Well, well, well - The Dixon Carter Lee saga.

Cynic Project

Really Experienced
Jan 31, 2003
I would love for everyone to see the smug look on my face when I saw the grovelling apology that DCL provided for our entertainment.

DCL, the self proclaimed joker whent one joke too far when he broke the rules of the very same website he spends hours defending in the name of his "friends" Laurel & Manu.

DCL who constantly strives to be the funny man, managed to break the EXACT same rules that HE himself abuses everyone else for doing.

Just last week we had DCL on one of his usual Lit crusades for Luarels benefit. He attacked Ginny in several threads claiming she was posted compyright material. He did so in his usual condecending and his superior act method.

He managed to ratchet up the rhetoric when claiming that Lit could go down for the copyright violations.

So what does DCL do? well not only does he infringe on someones privacy&security, mock someones appearence, and generally thief some personal pictures...he also had the audacity to quickly run onto the GB and spew his damage control apology with extreme sucking powers towards a guy he has spent months attacking because he is passionate about his views.

DCL, this prize is for you punk.

DCL is too simple to note that although Busybody has since given his permission, this does not in any way void his hypocrisy and criminality in this case.
This would have been more effective if it had not been done under an alias. Just barely, but a bit.
People like you are cowardly and everyone sees it. You don't have the balls to flame someone with your known "persona."

I will grant you that your remarks are read, but they mean nothing to anyone, but you.
Cynic Project = newbie?


Cynic Project = experienced poster too cowardly to use regular username?

I think this way:

Cynic Project = Ignore list entry
I am still a 'newbie' who DCL attacked a few months ago.

I am by no means a 'regular' but have seen DCL jump on everyone.

I am just enjoying this moment :cool:
The quality of the trolls has somehow fallen with the mandatory ID creation. Must be in the time to register a new name the passion is gone. Harken back to the glory days.
phrodeau said:
Cynic Project = newbie?


Cynic Project = experienced poster too cowardly to use regular username?

I think this way:

Cynic Project = Ignore list entry

I'll take whatever's behind curtain number two, Monty!
badasschick said:
Is this really that big of a deal?


It is a big deal when the Lit forumers are blind to the full extent of DCL's hypocrisy.

Spending time harrassing Gunny, yet he goes and does something 100x worse and everyone keeps shtoom?
Cynic Project said:
It is a big deal when the Lit forumers are blind to the full extent of DCL's hypocrisy.

Spending time harrassing Gunny, yet he goes and does something 100x worse and everyone keeps shtoom?

That's a pretty big chunk of hyperbole.

What the fuck is shtoom?
JerseyBoy said:
sorry, but you only won a sack of rancid potatoes

Damn! I knew I should have been satisfied with the trash compactor and the weeks vacation in Burbank.

Cant we all just get along? :confused:

Why the witch hunt?

This is supposed to be fun....Not.....serious stuff....

Comon folks.....Lighten up.....

Its not War and Peace.....

Its a fucking porn board....

Lets have fun...and not piss on each other....

Unless Im on fire....(Thx Heavy Stick!)
Cynic Project said:
I am still a 'newbie' who DCL attacked a few months ago.

I am by no means a 'regular' but have seen DCL jump on everyone.

I am just enjoying this moment :cool:

If you are holding a grudge from a BB going backs months, and you are now relishing the moment.

You need therapy. You need a hobby. Building ships in a bottle is underappreciated.
A Desert Rose said:
You don't have the balls to flame someone with your known "persona."

Touche'.....and three cheers for the ones that have the nads to actually take the unpopular opinion and do so under thier regular names.

Im so tired of the people here that stick a finger in the air to see which way the wind blows before posting on dramatic threads, and also of the lack of balls of people to actually come out and say what they really think with thier regular names.

Like me or love me.....you are all going to know where I stand....and I'm not going to hide.......

Hey Jersey dude....your not honeylicks brother by any chance are you? Niether of you ever have anything to add but boredom.
HeavyStick said:
Building ships in a bottle is underappreciated.

Oh, I agree absolutely.

Just finding a bottle you can fit in to build a ship is an exercise in patience in and of itself.

Large carcass that I am, I still have not succeed, but I am trying.