Welcome to the monkeyhouse


Riding to the Rescue
Jan 25, 2002
ok, so I ripped off Vonnegut, and the idea rips off Cukoo's Nest and Quills ( assuming sade was not really insane)

but one story I've NEVER seen on Lit is the "sex addict" confined to the mental institution......

who has ideas?
Maybe a sympathetic doctor, who just can't take seeing his/her patient's pain any longer?

The Earl
very different scenarios if it was a girl vs a guy

girl...everyone would fuck her right and left

guy...teased by the other inmates, maybe the nurses would get off on tying him up so he can't masturbate and then stripping and playing with each other in front of him to fuck with him
Eew ... have any of you folks ever actually witnessed what it's like in a real mental institution? Suspension of disbelief in the name of fantasy only goes so far!

The average state psychiatric hospital or even halfway house is a dismal, stinky, awful place. The people who end up in such facilities are often the chronically mentally ill, who often have -- to put it nicely -- serious hygeine issues.

Such a story might work if set in a private, posh, funded-by-rich-relatives sort of place, the ones that are more country club than lock-down unit. But in those places, the staff aren't so underpaid and burnt out, and supervision is better, so such a situation would be less likely to develop.

Sorry to be the wet blanket, but I've spent the past 12 years working in the residential psych field, and the thought of writing or reading any sort of erotic story in that setting is just appalling.

Though, sirhugs, Quills _was_ a fantastic movie!

sabledrake- I agree that a "country club" care home would be the ideal setting- sorta a Betty Ford Clinic for sex addicts?
originally posted by deliciously_naughty
guy...teased by the other inmates, maybe the nurses would get off on tying him up so he can't masturbate and then stripping and playing with each other in front of him to fuck with him

So, this guy is tied down, while they tease him. But he is very strong ... at one time, there is only this one young nurse who teases him. She is totally naked, spreading her pussy lips right before his eyes ... suddenly, the guy manages to get free ... he grabs her and fucks her
I was very disappointed that there were no actual monkeys in this thread.

How about its told from the inpatients point of view. Surreal events are occasionally discribed that must surely be imaginary but sometimes it could be a bit hard to tell. Or they could have some subconcious meaning.

For example, She is in some sort of meeting, and two of the doctors are making love on the desk. Noone else seems to notice. However, later it is revealed that the two actually are involved in some improper way. eg a drug company scam.

(or that scene could be her husband and someone at work, and then it turns out they really have been having an affair after they get her committed)

Some of the strange things may really be happening, because the people involved know that noone will beleive anything she says.
peterpan said:
I was very disappointed that there were no actual monkeys in this thread.

How about its told from the inpatients point of view. Surreal events are occasionally discribed that must surely be imaginary but sometimes it could be a bit hard to tell. Or they could have some subconcious meaning.

For example, She is in some sort of meeting, and two of the doctors are making love on the desk. Noone else seems to notice. However, later it is revealed that the two actually are involved in some improper way. eg a drug company scam.

(or that scene could be her husband and someone at work, and then it turns out they really have been having an affair after they get her committed)

Some of the strange things may really be happening, because the people involved know that noone will beleive anything she says.

Sounds like you have two interesting ideas. Why not pick one and write it, or combinne them both, either as a multiscene story, or sequel? Maybe hubby is having the affair, she sees it , he "gaslights" her into thinking its her imagination, gets her committed to carry on with his secretary ( and steal wife's inheritance). While in the "monkeyhouse" she sees the doctors on the desk ( same scene as hubby). Is she imagining this too? Where can you take the story next?
deliciously_naughty said:
very different scenarios if it was a girl vs a guy

girl...everyone would fuck her right and left

guy...teased by the other inmates, maybe the nurses would get off on tying him up so he can't masturbate and then stripping and playing with each other in front of him to fuck with him

hmmm.. your "guy" version sounds interesting
sirhugs said:
Sounds like you have two interesting ideas. Why not pick one and write it,

Ho ho. Why?

I don't want to lead you on. See that list at the bottom? Two stories. I have three others stuck somewhere after half way. If I was WRITING stories, I would hang out in the author section. With the other authors. And say things like hey arn't all us authors great. But no. I am here, in the story ideas section, putting my two bits worth into every perverse Idea that I think should be bumped up over the next "how about a story about (my wife, my son, a cheerleader, a nurse, winona) fucking ( my daughter, a cheerleader, a nurse, winona)" :p

And even that isn't really with the expectation that this will lead to someone else writing the story. Just other people might inject other similar ideas in the same vein. These arn't novels in progress, they are just the maws of evil thread-worms we throw these titbits of encouragement into and congratulate ourselves if our personal monster grows longer than anybody elses.
to peterpan

I think we all have work in progress.

Granted, not all " Story Ideas" lead directly to stories, but , of the 11 stories I've submitted so far, 4 are based on ideas from here. My next submission may be a longer story based on ideas from here, that's about half done.

And, if we stimulate others while we have fun feeding our own fantasies, that's great too.

Several authors post here and on "authors" forums. I dare say that Chicklet is among Lit's more prolific writers.

I like to encourage posters with strong ideas to write therm. To the extent that Story Ideas serves as a place for non-writers to kibitz, I bring my view that Lit is a community where giving back ought to include trying to write. Enjoying the stories without contributing is freeloading. I can accept that from those who due to time or talents just can't, but pter, you seem to have both, so I 'd like to see you do it. Or are you just too good for us?
Not stuck up, just stuck :p

I have the ideas, and can produce heaps of paragraphs towards that idea, but they just don't come together. From the story ideas and discussions here I also know there isn't going to be much of an audience for them. :(
peterpan said:
Not stuck up, just stuck :p

I have the ideas, and can produce heaps of paragraphs towards that idea, but they just don't come together. From the story ideas and discussions here I also know there isn't going to be much of an audience for them. :(

do you need a big audience?

try sticking the ideas together, then approach a volunteer editor ( one that does more than basic grammar).

There are some basic plot formats that might help, if I knew more about the ideas. Post one as a thread, either here or at story feedback, wth a few paras.
Story feedback has "500 word critic" thread where you can post your start, get tips.
sirhugs said:
do you need a big audience?

try sticking the ideas together, then approach a volunteer editor ( one that does more than basic grammar).

There are some basic plot formats that might help, if I knew more about the ideas. Post one as a thread, either here or at story feedback, wth a few paras.
Story feedback has "500 word critic" thread where you can post your start, get tips.

A small sexy one would do ;)

Sure I would write without an audience. Infact while I am actually writing i wish they would go away. I mean, it is sort of creepy having them there.

Anyway, I think it is time to take this outside.