What are you thinking now -- re-continued

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Bleeping out just the vowel in "F*ck" during broadcasts is the audio equivalent to showing a boob but covering just the nipple.
I managed, once again, to sabotage a thread by posting. it was popular too....I guess I DO have a talent after all....
Those look like the sweaters I knit for my dogs. I'm borrowing the design.
I've been sick all day so sleep isn't far off for me.

That's one positive of being sick 😊
I'd really like to know the answer to the question that I possed a couple days ago
Its been a long time since I have been on here or posted. It was interesting to take a peek, but only come on here to check messages from a certain someone....;)
If I had to choose, I would take a true friendship over dirty talk every single time.
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