What does it mean to you to be alive...

Sometimes it's the little things. I was stitting in a restaurant today laughing hysterically with my friends. We were in front of this huge picture window and the sun was bright on us. All the colors of our clothes looked so crisp and before me was a carafe full of clear water. It refracted a beautiful rainbow on the white table. I wanted to drink that pure water and feel it on my laughter induced dry palate. The water was cool and as I drank it I felt alive and happy in those moments.
Being alive means feeling, saying yes to opportunities, taking the moment and living in it. It means leaving myself open to the most dizzying heights of pure happiness and exhilarating bliss and utmost love. And, it also means leaving myself open to lowest of low, and taking the risk of being hurt so viciously and cut so deeply that the pain feels like it never ends.

But that's what being alive means. It means taking the chance - and daring myself to feel, to think, to love, to learn, to laugh, to cry, to be hurt, to be frightened.

After all, at the end of it, the question is: Have I loved enough, learned enough, laughed enough, cried enough, been hurt enough, been scared enough, been compassionate enough? If I can say yes, I have lived.

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Until some Aliens come invade our planet and decide we taste like chicken, it means I'm still at the top of the food chain lol.

Seriously though, What does it means to me to be alive?

Second chances. All life is a 2nd chance. No matter how bad you screw things up you can always start over. Right some wrongs, move past what you can't fix.