What Do You Find More Intimidating?


Literotica Guru
Sep 24, 2001
Someone with beauty?


Or wealth?

If not any of those, what does?
foxinsox said:
Mornin' Juicy one :kiss:

I don't find any of those things intimidating.

Aside from overly aggressive people, about the only thing that intimidates me is fear of the unknown, and that fear is usually of my own making.

Hiya, foxylicious:heart:

Overly aggressive people make me more nervous than cause intimidation.
A 240 pound inside linebacker...who I didn't know was standing behind me.

My grandfather used to intimidate me...I guess that was just because I was young and frequently causing trouble and needed a talkin' to.

People who seem to automatically know what buttons to push to put me down....both scare and intimidate me.
Sometimes peope with any of those things intimidate me, sometimes people with none of those things intimidate me. It really depends on the individual.

I really don't get intimidated too easily though.
Misguided Power

People in power who misuse their power, and there is no way
short of war to remove them. Hitler, Enron,.....

good question btw.

I am intimidated by people in positions of great power...especially if they can impact my life. Same can go for just about anything. If it can directly impact my life in which way that I will have no control over, then it may intimidate me...just depends on the situation.

Someone with beauty?
No, define beauty, what everyone else say's is attractive?

No such thing, just applied repetition of formulas. Staying alive is common sense and wit.

Or wealth?
Nope, money can only influence a limited number of things, I am not one of those.

If not any of those, what does?
When a female whispers in my ear how much she wants to fuck me right then and there. I still get taken aback when confronted by such a dilemma!
:D :rose:
Re: Misguided Power

LibraStud said:
People in power who misuse their power, and there is no way
short of war to remove them. Hitler, Enron,.....

Morning, babe.:kiss:

Can I misuse you?:devil:
jadedpast said:

good question btw.

I am intimidated by people in positions of great power...especially if they can impact my life. Same can go for just about anything. If it can directly impact my life in which way that I will have no control over, then it may intimidate me...just depends on the situation.

Hiya, jp:kiss:

Power is really one I didn't think of at first. Maybe subconsciously I was thinking the things listed were a "power" in their own right.
Re: Re: Misguided Power

juicylips said:
Morning, babe.:kiss:

Can I misuse you?:devil:

There's power up against that wall.

I wanted to make it to 100 in one of your threads. I am honored
to lose my virginity here. :kiss:
I am kind of a control freak...and I don't like someone having control over my life LOL

you are right...each of those has its own power...

And sometimes... its good to be intimidated ;)
Re: Re: Re: Misguided Power

LibraStud said:
There's power up against that wall.

I wanted to make it to 100 in one of your threads. I am honored
to lose my virginity here. :kiss:

It's av time!

I love busting cherries. One of my many duties here at Lit.:devil:
Re: Simple...

Lost Cause said:

If not any of those, what does?
When a female whispers in my ear how much she wants to fuck me right then and there. I still get taken aback when confronted by such a dilemma!
:D :rose:

I love those kinds of "dilemmas";)

Whispering is so erotic...especially in a crowded room and someone comes up behind you and says things like that.

On the dance floor usually after a little body contact foreplay when slow dancing. (could be my hardon parting the fabric between her legs) Ah, those breathless whispers of lust, that culminate against an auto fender in the dark area of a parking lot! Such wanton behavior! :D :rose:
I can honestly say that none of the aforementioned things intimidate me. Beauty, intelligence, and wealth can all be so fleeting. None of those things are something I attribute to the actual person. They are either lucky enough to be born with it, or lucked upon it.

One of the few things that does intimidate me would be speaking in front of a crowd. Even then, it is only a momentary thing. In the long run I enjoy being the center of attention and in the spot light. But the initial feeling is fear and intimidation.

People one on one never intimidate me. I tend to be shy, but not because of intimidation. I am reserved until I get to know someone. Cautious even.
Re: Yeppers!

Lost Cause said:
On the dance floor usually after a little body contact foreplay when slow dancing. (could be my hardon parting the fabric between her legs) Ah, those breathless whispers of lust, that culminate against an auto fender in the dark area of a parking lot! Such wanton behavior! :D :rose:

I can do wanton.:devil:
Beauty doesn't intimidate me. Sometimes, when you get to know the person behind the face, you find that they aren't so beautiful after all.

Intelligence intimidates me somewhat, depending upon the personality. Wealth, not at all.
I don't find much intimidating. I always figure that no matter who it is they still put their pants on one leg at a time. But an aggressive female stalker can frighten me!!:D
Good morning juicy

People in power for sure they have a prblem of abusing it.

Everything else no problem. I get along with just about everybody.

Just don't push my buttons and make me lose my temper i lose control i will not hit a women but i will put my fist through a wall or window or throw something a guy i will deck.

:rose: :kiss:
Re: Good morning juicy

zantac666 said:
People in power for sure they have a prblem of abusing it.

Everything else no problem. I get along with just about everybody.

Just don't push my buttons and make me lose my temper i lose control i will not hit a women but i will put my fist through a wall or window or throw something a guy i will deck.

:rose: :kiss:

Good morning, z.:kiss:

You are always so sweet to me. I can't imagine you losing your temper like that.
juicylips said:
Someone with beauty?


Or wealth?

If not any of those, what does?

Beauty: No.

Intelligence: No, this is a turn on for me.

Wealth: Defiantly no. Wealthy people strike me as really good slaves of the machine.

Other: The combination of stupidity and power. The idea of people in power who ignore reason. You have all heard stories about these people. The ones who do things that are so obviously egregiously wrong, just because the rules say so, or because they have the power to do so. Those people frighten me. Yikes!!! "Who is John Galt?!"
I still get intimidated around a truly beautiful woman. Wealth and intelligence wouldn't phase me, mainly because I consider myself to be reasonably intelligent and wealth is pretty superficial and often temporary.