What do you do to get the juices flowing

I go to the rockies every weekend I can. Spring I hike and explore. Summer I go canoeing, fishing and swimming. Fall I'm hunting. Winter.... Well it's a little boring. on a day to day I try to do something crazy and/or surprising. And every day no matter what kind of mood I'm in I try to help someone or make their life a little easier. That's the best. I wake up every day wondering how I will affect the world today....And God what a crazy wet dream!
Cheesy I know but what do you expect from an Irish Jew who grew up on a venison farm with no electricity only her grandmothers Harlequins to keep her entertained.
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A little on the extreme side there, Roden? Good thing those nettles didn't reach any higher. ;)

By the way, hi *offers hand* I'm anna.

To keep myself going, I've become re-involved in community theatre. There's something wonderful about surrounding yourself with creative people.
Nuthin like Deaths breath on you to make you feel alive.

Modern times bore us to death, but that isnt the same experience.
*Kisses Anna's hand gently in greeting.* Getting on stage. Yeah, that's a kicker isn't it. I often play music festivals in the summer. I play guitar and sing—usually as a solo act. Every time I do it, the adrenaline surges in spite of the fact that the chicken wire around me has never been accosted by bottles. Some of those stages are awfully big for a solo performer.

James. I agree. Most of the risks we face are involuntary, the actions of other people. In the cities we're subjected to the affects of government regulation and insurance companies that 'protect' us at every move, isolating us from true risk.

Certainly we should consider carefully what we are doing, but we're adults and should be able to make a choice. I think that's why drug and alcohol use is so high. It's a synthetic high giving that oh so desirable endorphin release.

Nice turn of a phrase by the way.

When I was a youngster I did plenty of dangerous deeds: Vietnam, fire fighting, risky construction work, several years employment at a psychiatric hospital, took a deathrow killer into custody by myself (he wasnt a killer at the time but he was a burglar and car thief). I liked the rush I got from real danger, and it adds a sheen to your 'edge' with the gals and assholes. But I'm too old for the drama now, and I cant see worth a damn.
*Kisses Anna's hand gently in greeting.* Getting on stage. Yeah, that's a kicker isn't it. I often play music festivals in the summer. I play guitar and sing—usually as a solo act. Every time I do it, the adrenaline surges in spite of the fact that the chicken wire around me has never been accosted by bottles. Some of those stages are awfully big for a solo performer.

My. I'd been thinking along the lines of a handshake, but I'll take a gentle kiss on the hand any day. :)

You sing... solo? That takes guts. And talent. I can barely sing along with my radio. Then again, what I do is always with more than one person on the stage. The last show I did was a three-person show and I know how much of a challenge that can be, hoping everyone has their lines down and isn't having an off-day.

My hat is off to you, sir.
If I'm suffering from a lack of ideas, or am in the balls-grip of writer's cramp, I will head to a driving range and hit a bucket of balls. I picked this up while in college, an English prof suggested I do something violent, but legal. I picked up a driver and crushed it. It works, especially when I'm having problems with my tech writing.

When I'm in need of ficition ideas, I'll go look at pictures of naked women. Don't know why or how, but it works.
I wait until the last second to pay bills and drive nine miles an hour over the limit. It's life on the edge, man.
What do I do to get the juices flowing?

Ride the motorcycle.

Pull out the dirt car when they put up the big money and I'm home.

Chase the wild women around where I live. Run from others.

Surf several websites.

And a few other things that I would have to kill you, if I told you. :D
Aww Geeze Dude I can't live up to that kind of stuff.. I'm just a stubborn hillbilly. :eek:

Everybody learns as they age that eventually it comes to "if you play you pay" I just learned it a little bit early and have been unwilling to give up some of my play. Some things are worth it, some are not.

Growing old is inevitable, growing up is optional. ;) :D
Aww Geeze Dude I can't live up to that kind of stuff.. I'm just a stubborn hillbilly. :eek:

Everybody learns as they age that eventually it comes to "if you play you pay" I just learned it a little bit early and have been unwilling to give up some of my play. Some things are worth it, some are not.

Saxon, your hiking story reminds me of an aunt who was having some weird health issues a few years ago. She's fine now, but insisted that her doctor put her through some rigorous testing to rule out a lot of things, including rheumatoid arthritis. She saw her mother forced to end an active lifestyle and teaching career because of it. RA was not among her issues, fortunately, and she's been able to get past all of what she did have. She's now busy traveling to play with her many grandchildren. :)

And Roden? I'm sure whatever verse you sang three times must have been good. It had to be better than the made-up lyrics I once heard a band bust out at a cousin's wedding!

Once the humidity breaks, I'm going to haul out my bike. I used to dance, but pedaling out to a local park also does a lot to... get the juices flowing. I'll either haul along a pad and pen to do my writing the old-fashioned way, or if I don't have the packing room, I'll use the notepad function on my phone.
How come no one has mentioned sex? :eek:

We're a bunch of porn writers! :D
I go drink Rum, sit around a big bonfire and watch belly dancers. While listening to about five to twenty people playing the drums.

I flirt in ways that are completely out of character for my normal self, and do my very best to be the Irish pirate i should have been born to be.

I am a member of a medieval recreation group. We go camping on the weekends and try to live as people did hundreds of years ago. i wear armor, make homemade honey wine, my wife sings, dances, makes homemade jewelry. I even gave it a go as a blacksmith for a few years till i lost my forge when we sold the house.

If you go to U-Tube and look up SCA videos you will see what we do. It's a hell of a way to spend a weekend.

Does it help me write? Well at least a few of my sex scenes would be very familiar to a few people if I put tent canvas over the characters. Grin.

M.S.Tarot. (Muirghein Sebastion Tarot proud member of the house of N.O.V.A. and the Clan Confused)
How come no one has mentioned sex?

Ah, sex! I love it!

I must admit that after starting to write here I have been looking around for plot ideas amongst everyday things, or people. I see someone good-looking in the street, or read about some weird thing that happened, or my partner tells me about something strange, and I think "I wonder if that would make a good story?"

Then there's always YouTube. Or "the weird part of YouTube" as some people call it. This isn't necessarily the semi-porn part but the truly strange part. The part where people comment "how did I end up here?"