What’s with the anger?


stuff & junk
Dec 24, 2001
I see all this anger on the boards today. Is it like this all the time and I’m only just realizing it? Or do we all need naps? So here’s a kiss for you. Why don’t we all just take a deep breath and appreciate the beauty around us. Wait. I live in The Valley.
Forget it.
This sucks.
Yes, I know. I've been even bitchier than usual. I'm going for a run...get some endorphins going. I'll come back when I can keep a civil tongue.......;)
Siren Its a profound lack of Chocolate.

Maybe we all just need to get plastered. Tequila anyone?

I sensed it this weekend and then today too. must be something in the air or possibly the alignment of the planets or who knows what. I have seen some deep seated anger being expressed here lately, but also a lot of people just trying to get through as human beings.
I try to ignore it as much as possible,(No i'm not using the ignore part of controls either) and read that which seems to be on topic and/or fun.
Hans is in great demand today, DK, but he will get to you. Patience.
I used to be the type of person who was pissed off 24 hours a day. What finally made me get a grip was being diagnosed with an incurable disease. It is a shame that it took this change in my life to change my attitude.
I still get upset about things but it does not last long.
Dietrich K. said:
I'm just pissed because I didn't get my birthday blow job.

Aw dang - I would have given you that birthday blowjob, DK! :kiss:

Oh yeah - no problem! :D
I'm not angry. Dozy maybe.
Why does the dancing nana hypnotize me?