What Do You Want For Your Birthday?

I want to experience sex again.

Since my birthday is in 7 days...the volunteer better show up quickly. :D
Spend the day with friends, and hopefully get laid!

Hey Peachy!!
PacificBlue said:
I want to experience sex again.

Since my birthday is in 7 days...the volunteer better show up quickly. :D

my birthday's in a month - i expect my pony to be delivered by then.
i want superman to fly around the globe and reverse time a few years and let me go back to being 28..i'm gonna be 30!! :yikes:
for my birthday

I want lots and lots and lots of birthday kisses! :kiss:

Oh, and a million dollars with time off to spend it! :D
To be near my best friend...

To have a lover...who is a best friend.
Where was this thread in July when it was my birthday?

I don't know what I want for my next birthday. Shit, I don't even know what I want for Christmas.

I've got everything I want and more right now, but a weekend away with my man would be heaven.
For my birthday I would like to see my man.
Just to see him smile and feel his touch I would be happy...any moment I spend with him I treasure. :heart:
OK, two months warning...

I would like a date with a single, straight, educated, decent looking man with hopes of more! They're tough to come by in this next of the woods. I asked for one last year, but I think they're on backorder!
Re: OK, two months warning...

lady_deanna said:
I would like a date with a single, straight, educated, decent looking man with hopes of more! They're tough to come by in this next of the woods. I asked for one last year, but I think they're on backorder!

I could lend you mine for the evening, but I don't think it would be the same
Chicklet, I do appreciate your generousity, but you're right, it wouldn't be the same. Does he have an eligible brother? lol
I don't care what I get, if anything for my birthday, as long as I can be with my love. :)
Well lets see...

First off, I wan't people to remember it!! I know it's tough so close to Christmas.. but gah damn!

Second: Sex. I need to get laid in the worst way. Hell at this point with my sex life at an all time low, I'll take an on-line playmate for a night since I don't even have that.

Third: A Dallas Stars win against the Red Wings that night. I still can't believe that game will be on national TV on my birthday! Bonus!!

Fourth: Did I mention I'd like to get laid?

Fifth: Presents? Bah.. just buy me supper and a drink and I'll be good. Although DVD's would be cool too..
Mine just passed but in our family we celebrate for 30 days...so I still have a week...hmm...

I want a plane ticket. I have new memories I need to create.