What did I do wrong?


Literotica Hack
Jan 3, 2012

I just sent a message to another author from his main page - not sure what it's called, from the page where the author's stories are listed, I clicked 'contact' and asked him if I could say "thank you to xxxx for his essay 'xxxx xxx xx xxxxx" in the disclaimer part of the story that I am working on and hope to submit soon.

The essay in question was an informative one about legal issues to use in a story. I signed my 'real' first name and my Lit ID. filled in my email in the appropriate place, put in the code letters displayed and sent. I got the following message all in red caps.

"Your actions have triggered our anti spam protection system. Your IP address and message have been logged. If you are sending commercial or harassing messages, we will take appropriate action. Using our feedback system to promote other sites or any products or services is strictly prohibited. It is also a violation of most ISP's T.O.S. If you belive this is an error by our spam software, please contact the webmaster and your name will be removed from the ban list. The system does make mistakes sometimes. Thanks. -Literotica Webmaster"

Under that it said my message had been sent. I don't know what I did wrong. I've signed a lot of contact messages with my real first name and my Lit ID. before.

So, I sent a message to the Lit mesage contact I found in the FAQ. and got the same message back.

I think I'm screwed.
A good question to pose directly to Manu or Laurel, using the PM system at the top right of this page. It looks like a good question, but only one of those two people, using that contact message system, is likely to get you an answer.
I got that today also (ironically, I was writing to the O.P.). I think they are using a new anti-spam service, and it is overly sensitive. If you click on the "Contact customer service" link, it will send and send an e-mail to the site administrators, it will send you an email that starts a verification process. It's a pain in the ass, and I still don't see it resolved, yet.
If you click on the "Contact customer service" link, it will send and send an e-mail to the site administrators, it

We've recently had a claim that messages sent there go nowhere. I don't know the truth of that assertion, but given how broken the functions are here, I'd believe it. I run on the assumption that only PM system is working in contacting the administrators.
I got that too.


I just sent a message to another author from his main page - not sure what it's called, from the page where the author's stories are listed, I clicked 'contact' and asked him if I could say "thank you to xxxx for his essay 'xxxx xxx xx xxxxx" in the disclaimer part of the story that I am working on and hope to submit soon.

The essay in question was an informative one about legal issues to use in a story. I signed my 'real' first name and my Lit ID. filled in my email in the appropriate place, put in the code letters displayed and sent. I got the following message all in red caps.

"Your actions have triggered our anti spam protection system. Your IP address and message have been logged. If you are sending commercial or harassing messages, we will take appropriate action. Using our feedback system to promote other sites or any products or services is strictly prohibited. It is also a violation of most ISP's T.O.S. If you belive this is an error by our spam software, please contact the webmaster and your name will be removed from the ban list. The system does make mistakes sometimes. Thanks. -Literotica Webmaster"

Under that it said my message had been sent. I don't know what I did wrong. I've signed a lot of contact messages with my real first name and my Lit ID. before.

So, I sent a message to the Lit mesage contact I found in the FAQ. and got the same message back.

I think I'm screwed.
I don't know if it's still in effect, but once I tried to send some thank-yous via people's profile pages and C&P'd some of the message. This meant I sent the messages very quickly, and it was the *speed* rather than the content that tripped the spam program and I got a warning message as well. I PM'd Laurel to explain and she understood and it worked out. So if you had sent other messages soon before that one, maybe you tripped a spam alarm, so to speak.
I got that too.

We've recently had a claim that messages sent there go nowhere. I don't know the truth of that assertion, but given how broken the functions are here, I'd believe it. I run on the assumption that only PM system is working in contacting the administrators.


I just sent a message to another author from his main page - not sure what it's called, from the page where the author's stories are listed, I clicked 'contact' and asked him if I could say "thank you to xxxx for his essay 'xxxx xxx xx xxxxx" in the disclaimer part of the story that I am working on and hope to submit soon.

The essay in question was an informative one about legal issues to use in a story. I signed my 'real' first name and my Lit ID. filled in my email in the appropriate place, put in the code letters displayed and sent. I got the following message all in red caps.

"Your actions have triggered our anti spam protection system. Your IP address and message have been logged. If you are sending commercial or harassing messages, we will take appropriate action. Using our feedback system to promote other sites or any products or services is strictly prohibited. It is also a violation of most ISP's T.O.S. If you belive this is an error by our spam software, please contact the webmaster and your name will be removed from the ban list. The system does make mistakes sometimes. Thanks. -Literotica Webmaster"

Under that it said my message had been sent. I don't know what I did wrong. I've signed a lot of contact messages with my real first name and my Lit ID. before.

So, I sent a message to the Lit mesage contact I found in the FAQ. and got the same message back.

I think I'm screwed.

Here's an opportunity for an interesting and useful experiment. I have already written via the link on the notification. If either 49greg or patientlee were to write through other means (IM) we can see which, if any, produces the fastest response.
Well, it's heartening that I'm not the only one it's happening to.

But it wasn't the speed that tripped it for me. i wrote it out 'by hand' lol. No c&p, just old fashioned typing.

I've PMed Laurel and hopefully that will take effect. I had this horrible thought of no Lit until I get a new IP address. Yikes. That might mean I couldn't just start fresh with a new ID.

Got to go do the dishes before my wife gets home. I'll check in later and see if they let me sign on.
Here's an opportunity for an interesting and useful experiment. I have already written via the link on the notification. If either 49greg or patientlee were to write through other means (IM) we can see which, if any, produces the fastest response.

I sent one through the link as well. Call it hopeless optimism.