What goes on, Freakazoids?


I am this cool.
Jan 25, 2005
SWMBO is off with her girlfriends Xmas shopping in the big city and I'm frightfully bored.

Who remembers me and what say you!
watch out. the racists and goat fuckers are out tonight.
Let's hope shewhomustbeobeyed has as easy a time of it as I had - I got the whole fucking lot done today in just under 2 hours!
Hey viking. I recently started posting again myself. After about a 4 year hiatus.

Hope life is treating you well.
Let's hope shewhomustbeobeyed has as easy a time of it as I had - I got the whole fucking lot done today in just under 2 hours!

She posted a pic on FB of her drinking a giant margie so I'm sure she's doing just fine. She's mean as Hell when she wants to be so shopping is a breeze.
That's like 75% of the GB posters. And if you go to ampics it reaches 95%

You're leaving out entire categories of GBers: Douche canoes, jackholes, the canned corn fucknuts and Looney Bitches From Crazballias.
You're leaving out entire categories of GBers: Douche canoes, jackholes, the canned corn fucknuts and Looney Bitches From Crazballias.

Every one of those words describes ish. Funny how that works.
Hey viking. I recently started posting again myself. After about a 4 year hiatus.

Hope life is treating you well.

Um, THE Kyle? Cute ferret avatar? Avuncular greeting? Asking after my well-being?

Have you been through some sort of intensive snark removal treatment?
Um, THE Kyle? Cute ferret avatar? Avuncular greeting? Asking after my well-being?

Have you been through some sort of intensive snark removal treatment?

Snark is a woman's word, fyi. I don't believe in using it, or it being used about me, or even typing it again for at least 7 weeks.

That's my ferret, he is awesome, and I am training him to eat the eyeballs out of people I don't like.

So far he just licks grapes.