What does the anit-milk crowd suggest we do with the milk then


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002
having worked on a fairly old fashioned farm. I know once a cow starts milking it doesn't stop aside for a few diseases, or at least these cows didn't and they weren't high tech breed for milking. i also know cows produce much, much more milk than is needed for thier off spring. I also know you can pretty much kill a cow by prolonged not milking, if it doesn't die, it is severly damagaed and diseased.

So what does the anti milk crowd suggest we do with the milk, poor it into the ground and waste it?

while it is true a lot of chemically and genetical enegeineered cows do produce milk that can be damaging to humans if the human imune system is already damaged, natural milk from natural breeding non chemically treated cows in immune iffecient humans causes little problem.

So what do you want us to do with the milk, poor it in the ground or allow it to be usede by people if it isn't causing them problems?
Isn't milk used to make certain types of organic fertilizers? Or could it be? HMMMMMMMM:confused:
Well, just let the law of supply and demand go to work. If there's a demand, keep with it. If there isn't, then adapt.
SuprSalor said:
Isn't milk used to make certain types of organic fertilizers? Or could it be? HMMMMMMMM:confused:

i use it in making giant pumpkins, my best so far is 198 pounds :(

DANg* I consune 2OOO + ml a day of milk :eek::eek: myself..

what would it do to me then ??,, aw,, :eek::eek::eek:

and my pets too ,, so about 5OOO ml .. each day.. Dang*
Freya2 said:
Stop breeding the cows for milk?

Just a thought. :)

soon as a cow gets pregnant it begins its life long lactation process, shall we give all hiefers diaphrams or hysterctimies and all bulls condoms and vasectemies/

or do you mean to geneticall breed lacatation out of the hiefer?
Darkthought said:
I don't think it's an all-time thread either... but there's no need to be rude.


Sorry, but it's from the heart. I can't imagine a world without cheese from cow milk
Todd-'o'-Vision said:
soon as a cow gets pregnant it begins its life long lactation process, shall we give all hiefers diaphrams or hysterctimies and all bulls condoms and vasectemies/

or do you mean to geneticall breed lacatation out of the hiefer?

Dairy cows breed for the sole purpose of creating dairy products. If the demand was deminished, the breeding process, and therefore the production stock, would also decrease.

If you can't sell a Pinto, stop making them.

Having said that, I don't support the idea. I love dairy products, and won't trade my glass of milk for a hill of beans (or glass of beans, as the case may be).
Todd-'o'-Vision said:
having worked on a fairly old fashioned farm. I know once a cow starts milking it doesn't stop aside for a few diseases, or at least these cows didn't and they weren't high tech breed for milking. i also know cows produce much, much more milk than is needed for thier off spring. I also know you can pretty much kill a cow by prolonged not milking, if it doesn't die, it is severly damagaed and diseased.

So what does the anti milk crowd suggest we do with the milk, poor it into the ground and waste it?

while it is true a lot of chemically and genetical enegeineered cows do produce milk that can be damaging to humans if the human imune system is already damaged, natural milk from natural breeding non chemically treated cows in immune iffecient humans causes little problem.

So what do you want us to do with the milk, poor it in the ground or allow it to be usede by people if it isn't causing them problems?

Modern dairy cows produce much too milk for their own calves,. Beef cattle produce just about the right amout of milk to raise their calves, which are usually weaned at about 7-8 months old. BTW the disease you refered to is called mastitis, it is an inflammation of the udder.
It's a threeway I participate in at least six or seven times a week. Me , milk , and the Nestle Quick rabbit. Take away my cow or rabbit , and I'm going postal. You would see loveyamon on CNN . Got milk ? Damn right i do....:p
They Do Not Have To Lactate Forever

I Don't Believe Todd.

The Vet Can Come On Down, And For A Huge Ass Vet Fee:), Can Stop The Process With A Shot. Hoping A Veterinarian Wanders In To Back Me Up Or Shoot Me Down:D

There Is WAY Too Much Excess Everything Going On In This Day And Age!