What are your favorite stories here on lit?


One Sexy Mama
Feb 23, 2002
Stolen from another thread, posted by the earl
"KM (bless her little cotton socks) posted a thread asking for authors to put in their favourite reading stories with that at the head."

In the spirit of finding good erotica here at lit...please post your favorite stories here on lit. Feel free to include your own, but be critical of your beloved children. And please please please include a link, and maybe the category.

I have to think about this one...I'll post a reply once I've given it good thought.
I have many but if I had to pick my absolute favorite, I have to choose a little ditty entitled A Chemistry Experiment, penned by a favorite author of mine, Peachykeen.

It is a wonderful tale filled with crackling dialog, light humor and extremely hot sex. Her characters seem so real to me that I can hear them breathe, her plot is more than convincing (rare for so many of the stories I read here). Check it out for yourself.

Honorable mention must go to a little gem I discovered just the other day, Rt66Girl’s piece A Memory of Red, a wonderfully written story of love and passion.

For my own, I choose This Little Piggy, a short piece I did about a foot fetishist in love. Maybe I feel sorry for it because it gets so few hits, votes and less feedback than my other offerings. It is a quaint little yarn that you don’t even have to be into feet to enjoy.
Of all the stories that I've read on Lit one sticks out in my mind. Tender Mercies by Phineas. It was a very long story, 41 Lit pages, but WOW. I couldn't stop reading it, it was a terriffic, well written story. So many of them are great but this one really stuck with me. It isn't in a catagoy I usually read and I rarely read ones this long, but once I started I was hooked.

Tender Mercies by Phineas

Of my own I liked "A Learning Experience" best. It was my first attempt at a BDSM story and I think it turned out pretty good. It's a softer version, I think, of BDSM than most that I've read here.

A Learning Experience


My Stories
my favorite story

The story that first hooked me on literotica.com, and is for me the benchmark of the genre is:

The Private Party

It has a tremendous number of reads and over 2000 votes, so I know others agree.

The story has 11 (yes, eleven!) characters. It is completely balanced, readable and understandable. It is a fantasy bordering on reality. And it is so hot!

It deals with real adults, each with an identifiable character.

It is one of the few I have read several times. He wrote only one other, A Valentine's Day Massage, also a fine story. I miss him and hope he will contribute again sometime.
“You don’t appreciate me,” she pouted, casually thumbing my cock.

This dynamite opening is from one of my favorites, Office Hours by Gaucho. I love the richness of his word choices. Reading his stuff is like eating chocolate truffles. He doesn't waste words. His style is beautifully tight. I wish some of his skill would rub off on me.

(Edited to remove my shameless plug.)
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I have a number I've enjoyed too.....

But as KM said, I'd have to think on that.

I recently read one I thoroughly enjoyed however. With the Halloween contest going on and all, I've read most of those of course. But one story that was written really well, wonderful humor, story line...and very believable characters was by Brandy Chase, called: Lady Charlotte


I'd really urge everyone to take a look at this one, especially for the contest.

Of my own recent stories...I'd have to say my Ya Ya series has been popular. But particularly Chapter five. And my newest story, Sweet-Sweet-Sweet Revenge seems to be doing well, and I had fun writing it as it was based on some truth.

I remain,
I don't recall the stories that I've read, but I remember the themes if I don't remember the names.

There are two stories that I've especially liked. One is called "Friday night with Trish." by Anders. It is nonconsent incest, but there's no blood or violence (too things that really turn me off) It's evil, but I like it.

I remember reading another evil story a while back about a gang of British teenagers that rape rich girls in the back of a carnival tent. It was very crudely written, but the theme was pure evil, again.

Of my own stories, my favorites are "Seducing Jen" and "Daydream." "Seducing Jen, never again" was incredibly fun to write, but it's not as erotically charged.

Overwritten stories can seem so pretentious. I think that the right balance is kind of like amateur porn videos--it's clearly amateur, but nobody is trying to pretend that it's professional. Just as "professional" video porn is awful, much writing on literotica that tries to be high concept seems to fall into a similar catagory.

I confess that my story "Daydream" is high-concept, but is saved by the fact that it is more-or-less autobiographical. It didn't score well, and I didn't get the volume of feedback the way I did with "Seducing Jen."

Although I've written a few concept pieces, the stories seem to be the most popular when I just make them about fucking with a complete disregard for taboo.
M.A.Thompson said:
I have many but if I had to pick my absolute favorite, I have to choose a little ditty entitled A Chemistry Experiment, penned by a favorite author of mine, Peachykeen.

It is a wonderful tale filled with crackling dialog, light humor and extremely hot sex. Her characters seem so real to me that I can hear them breathe, her plot is more than convincing (rare for so many of the stories I read here). Check it out for yourself.

**blushing** oh my! Thank you very much! I am quite fond of that bit of work myself. Really, thanks. I'm honored.
In another thread, the difference between men's and women's tastes in erotica was discussed, with some generalizations to the effect that men liked more action and description, and women liked descriptions of feelings, and more character development, and, you should pardon the expression, more romance. The most romantic series by a man that I've read in here has been JFinn's The Human Condition--I looked forward eagerly to each installment and wish he'd write some more. I like Sexpear's An Almost Perfect Awakening series too.
Oh, I do read it, despite the fact that I think he was the one who sent me my first pan.
Hey, thanks for the compliment! Glad you like my stuff, nice to see that there are folks out there who think my stories are worth reading.

SlickTony, I don't know if you were referring to me about giving your story a pan, I checked out your page and I don't remember reading that first story. But I will, and I'll let you know what I thought of it. Have to go to work now, don't have the time to look at it properly. But as I love stories about older women and younger men, and I too wrote a story set in New Orleans, it looks quite promising. I'll e-mail you later!

Whose stories have I enjoyed...I need to think about that too. Gotta stop logging on before I go to work...
Well I'm pleasantly suprised to see one of my stories in the lists above. It's been a pain trying to write a second story that would work as well as that one. :confused:

I've only read two or three stories here at Literotica, I really need to dig in more, but I've not been able to find the things that fit my theme yet. Somebody recently told me this place does have a search engine, so now I can at least dig a little easier, as well as sampling the above entries.

There's a series over at ASSM that got me to start writing. It isn't the best writing itself, especially given the multiple authors from each part, but the theme caught my attention and made me start a story I've yet to finish.

The stuff I have put out came in midstream of working on that story.

The inspiring story was the series "Naked in School".

Each part is about some teenager who discovers on a monday that they have to attend school for the week nude as a part of a new openess program. Through the parts, it's developed some genre rules and such and I'm currently working on a new part for it that I will probably never finish... :) (Can't post it here since the characters tend to be age 16 to 18).

I found Literotica through a conversation with an author who's work I enjoyed, and he is published here:

Bradley Stokes:
It ranges in quality and consistancy like any writer. Overall it's good work, and much of hits on the themes that turn me on; so I read it. :kiss:
SlickTony, I don't know if you were referring to me about giving your story a pan, I checked out your page and I don't remember reading that first story. But I will, and I'll let you know what I thought of it.

Yikes! Sometimes it's just better to keep one's comments to oneself. Hey, it might not have been you--all I know, is that it was someone using your name. Do you have an AOL account? Actually, it wasn't the "Carnival" story that got panned--it was "Quid Pro Quo," which was decried as not having enough money shots. A cyberfriend of mine, Roy, who sometimes contributes to Literotica, had warned me that it might be seen as a tad too literary, and I guess he was right.

Hope you will like the Carnival story. The first thing my old man said upon reading it was, "P----! You had the wrong parade!" (Said it should've been the Endymion parade). Hope you'll forgive that! The truth is that like the women in my story, I prefer the parades in the smaller communities to the near-riots you get anymore in New Orleans, and know better than to get anywhere near that scene on the climactic night...
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SlickTony said:
which was decried as not having enough money shots. A cyberfriend of mine, Roy, who sometimes contributes to Literotica, had warned me that it might be seen as a tad too literary, and I guess he was right.
My story AI Girl has recieved a lot of positive feedback and is completely devoid of a described sex scene. Only once have I recieved a feedback asking where the sex was, and it was in reference to my super heroine tale if memory serves me right.

You may have just run into a different crowd of readers than me.

I find erotica fans to be an about evenly split mixed bag of people who just want 'stroke stories' and people who want literature that turns them on. My goal is the pleasing the second camp, and I do what I can to let the first camp know this before they waste their time reading my work.

(That said I do have a stroke story or two on my hard drive, but I find writing the mechanics of sex makes me feel a little silly, making it hard to get it down right.)
Some people like erotica with a more literary bent, stories with well-developed characters, interesting plots, and skillful writing. Others just want a story that will cause them to make a mess on their keyboard. Different strokes for different folks, no pun intended. Really.

I prefer the more involved stories...sometimes. I write more involved stories...most of the time. But the story that really sticks in my mind goes against just about every convention of erotica that I follow. It's "Built for One Thing" by G.H. Lawrence. There are two chapters, actually, though I liked the first one better.

The story is about a son who lusts after his mother. I'm not into mother-son incest stories. The mother has something like a 44DD-24-38 figure, the son has a 12-inch dick, your stereotypical exaggerated equipment. The son lusts for the mother, the mother flirts with the son, and gets jealous when he starts to show interest in other girls, and...

There are probably 5000 stories on Lit that follow this approximate story line. Thing is, this story is HOT. He can really, really write hot sex scenes. It goes to show, you can take just about any cliche out there and make something worth reading.

"Built for One Thing" I think won Story of the Year a year or two back, and the author didn't post anything after that. Until last week, when he posted a new one, "Extortion" which is about a hugely-endowed son screwing his beyond-Playboy-Bunny mother. Hmm, I sense a pattern there. All three stories are near the top of the scoring lists, so he's doing something to please his audience.

I checked out his author page, and he's done something I haven't seen before. He's set up a web page advertising an erotic novel he's written, and he'll e-mail you the novel...for five bucks. An interesting idea, I'm gonna e-mail him and see if he's sold any yet. I don't know how successful such an enterprise might be, but he's probably an author folks remember and would want to read more of.

And now, to read SlickTony's story, with red pen in hand and bad intentions...heh heh heh...
with red pen in hand and bad intentions...heh heh heh...

I make damned few errors of the red pen type, unlike some people whose stories I've read (though mostly not in this forum). If not for time constraints, I would have offered up my services as a volunteer copy editor ages ago, except it is too much like what I do at work, and when I come home I like to leave all that shit on my desk, thankyouverymuch, especially since much of what they pay me in is praise, which is good, but doesn't pay the bills.

You won't be finding any 12" dicks, either. The protagonist in "Carnival" more or less expresses my opinion about those:

If you think I’m going to say that he had a twelve-inch dick or anything like that, you’re wrong. For one thing, I had never seen one, haven’t seen one, and don’t believe they exist; and if they do exist, they are of no more use than a volleyball serve that goes slamming against the opposite wall of the court and leaves your team with a side out.
Just yanking your chain a little! I didn't get to it last night, I, uh, conked out watching football. I'll check it out today.

This thread made me realize that I don't read as many stories as I probably should. I might go through some of the top ranked stories, especially the ones that are long series, to get an idea of what people are doing. Haven't read Sexspear's Awakening series or Chicago Bob's stories, and the seem to be dominating the top list right now.