What does 'W' mean?


Sep 24, 2001
I know what the little red H is for and the green E, but what is the W surrounded by some color I can't figure out mean-well, maybe that's my second question, what's the blue-green color? Nah, just the first question-just curious:eek:
The "W" next to a story is for it Winning a writing contest on Lit. ;)
Oh, okay-thanks! Does your name imply you do proofreading for people-just asking:)
bearlee said:
Oh, okay-thanks! Does your name imply you do proofreading for people-just asking:)

It's a fun nic to to have because of my writing background and my fascination with pussy (I love it so much, it's become my alter ... ummm ... errr ... ego). No, I'm not a proofreader (a little more about me is in my bio).

But I have been known to help a few of my Lit friends, from time to time, with story editing and "proofing." ;)

Can I be your friend-I read your bio and everything! Actually, really am looking for a proofreader-I hate doing it and don't do a very good job at it when I do. There is an older gentleman Thesandman gave me once but I feel bad going to him all the time.
Double you

"W" stands for winner? I never knew that. It's certainly never appeared by the title of something I wrote.

ProofreadManx said:

It's a fun nic to to have because of my writing background and my fascination with pussy (I love it so much, it's become my alter ... ummm ... errr ... ego). No, I'm not a proofreader (a little more about me is in my bio).

But I have been known to help a few of my Lit friends, from time to time, with story editing and "proofing." ;)

Manxie - you are stammering. (It's so cute!) :kiss:
Svenskaflicka said:
jag hade ingen aning om att du var svenska..?:eek:

Svenska, you cut it out with the Swedish right now! Am I gonna have to come over there, take you over my knee, and give you a good paddling again?
MathGirl said:
Svenska, you cut it out with the Swedish right now! Am I gonna have to come over there, take you over my knee, and give you a good paddling again?

Yes, please.;)
bearlee said:

Can I be your friend-I read your bio and everything! Actually, really am looking for a proofreader-I hate doing it and don't do a very good job at it when I do. There is an older gentleman Thesandman gave me once but I feel bad going to him all the time.

PM me, bearlee if you're serious.
sweetsubsarahh said:
Manxie - you are stammering. (It's so cute!) :kiss:

*Blush* :eek:

It's hard to keep control with all these hot lady authors around.