Well helloooooooooo.


Monkey God
Sep 23, 2002
Ladies and gentleman,

I felt in my magnanimity that I would provide you, the reading public, with this my honororable letter of intent.

You see im a sordid little bastard who has found his way to a nice wonderful new little playground of happy fun bags and squishy squishys, all at the bequest at a mutual friend.. moony.. hey baby.. how ya doin.

In any case, just so you know ahead of time.

Im evil
Im crazy
and when I say baby elephant on board I MEAN baby elephant on board... now only if I could teach it tricks.

Oh yeah and it hangs to the right.

Youve been served with your letter of intent. may the fun begin in earnest.
And... I can't spell either..


**Puts on his robin hood tights and dashes off into the forest, laughing like an englishman in tights laughs... not that im english**
O Aquila

So happy to have you hear darlin... so happy indeed..Your sense of humor and your style will fit in right nicely here.. Welcome just let me say welcome and hugs and hugs
Re: O Aquila

moonshado said:
So happy to have you hear darlin... so happy indeed..Your sense of humor and your style will fit in right nicely here.. Welcome just let me say welcome and hugs and hugs

the only question being are they ready?...
Strong must they be... yessssss.
with maleable minds they must have...yes........
oh Hell I just like saying ....yessssssssssss... does wonderful things with the tongue.
well, welcome. Make yourself comfy. You should fit in just fine. Keep your hands and feet in the vehicle at all times and we wont have any pro'lems m'kay?

:cathappy: :devil: :cathappy:
do I get to fog up the windows of the vehicle?
Hi, and welcome to lit.

Here's my standard, WTL information. Use what you can, feel free to ignore the rest.

After 30 posts, you lose that virgin tag.
After 100 posts, you can have an avatar of your own. There are at least 50 threads if you need help finding one.
After 1000 posts, you can create your own title.

This thread has some information you should read http://www.literotica.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=50634 The first post is frequently updated so you’ll know the latest info.

Also, please look at the following thread about one of the more prolific imposters here http://www.literotica.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=97398

This thread has a few things that can help us ALL enjoy lit more.


Sometime within your first day here, you’ll see a post about Magic. Magic is the unofficial Lit pubic hair remover. Thanks to our very own Cheyenne, we have thrown razors away. Here’s a couple of links to useful threads.



Lit Annon meetings are on Thursdays at 9 pm. If you ever feel the need to attend, please report back to us and let us know what happens there. There are some of us curious about the proceedings but we haven't been able to stop posting long enough to attend. :D
Aquila said:
Ladies and gentleman,

I felt in my magnanimity that I would provide you, the reading public, with this my honororable letter of intent.

You see im a sordid little bastard who has found his way to a nice wonderful new little playground of happy fun bags and squishy squishys, all at the bequest at a mutual friend.. moony.. hey baby.. how ya doin.

In any case, just so you know ahead of time.

Im evil
Im crazy
and when I say baby elephant on board I MEAN baby elephant on board... now only if I could teach it tricks.

Oh yeah and it hangs to the right.

Youve been served with your letter of intent. may the fun begin in earnest.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...a man after my own heart :D
morninggirl5 said:

After 30 posts, you lose that virgin tag.

My virginity and innocence is precious to me and I don't want to loose it

Oh wait... no thats not right at all.

You mean by virtue of being a new poster I regain my virginity?!

Aquila said:
do I get to fog up the windows of the vehicle?

Well, of course!!! Only rule us tha I have to be present

I get to watch =) hehe
nike said:

Well, of course!!! Only rule us tha I have to be present

I get to watch =) hehe

I charge 10 dollars for the first hour 5 dollars for the second and 1 dollar for each additional hour after that. and if you can hang until Ive personally met or exceeded my personal best length of time. the session is free.
Aquila said:

I charge 10 dollars for the first hour 5 dollars for the second and 1 dollar for each additional hour after that. and if you can hang until Ive personally met or exceeded my personal best length of time. the session is free.

Nope, unacceptable. No one else charges me to watch.
peachykeen said:
I do hope you realize what you have gotten yourself into, pal...

all I know is that its steaming and for some odd reason it reminds me of my old college girlfriend cthulu...

oh no wait thats the teddy bear on top of my monitor.

strange that.
nike said:

Nope, unacceptable. No one else charges me to watch.

Everyone pays to see the master at work.. unless yuor the subject... then you better be able to be handled like a true masterpiece.
Aquila said:

Everyone pays to see the master at work.. unless yuor the subject... then you better be able to be handled like a true masterpiece.

Yeah, well I dont know how my boyfriend would feel about that. Maybe he could just watch lol

*watches and listens with intense interest* :)
Hey, he wants some pointers he can watch too. but I charge double for men to watch.

I cant be giving out my techniques to the world, otherwise I might have nothing left to bargain with....

Oh no wait theres always the business card... yeah that generally works too.

Aquila said:
Hey, he wants some pointers he can watch too. but I charge double for men to watch.

I cant be giving out my techniques to the world, otherwise I might have nothing left to bargain with....

Oh no wait theres always the business card... yeah that generally works too.

*fishes around in her purse for a business card*..:D
Re: Hmmmmmmmmmmm....

[*fishes around in her purse for a business card*..:D

Hopefully its one like mine. of course modified for the gender.

Darlin... sweet pet i knew you would make a HUGE contribution here.. now get to 30 soon and then on to 100 for a sexy av of your beautiful self... and as soon as possible.. some naughty pics would be very very nice indeed

I do have to warn you.. this man.. he has stamina...he should come with a warning label. LMAO.. Fun he is.. and fun he will always be.