Wet Dreams


Lit's Most Beloved Poster
May 14, 2002
Wet dreams are the coolest things.

Experiencing the most delightfully vivid erotic escapades... building to exactly the point where the Orgasmitron has been activated and there's no going back...the cream is loaded and ready to squirt...

You wake up.

You don't really know you're awake...you're kinda caught in the middle, but slipping to the sentient side.

And what brings you all the way back to reality?

Your cock, throbbing and twitching as you cum in hot creamy gobs all over yourself.

Sweet confusion.

A silly question: Do women have wet dreams?

Re: Re: Wet Dreams

*bratcat* said:
I never have...but I have been in that half-awake, half-asleep state where you feel all the blood rush to the center of your sex...where you can feel wetness ooze...tingling...throbbing...not wanting to wake up...but you do as your fingers find their own way down...

Sounds like every morning here since I was 14.

You've never had a completely "hands free" orgasms via dreams?
Re: Do woman have wet dreams?


I love the fact that I can have an orgasm in my sleep with no physical contact at all. Never underestimate the power of the mind.
I have, but only once. It involved nuns, bondage and electroplay. And I'm not even Catholic. Good stuff, indeed!

I would like to teach myself to lucid dream so I could have worry-free, high quality sex on a nightly basis.
superlittlegirl said:
I have, but only once. It involved nuns, bondage and electroplay. And I'm not even Catholic. Good stuff, indeed!

I would like to teach myself to lucid dream so I could have worry-free, high quality sex on a nightly basis.

You should be working with David Lynch is what you should be doing.
I taught myself to lucid dream years ago, but I've yet to reach climax during sleep. I've woken up on the edge, where all it took was the slightest touch though.
if only...............

superlittlegirl said:
I would like to teach myself to lucid dream so I could have worry-free, high quality sex on a nightly basis.

can't tell you how many times I have tried, really, really tried to make that happen..................................perhaps someday........

i've never had a dream in which i orgasmed.....lots of weird, nasty sexual situations....and i always seem to wake up....right before the cock goes in....which really pisses me off....ya know.....i dream a lot about a woman licking me....but i never orgasm.....i'll wake up aroused after my non-Big-O dreams....and want to masturbate.....

male wet dreams fascinate me....the swelling of the cock as a man dreams....his mind experiencing yummy stuff....as his body reacts....total yum on it just oozing out....mmmmmm godddd.....what a delicious mess on him and the bedsheets...**** to clean up.....
Re: Re: Re: Wet Dreams

Lancecastor said:
You've never had a completely "hands free" orgasms via dreams?

Have them all the time. Waking up from one of these dreams is awsome!
I've had several happen to me over the past few years. Not as many as I'd like but I find them quite amazing when they do occur.
Ginny said:
male wet dreams fascinate me....the swelling of the cock as a man dreams....his mind experiencing yummy stuff....as his body reacts....total yum on it just oozing out....mmmmmm godddd.....what a delicious mess on him and the bedsheets...**** to clean up.....

Me too, Ginny. If I can't experience that first hand, I'd at least like to witness it. :)
I sleep so heavily at times, I rarely remember my dreams. I'll awake to that hazy, half sleep feeling surprisingly content and dripping wet at times. And at other times, it'll be a throbbing ache deep in my pelvis which wakes me, small fragments of memory of an erotic experience, the feeling of being completely aroused, yet unsatisfied, but the slightest touch will release an orgasm.
superlittlegirl said:
Yes, I should. Could you put in a good word for me?

Well he lives in Forest Hill in Toronto, drives a British Racing Green Jag XK8 ragtop and shops by himself on Saturday mornings at the Loblaw's at St. Clair & Bathurst, if that helps.

Call me crazy, but I think he'd rather talk to you at the cucumber display than me.
Rubyfruit said:
I taught myself to lucid dream years ago, but I've yet to reach climax during sleep. I've woken up on the edge, where all it took was the slightest touch though.

That sounds good too! I think being awake for the finale would be fun. Then you can drift back off to sleep in wonderful, post-orgasmic stupor. I love that.

I don't have many sex dreams, typically, but I've been having quite a few as of late. It's peculiar, but delightful!
I'm thinking a 'wet' dream for a girl has to be better than a man in the long run. There's not much drifing back to sleep in a post orgasmic stupor, when you're laying in a small lake.
I get them occasionally...

Paradoxically enough, only when I have been too tired or distracted by other things to have had any sexual thoughts on my mind before bed.

Life takes with one hand, gives with the other.

*flinches pre-emptively at the possible responses to the above*
That said, I've only had one. It was 11 years aog, and I still remember it clearly. It wasn't particularly erotic, and involved no 'congress' of any kind. But I can still recal the sweet feeling of orgasm. Much better than masturbation.
Rubyfruit said:
I taught myself to lucid dream years ago, but I've yet to reach climax during sleep. I've woken up on the edge, where all it took was the slightest touch though.

I only lucid dream by accident... You can do it at will???
Oscuridad, lucid dreaming is about self-directing your dreams.

Everybody can do it.
That much I know... I've done it before.

The trick always seems to have been finding those dreams that will allow themselves to be directed.

They happen quite infrequently.