucracy. There have been the oblique and belated efforts to reform Head Start, a $7 billion program that a study conducted by its own bureaucracy—the Department of Health and Human Services—has found nearly worthless. The list is endless.

Yes, the President has faced a terrible economic crisis—and he has done well to limit the damage. He has also succeeded in avoiding disasters overseas. But, as a Democrat—as someone who believes in activist government—he has a vested interest in seeing that federal programs actually work efficiently. I don’t see much evidence that this is anywhere near the top of his priorities.

One thing is clear: Obamacare will fail if he doesn’t start paying more attention to the details of implementation, if he doesn’t start demanding action. And, in a larger sense, the notion of activist government will be in peril—despite the demographics flowing the Democrats’ way—if institutions like the VA and Obamacare don’t deliver the goods. Sooner or later, the Republican party may come to understand that its best argument isn’t about tearing down the government we have, but making it run more efficiently.

Sooner or later, the Democrats may come to understand that making it run efficiently is the prerequisite for maintaining power.

Read more: http://swampland.time.com/2013/04/02/obamacare-incompetence/#ixzz2PQP95RHp

Republican governors obstruct a provision of Obamacare and then turn around and complain when it's obstructed in their states. Oh well, it's mostly red states that will suffer and they're all going to bitch and moan no matter what.
Streamlined ObamaCare Application Goes On for 60 Pages

Wonderful news — our federal overlords have streamlined the process of applying for ObamaCare, making it so simple that a team of experienced accountants could complete an application in only a matter of days:

The Obama Administration quietly released a draft copy of its “single streamlined application” for Obamacare. This is the form that the government will use to certify eligibility for the program’s subsidies. The on-line version of that form requires 60 printed pages to spell out all the queries.

State paperwork to determine whether you are eligible for Medicaid comes separately, as does a form your employer has to fill out on your behalf. But getting back to your own single streamlined ObamaCare application:

Most families of four will have to answer about 1,000 discrete queries by the time [they are] done. …

Members of your household could be asked to upload proof of income, proof of citizenship, and even proof of tribal membership. Have you smoked in the last 12 months? The government wants to know.

Yet the feds couldn’t care less if you are in the country legally when it comes time to vote

Careful with your answers. They will be scrutinized for discrepancies by at least three major federal agencies, including the sinister IRS. Mistakes will potentially result in perjury charges.

More good news — the Regime is using this massive waste of time to mitigate the stratospheric unemployment it has caused.

The Obama administration is subsidizing the hiring of thousands of guides to help people wade through the paperwork.

How will they be paid for this Sisyphean task? More money will be sucked out of the private economy, causing still more unemployment.

Here's the draft: http://waysandmeans.house.gov/uploadedfiles/pdf_cms_1_031313.pdf

It seems scary to stupid people, but when you look at it there are a whole lot of sections that people will not have to fill out. Like if you're a US citizen then skip the next few pages. Of if your income doesn't include court awards skip the next few questions. And some pages only have one question that you just circle an item, ie what race are you?

According to the Center of Medicaid and Medicare services which is responsible for this draft, this is "all possible questions" that may need to be answered and it includes all possible scenarios an applicant to an exchange might have. Since nobody's life includes all scenarios, most of the application will not apply or have to be filled out. What your conservative overlords are trying to do is fool stupid low-information people such as yourself into thinking there are 60 pages of paperwork you need to fill out. You get fooled every time.

This will all be done online and it's only going to serve you up the questions that apply to your circumstances. Just eyeballing it, it looks like it would take me about 15 minutes to complete.
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