What exactly does it take to think this way!?


*insert random title here
Feb 23, 2002
To set up the story.. Canadians who have gone to McDonalds in the last week or two no doubt know about those mini-jerseys that they are selling with a order of fries or coke. With the mini-jersey comes a coupon that is good for $30 off when you buy a replica hockey jersey at a "Sport Check" or "Sports Expert"

Today at work a man with his son walks into the store with one of these coupons..

Him: Can I use this here?

Me: *Somewhat laughing thinking the guy is joking* Well, no. This isn't a Sport Check store.

Him: Yeah, but it's for a CCM hockey jersey right?

Me: *Realizing now that this moron is actually serious* It is, but it's only good at a Sport Check store. This is a Source For Sports store.

Him: You're not this company either? *points to the Sports Expert logo on coupon*

Me: No.

Him: Why can't you accept this coupon?

Me: *Thinking: You idiot didn't I just say why?* Because we aren't either one of those stores. It's like having a coupon for a CD at Future Shop but trying to redeem it at an HMV store. Do you think you could do that?

Him: *walking away and muttering* What a friggen rip off...


It's people like this moron that make me think that the human race is so fucking doomed.

I used to work retail. I feel for ya.

I worked in customer service/returns for ShopKo. I can't tell you how many times people tried to return merchandise with a K-mart or Target reciept. :rolleyes:
Mona said:
Please tell me that that didn't happen . . .

Funny thing is, I'm still asking myself that same question. That really didn't happen right? I didn't get asked to redeem our major competitors coupon?

I have so many stories from four years of sports retail and repair.. it's not funny! Hell this one doesn't even rank in my top five in terms of stupidity.

I have yet to tell the time a woman tried to return a used whistle... It was obvious she was biting down on it and thus broke the plastic, but she claimed it was defective.
Nathon_88 said:
Beer. Lots, and lots of beer.

Yeah true, but at 10:30 AM?

I mean, I know I'm in the middle of Rednecks-ville, Alberta.. but damn!
Liontamr said:
Funny thing is, I'm still asking myself that same question. That really didn't happen right? I didn't get asked to redeem our major competitors coupon?

I have so many stories from four years of sports retail and repair.. it's not funny! Hell this one doesn't even rank in my top five in terms of stupidity.

I have yet to tell the time a woman tried to return a used whistle... It was obvious she was biting down on it and thus broke the plastic, but she claimed it was defective.

Do tell. I love stupid customer stories. :D

How 'bout a pair of shoes. Dirty, almost black soles, a hole in the toe, goey bits left from where the duct tape was removed.

Me: "Ummm....do you have a reciept?"

Girl: "I lost it, but I bought them last week. I only wore them once. They hurt my feet"

Me: "Sorry, I can't take them back in this condition without a reciept."

Girl: "BITCH"

Me: "Have a nice day. :)"
There was one customer that brought back shoes that were very well worn and he too did the "I only wore them once" bit:

"What did you do, wear them 24/7 for a month?"

He wasn't happy after I said that.

The best story I actually have isn't one I was part of really. My co-worker was dealing with a guy who was pissed that we charged 20 bucks to put his bike together - a bike he didn't buy from us by the way.

The guy finally gave in and paid the 20, but then got pissed that we charged him GST as well!

Him: Don't I at least get the GST free?!

Co-worker: No.. Well not unless you have a reservation card.

(Side note: A Canadian reservation card is for Native Americans who - obviously - live on a reservation. Amoung other little benifits, it insures that they are not charged GST)

Him: *After a slight pause of serious thinking* How do I get one of those?

I damn near killed myself laughing..
hahahaha! Too funny.

My favorite one that I didn't actually take part in.

Background: We had two other people working the customer service desk besides myself. One was a young very skinny college age girl who worked the days, and the other was an older "matronly" lady (Debbie) who worked the evening shift. (I worked as kind of a floater between the two shifts)

This man comes in with some Hefty garbage bags.

Man: "I'd like to return these."

Debbie: "Do you have a reciept?"

Man: "No, I lost it, but I just bought them yesterday"

Debbie: "Well, without the reciept, I can only give you whatever our lowest sale price was for them"

Man: "That's CRAP! I paid over 3 bucks for these. The thin lady that works in the day would give me what I paid!"

Debbie: (getting pissed off) "Hmmm...well, let me check the price." (checks computer)
"I'm sorry sir, they were on sale a few weeks ago for $.99. That's the most I can give you."

Man: (slams garbage bags on the desk) "FINE. What a fucking ripoff!" (Takes his $1.05 and storms out of the store)

I go and check the computer...

Me: "Debbie, those bags were never on sale!"

Debbie: "I know. :D "