We're Really All Grown Up: The Tales of Phil and Lil(Closed)


Adorably Mischevious
Jul 2, 2012
Lillian DeVille was smiling ear to ear as she unpacked her things in her new dorm room. She had found out today that she had gotten lucky because her new roommate had choosen to attend another college so she had a room all to herself. And now here she was humming and put all her clothes away and putting up her pictures. On her desk sat a picture of her twin brother Philip. They had a love hate relationship going on, like any brother but Phil knew she'd help him with anything. He was currently going to the College along with her but he had a major completely different from her music one and she was almost certain they wouldn't even see each other. That was the part that made her sad and happy at the same time.
By the time she was done putting things away it was time for the party a couple of her new friends had invited her to. She quickly adjusted her pink dress that match the streak in her hair exactly and threw on a pair of ballet flats. Grabbing her purse she ran out the door and was off.
-Philip DeVille suave debonaire and a dork. Philip had been set in his room and oonce more was alone in it his old roomy wanted to move in with his other friend because Philip was a nut case but that was cool. Philip liked his own room he stared at Lillians picture like he had missed her at the same time she be fine. This new party today was just what he wanted to do to loosen up. Putting on fresh jeans and a Tee shirt he put on his sneakers and booked it across campus to the party Oh the fun this i will be. First day on campus and lord and behold a party.-"Oh yeah going to get shit faced one time."
*Lil walked down the stairs of her dorm and headed straight out the double doors. She was greeted by a warm burst of air and knew she had picked just the right outfit. Digging in her little shoulder bag, she found the paper with directions to the frat house and started her walk. It didn't take very long for her to get there because of the loud music and large amount of drunk people who were already outside looking for trouble. She slipped inside and instantly found her friends who gave her her first beer of the night.*
-Phil was there already drinking Whiskey and Coke. He was going out tonight as it be his only party this year. He needed to pass and stay in check with Lil. She would never be at these parties. Phil Danced hit on the girls slapped a few Asses. Phil got Shit faced. He was so drunk he blacked out by this time he was grinding several girls and one of them in a pink dress. The Party was still rocking it was loud and in his state he was sure the girl was drunk due to her not fighting back. When the girl turned it was lil she had to be drunk her self. Phil soon closed in with a kiss. It got heated as they grind and dance against each other.-