What are the statistical possibilities of meeting one's true love - here on Lit?


pee aitch dee
Dec 21, 2001
I mean, are erotic BBs the "soda fountain" of the 21st century?

Just curious. Never took a statistics course.
I wouldn't know. But, there's lots of people here I'd love to get together with. Unfortunetely, they all live in different state.

{edited to say-Besides Angel.
The odds are 11 to 118,646 or 1 to 10,786.

I've done my homework.
Starfish said:
The odds are 11 to 118,646 or 1 to 10,786.

I've done my homework.

Thanks. Which formula did you use? Are the variables variable?
Siren said:
You cant find your true love on a literotica web site.

get real.

And as for finding a spouse here...........



Why? Are you being facetious or serious?
The odds seem pretty good to me...there are a lot of open minded people here.
Siren said:

I realize you dont know me very well..........


I married Wolfy

Met him here.

Been married almost 2 years.

So, I am joking of course..........
Oh. I sort of suspected that was the situation. I am curious because I met my current love here on Lit - 9 months ago - and we're very happy. We have the most healthy, loving, fun, and warm relationship that I have ever experienced. Every once in a while I sort of wonder how it all could have happened...I mean, who woulda thought? And I wonder if other people who would meet on a site like this, if they had kids eventually, if they would some day tell their progeny how they met on an erotic literature website. Weird stuff.
True love's meet in the strangest of ways. Why not through Lit? You already would know many of the things each other likes, and what you have in common.
Love can find you anywhere. Real love finds you, I think.. much more than you find it.
Olivianna said:

Oh. I sort of suspected that was the situation. I am curious because I met my current love here on Lit - 9 months ago - and we're very happy. We have the most healthy, loving, fun, and warm relationship that I have ever experienced. Every once in a while I sort of wonder how it all could have happened...I mean, who woulda thought? And I wonder if other people who would meet on a site like this, if they had kids eventually, if they would some day tell their progeny how they met on an erotic literature website. Weird stuff.

Yeah it must seem very unreal sometimes eh?
Brand New

I would like to think so. I just joined today. I have enjoyed the stories over the last couple weeks, so I figured I would chime it finally.

Actually, I was hoping to get a response from SkyBluAngelEyes. I like what you had to say. Maybe we could write a story together.

I need to figure out these pictures and icons for my next message.
I fell deeply in love with someone I met on Lit. Not sure what the future would have had in store for us but when we met it was magical. *le sigh*
As I suspected...

Why is meeting here any scarier than say, a dating service, the laundry mat, the grocery store, or god forbid a bar(mama always said you'll only find drunks in bars)! I guess it would be remiss to suggest that people of similar interests get together for that reason? Just like the chess club, or the cabanna boys club, which the later I know nothing about -seriously.

However, aside from the facts life is never stranger when you decide for yourself what is important, then live life with in those guidelines. Granted some peoples are much looser than others, but hey that is a totally different story all together now isn't it.

My new theme is if you don't lick it, you can hump it....sums it all up doesn't it?
Pretty good odds from where I'm standing. Met here, been together almost two years. Wedding date to be announced. :)
Probably about the same as meeting your true love offline... 1 in a gazillion.

*edited to say: The above is my opinion. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the owners of this site, or anyone else.

I'm envious of anyone who has managed to find, and keep, someone they consider a 'true love'.
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Olivianna said:

Oh. I sort of suspected that was the situation. I am curious because I met my current love here on Lit - 9 months ago - and we're very happy. We have the most healthy, loving, fun, and warm relationship that I have ever experienced. Every once in a while I sort of wonder how it all could have happened...I mean, who woulda thought? And I wonder if other people who would meet on a site like this, if they had kids eventually, if they would some day tell their progeny how they met on an erotic literature website. Weird stuff.

Hmmmmmmmmm, instead of accepting you analyze.

That's weird for one, and not a good future indicator for another.

Ishmael said:

Hmmmmmmmmm, instead of accepting you analyze.

That's weird for one, and not a good future indicator for another.


Why is it weird?

Why is it a bad indicator of the future of the relationship? I would think engaging the brain would be a good thing when newly entangled in a love thing.
pagancowgirl said:

Why is it weird?

Why is it a bad indicator of the future of the relationship? I would think engaging the brain would be a good thing when newly entangled in a love thing.

Issues about the person, yes. The why's wherefore's etc. ?????????????

Quite frankly if someone that I was seeing started to wonder about the why's of our meeting, or the circumstances, I'd bolt.

It's like having a fine meal put before you and wondering if it's poisoned instead of whether you like the food.

Cost? 0 + Time...

I don't think the odds change no matter the locations.

Sometimes it's all in the timing.

Good luck, and start with friendship... letters... e-mail... tapes & the like...

Then look for love.


