Whar is that "Israel First" posse?


You Saw What He Did
Apr 13, 2002
There's a thought-provoking op-ed in the NY Times this morning by Haim Saban, arguing how President Obama is actually quite a strong supporter of Israel.

Good money quote here:
Even though he could have done a better job highlighting his friendship for Israel, there’s no denying that by every tangible measure, his support for Israel’s security and well-being has been rock solid.

Now, I realize this runs completely contrary to "America must lick the Israeli Jackboot with love and affection" crowd's apocalyptic doom-and-gloom scenarios.

I wonder who in the "Jews uber alles" confederation here will stand up on the record and call this guy a G-d damned Palestinian supporter for such blatant heresy?

Israel's a waste of money.

The USA could buy almost any other middle eastern country right now for pennies on the dollar and get oil reserves as a bonus.

Of course, it wouldn't be good for Hollywood or Wall Street, which puts supporting Israel in the same bucket as supporting Saudi Arabia.

Funny how the USA relies so heavily of supporting the Arabs & the Jews in the Middle East to keep things running, eh?

Maybe they should become US Protectorates like PR and the AVR.
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There's a thought-provoking op-ed in the NY Times this morning by Haim Saban, arguing how President Obama is actually quite a strong supporter of Israel.

Good money quote here:

Now, I realize this runs completely contrary to "America must lick the Israeli Jackboot with love and affection" crowd's apocalyptic doom-and-gloom scenarios.

I wonder who in the "Jews uber alles" confederation here will stand up on the record and call this guy a G-d damned Palestinian supporter for such blatant heresy?


I could probably find an op-ed that says Hitlers support of Israel was rock solid.
Just sayin'.
There's a thought-provoking op-ed in the NY Times this morning by Haim Saban, arguing how President Obama is actually quite a strong supporter of Israel.

Good money quote here:

Now, I realize this runs completely contrary to "America must lick the Israeli Jackboot with love and affection" crowd's apocalyptic doom-and-gloom scenarios.

I wonder who in the "Jews uber alles" confederation here will stand up on the record and call this guy a G-d damned Palestinian supporter for such blatant heresy?


LOL, if your point was to just bash israel, then shouldn't it be "Israel uber alles?"

Of course, your "jackboot" comment shows that you think it is legitimate to compare Israel to Nazi Germany which is a pretty ridiculous comparison for any rational person to make. Then again, we all know you are incapable of rational thought when it comes Israel. You just have your knee-jerk palestinian supporter viewpoint which nothing will ever change.

Personally, I would agree with the quote you gave. I actually supported Bush's actions regarding expansion of Israeli settlements although I realize that doesn't quite fit with the narrative you are trying so hard to sell.

This was a big bag of fail.

Shall I bump the other thread about Ha'aretz which was also another fail?

Okay. :)
See Zip Lick. Lick, Zip, Lick! Zip Likes to Lick....

LOL, if your point was to just bash israel, then shouldn't it be "Israel uber alles?"

Of course, your "jackboot" comment shows that you think it is legitimate to compare Israel to Nazi Germany which is a pretty ridiculous comparison for any rational person to make. Then again, we all know you are incapable of rational thought when it comes Israel. You just have your knee-jerk palestinian supporter viewpoint which nothing will ever change.

Personally, I would agree with teh quote you gave. I actually supported Bush's actions regarding expansion of Israeli settlements although I realize that doesn't quite fit with teh narrative you are trying so hard to sell.

This was a big bag of fail.

Shall I bump teh other thread about Ha'aretz which was also another fail?

Okay. :)

Psychological projection much?

And for teh record, "jackboots" are traditionally a metaphor for fascism, not Nazism.

And yes, I'm of teh opinion that the Israeli fringe right Likkud party is the closest thing in the world today to a pure fascist regime. The Likkudites are NOT Nazis, however, despite your silly attempts to conflate "fascism" with "Nazism". Put another way, all Nazis were fascist, but not all fascists were Nazi.

I say this despite the eerie similarity between Hitler's "Lebensraum" policy and Netanyahu's "settlements" policy.

So tell us once again how Israel can do no wrong!
Psychological projection much?

And for teh record, "jackboots" are traditionally a metaphor for fascism, not Nazism.

And yes, I'm of teh opinion that the Israeli fringe right Likkud party is the closest thing in the world today to a pure fascist regime. The Likkudites are NOT Nazis, however, despite your silly attempts to conflate "fascism" with "Nazism". Put another way, all Nazis were fascist, but not all fascists were Nazi.

I say this despite the eerie similarity between Hitler's "Lebensraum" policy and Netanyahu's "settlements" policy.

So tell us once again how Israel can do no wrong!

LOL, again, your extremism is quite clear. While YOU may think Israel are fascists, that doesn't mean that they are.

Another ideology strongly influenced by fascism is Ba'athism.[164] Ba'athism is a revolutionary Arab nationalist ideology that seeks the unification of all claimed Arab lands into a single Arab state.[164] Zaki al-Arsuzi, one of the principal founders of Ba'athism was strongly influenced by and supportive of fascism and Nazism.[165] Several close associates of Ba'athism's key ideologist Michel Aflaq have admitted that Aflaq had been directly inspired by certain fascist and Nazi theorists.[164] Ba'athist regimes in power in Iraq and Syria have held strong similarities to fascism, they are radical authoritarian nationalist single-party states.[164] Because of Ba'athism's anti-Western stances it preferred the Soviet Union in the Cold War and admired and adopted certain Soviet organizational structures for their governments, however the Ba'athist regimes have persecuted communists.[164] Like fascist regimes, Ba'athism became heavily militarized in power.[164] Ba'athist movements governed Iraq in 1963 and again from 1968 to 2003 and in Syria from 1963 to present. Ba'athist heads of state such as Syrian President Hafez al-Assad and Iraqi President Saddam Hussein created personality cults around themselves portraying themselves as the nationalist saviours of the Arab world.[164]

Ba'athist Iraq under Saddam Hussein pursued ethnic cleansing or liquidation of minorities, pursued expansionist wars against Iran and Kuwait, and gradually replaced pan-Arabism with an Iraqi nationalism that emphasized Iraq's connection to the glories of ancient Mesopotamian empires, including Babylonia.[166] Historian of fascism Stanley Payne has said about Saddam Hussein's regime: "There will probably never again be a reproduction of the Third Reich, but Saddam Hussein has come closer than any other dictator since 1945".[166]

And to compare Israel's settlement policy with the mass genocide of millions is disingenuous at best and utterly ludicrous at worst. Again, being rational or logical on the subject is beyond you.

And again, I have always disagreed with Israel's settlement policy and even though I just said so, you want to try and push your lie that I adhere to a viewpoint that Israel can do no wrong even when I just said so.

Good luck with that. ;)
I don't think rational people doubt that Obama is a supporter of Israel--this in spite of the unprecedented disrespect shown to him by the Israeli Prime Minister. To certain American conservatives, being pro-Israel and pro-Likud is basically the same thing. Which is ironic, since Likud is criticized all the time within Israel itself.
I don't think rational people doubt that Obama is a supporter of Israel.
Rational people doubt it very much and for good reasons. Obama puts on a show as if he is a supporter of Israel either when elections approach or when his attempts at "engagement" with enemies of the US, Israel and the West backfire in a big enough way to threaten his reputation and stature.

Does anyone remember Obama's "unified Jerusalem" pre-election speech? Try and find it in the 2012 Democratic party platform. (It WAS there in 2008, not in the new one).
I could probably find an op-ed that says Hitlers support of Israel was rock solid.
Just sayin'.

Actually, Hitler did support Israel! The Nazis were zionists. They hated the Jews, so they determined that their emigration to the Middle East would be a positive thing.
Mr. Blob,

Go rub your knob.

Reading books apparenty isn't for you.
Actually, Hitler did support Israel! The Nazis were zionists. They hated the Jews, so they determined that their emigration to the Middle East would be a positive thing.

See, told ya I'd find one.
Posts on Lit have about the same weight as most op-eds.
I don't know who you are, but look that shit up! Hitler was a fucking Zionist.
I've looked it up long before I met you.

I've looked up other things, too. Like Einsatzgruppe Egypt, stationed in Athens throughout 1942, waiting for orders to exterminate the Jews of the British Mandate of Palestine once it was conquered by Rommel's troops.

Hitler was pro-Zionist in the same sense as tigers are pro-deer when they kill wolves.

I stand by my original advice about rubbing your knob.
I've looked it up long before I met you.

I've looked up other things, too. Like Einsatzgruppe Egypt, stationed in Athens throughout 1942, waiting for orders to exterminate the Jews of the British Mandate of Palestine once it was conquered by Rommel's troops.

Hitler was pro-Zionist in the same sense as tigers are pro-deer when they kill wolves.

I stand by my original advice about rubbing your knob.

Yeah, in 1942. Before the war, Hitler just wanted the Jews out of Europe.
Rock Solid Support???

Democrats have dropped from their platform recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, a move that has opened President Barack Obama to criticism from Republican rival Mitt Romney.
Four years ago Democrats stated unequivocally that "Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel."

Israelis and Palestinians both claim the city as their capital.

Democratic spokeswoman Melanie Roussell defended the change. She says the Obama administration is taking the same Jerusalem policy as every Republican and Democratic administration since 1967, while seeking resolution in a two-state peace agreement.

Romney called the change a "shameful refusal to acknowledge that Jerusalem is Israel's capital." He accused Obama of distancing the U.S. from its ally Israel.
Democrats have dropped from their platform recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, a move that has opened President Barack Obama to criticism from Republican rival Mitt Romney.
Four years ago Democrats stated unequivocally that "Jerusalem is and will remain the capital of Israel."

Israelis and Palestinians both claim the city as their capital.

Democratic spokeswoman Melanie Roussell defended the change. She says the Obama administration is taking the same Jerusalem policy as every Republican and Democratic administration since 1967, while seeking resolution in a two-state peace agreement.

Romney called the change a "shameful refusal to acknowledge that Jerusalem is Israel's capital." He accused Obama of distancing the U.S. from its ally Israel.

Funny, I always thought Tel Aviv was Israel's capital.
LOL, again, your extremism is quite clear. While YOU may think Israel are fascists, that doesn't mean that they are.

Let's not put words in my mouth, please. That's AJ and teh Vettebigot's jobs.

I said teh Likud party were teh closest thing to fascism, which you then extrapolated to "all Israelis". Many people would consider that intellectually dishonest.

And to compare Israel's settlement policy with teh mass genocide of millions is disingenuous at best and utterly ludicrous at worst. Again, being rational or logical on teh subject is beyond you.

And again, I have always disagreed with Israel's settlement policy and even though I just said so, you want to try and push your lie that I adhere to a viewpoint that Israel can do no wrong even when I just said so.

Good luck with that. ;)

Oh look, a "but..but..teh HOLOCAUST!" reference that Zipman claims he never EVAR makes. :rolleyes: Appeal to emotion, anyone?

One of teh core tenets of teh German Lebensraum policy was to annex territory and populate it with indigenous German people to set up a defensive barrier to their homeland.

To me, that sounds almost exactly like what Israel is doing with teh "occupied territories".

teh similarities are very striking.

I'm sure you have an explanation for that.
Democrats have dropped from their platform recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, a move that has opened President Barack Obama to criticism from Republican rival Mitt Romney.
Four years ago Democrats stated unequivocally that "Jerusalem is and will remain teh capital of Israel."

Israelis and Palestinians both claim teh city as their capital.

Democratic spokeswoman Melanie Roussell defended teh change. She says teh Obama administration is taking teh same Jerusalem policy as every Republican and Democratic administration since 1967, while seeking resolution in a two-state peace agreement.

Romney called teh change a "shameful refusal to acknowledge that Jerusalem is Israel's capital." He accused Obama of distancing teh U.S. from its ally Israel.

Beeks, you seem to lick teh Israeli Jackboot far less than your compadres these days.....let me ask you a question.

How iss the capital of ANY other country in any way shape or form relevant to the interests of the United States?
Let's not put words in my mouth, please. That's AJ and teh Vettebigot's jobs.

I said teh Likud party were teh closest thing to fascism, which you then extrapolated to "all Israelis". Many people would consider that intellectually dishonest.

Oh, so now the Likud isn't all Israelis. Funny how most of your posts make it seem that the Likud are Israel. I'll be sure and remember to point out that difference the next time you conveniently forget it.

OF course, it's okay when you do the same thing by attributing positions to me that I not only do not believe in, but have spoken out against but that's par for the course for you Rob. Or should I just be happy that I don't have any children for you to attack?

Oh look, a "but..but..teh HOLOCAUST!" reference that Zipman claims he never EVAR makes. :rolleyes: Appeal to emotion, anyone?

One of teh core tenets of teh German Lebensraum policy was to annex territory and populate it with indigenous German people to set up a defensive barrier to their homeland.

To me, that sounds almost exactly like what Israel is doing with teh "occupied territories".

teh similarities are very striking.

I'm sure you have an explanation for that.

LOL, you use a term that was a core part of Hitler's belief system (from Mein Kampf) and then complain when I mention the holocaust? How did I appeal to emotion? Plenty of countries have the same thing including the U.S. with our westward expansion. Were we fascists? Or the French? Or the British? etc. etc.

You seek to equate Israel with the Nazis. I get it. It doesn't hold up but I get that your hatred for Israel (or is it just the Likud party now) won't allow you to do anything less.

Of course the Lebensraum was based on there not being enough space in Germany for growth as well as the supposed racial purity of the Germans and everyone else were subhuman. Israel has done it for defensive purposes (which I disagree with) much like the separation wall (which I do agree with).
The Dem will cave in on this issue, silly as it is.

Democrats at their national convention on Wednesday amended their 2012 platform to include a reference to “God-given potential” and recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

The change was proposed by former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland.

“As an ordained United Methodist minister, I am here to attest and affirm that our faith and belief in God is central to the American story and informs the values we’ve expressed in our party’s platform,” he said on the convention floor. “In addition, President Obama recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and our party’s platform should as well.”

First we have Repug's praising Jesus as our savior from the socialists, now we've got the infection spreading to the Dimm-ocrats!

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