what do you realy want?


Really Experienced
May 27, 2002
STOP think about this for one min. what is it that you laddies realy want and look for in a guy? i dont want a typicial reply (hummor, outgoing, etc... bullshit) i meen what do you personaly realy look for. truth! not conformity, unique awnsers pleasee :)
have i been "cut off" agian? lol come on people i am a curious mind and i wana kno
I prefer a guy who can spell correctly. Who doesn't spell like a video game playing child just to be "kEwL". Who puts "I" in the capital form, always. And who will lick me every waking moment of the day & night.

Simple enough I think.
lobito said:
I prefer a guy who can spell correctly. Who doesn't spell like a video game playing child just to be "kEwL". Who puts "I" in the capital form, always. And who will lick me every waking moment of the day & night.

Simple enough I think.

iam a video game kId wHo TyPeS i iN cAPs? iS thAt wHaT u R sAyIN? Dawg?
magicpenis said:
STOP think about this for one min. what is it that you laddies realy want and look for in a guy? i dont want a typicial reply (hummor, outgoing, etc... bullshit) i meen what do you personaly realy look for. truth! not conformity, unique awnsers pleasee :)

A magic penis!

I'm sure Glam will agreed with me ;)
Re: Re: what do you realy want?

DéjàNu said:
A magic penis!

I'm sure Glam will agreed with me ;)

:eek: :D :D hehe thankie, tu parles francis eh? je ne parle pas francis. ;) do you use the Apache webserver at work? on a linux server? :p iam a techie :rose:
I'd like a woman who's armpits taste like orange juice with no added suger.
Honestly, I look for someone who loves to look me in the eyes and play with looks. I love hidden smiles and a little mystery. I love knowing what other people are going to say and what they are thinking. I love laughs, smiles, smarts.
I want a man who will not tell me that soon I will be in the real world. Who understands when I ask him if my writing really "works." Who could build us a house if he wanted to. Who will humour me when I get into my all-I-want-to-do-is-cook-and-bake moods, and who will drag me hiking every fall. Who will not object when I sit down to sew, or when I break out the skill saw. And who will let me worship his penis for hours.

Am I really looking for too much? :rolleyes:
Mr. Honestly Compassionate and Respectfully Supportive (In a moral kinda way) just checking in.
To quote the indigo girls

"I am looking for someone who can take as much as I give. Who can give back as much as I need and still have the will to live."