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Jun 9, 2003
(( Hydra knows about the island and has been "harvesting" from the island. It would be revealed eventually that the Islanders didn't kill him Hydra did and they are trying to "run off the outsiders" to protect them especially her. The Island breeds mutants and her powers is the 4 elements.))

Ebenezer Westlyn's Granddaughter Catalina
Moira McTaggert could not believe what she was reading. Ebenezer Westlyn... MIA presumed dead mutant scientific mastermind has a descendant... Impossible... But she was looking at the letter bloody though it was from the body slaughtered and found adrift on a raft. The raft itself was a mysterious shock as well. Warnings carved into the strange black wood. Warnings that they have tolerated the outsiders long enough and now that they have found them they will die. Moira turned to Xavier and Fury to pass along what she had found. After all Ebenezer had worked along side SHIELD as well as Xavier.

She walled into the conference room and waiting for them to finish reading her teams findings. The anger however veiled on Fury's face was stifling the room. Xavier was a little more contained about it but sighed.

Any idea how long he had been living in these peoples lands before this happened?

Charles we do nay even know where he raft came from. This wood is stranger than anything we have ever seen but if I had to guess it requires a humid region to thrive.

He nodded.

How do we find the descendant he was speaking of in this letter or journal entry?

Moira shrugged.

I had hoped cerebro might be able to find any similar brain waves to Ebenezer?

Nodding he excused himself and made his way to cerebro.

Alright Fury spill it... Did you know where he vanished off to?

Nick shrugged.

He took off after Korea... Came back and vanished again. Let's just say the last time the old man vanished he basically gave humans and mutants a massive fuck you and that was the last we heard from him. Lab and all gone... Five storys worth of his lab gone the rest destroyed beyond even our best scientists. No offense but SHIELD will handle funeral and all that. We owe him that much.

Moira nodded and made a couple of phone calls.

That will be fine. He was adrift they think at least a couple of weeks. Seems his mutation even preserved him after death.

Nick just nodded and took the file with him said his goodbyes and left.

The island was hidden it had been for centuries by the sheer will of its inhabitants all of which seemed to wield mutant like abilities from birth. They did not like outsiders and were far from pleased to find out that not only had outsiders been living on their island but that some of their own people had born children with the outsiders.

Now the original intruder was dead and the traitors who mated with him or his offspring sacrificed back to the island they were left with the grandchild and what they suspected was her island given bodyguard... A strange massive black cat wielding fangs and claws like nothing they had ever seen before.


With no clue what they would be headed into Fury decided that his best option was someone who could withstand more damage and hopefully see past any magic or mutant abilities... But he was not keen on sending only one person so time to run this mission by the Avengers. Calling a meeting with the ending words being ~Do NOT be late!~

Catalina had watched from hiding what they had done to her family. Many of them had paid with their lives as well from her mutant ability with the elements and the massive black panther like cat that watched over her. Now it was simply survival and avoiding the random warrior who wanted to make a name for himself.
Clint Barton aka Hawkeye


The call came through just as he finished his lunch, he opened the communicator and listened in silence, noting the time and place as given by Director Fury. He closed the device, paid for the meal, and soon he was on his motorbike, driving to the SHIELD quarters. After returning to the team, he had moved back into his old room, the farm was not the place for him anymore and even though it was for the best in the end, it was not truly how he would have wanted his return to the team to have gone.

In fact, he did not want to return. But with so many of the main members in the wind, he just could not let the team down. Sometimes he felt like he had done the wrong thing, made the wrong move. But luckily those times were few and he stayed loyal to SHIELD and the team.

He pulled into the garage, it seemed like most of the active roster was there already. He went to his room, slid out of his street clothes, grabbed a shower, suited up and moved to the meeting room.
Nat was giving everyone a whispered. "Careful Fury is in a strange mental state" Maria popped up the screen revealing the bloody letter and the late Dr Westlyn. Fury tensed composed himself and stared at each of them. Seeing some recognition on Banner and Starks face as well as Caps he nodded.

It appears the good Dr had found somewhere no one could track him with trees that don't exist on it and was killed there but not before apparently having a family and granddaughter. According to the letter they are hunted constantly by natives and some outside entity harvests natives from this island. We are going to find this granddaughter and get her to safety if not a job and a home here. Since we don't know what to expect I am sending all of you. Xavier is currently looking for any brainwave patterns that match Westlyns once he has that information we will be on our way so suit up and prepare for anything. Hawkeye... you will take scouting this and track her down the others will search the island. Dismissed!
He went to the situation room and looked for a map, he found a few satellite photos of what was believed to be the area of operation. It seemed a lot more like it was a deserted jungle island that has never seen human influence. After looking up all the details he could find on the island, he packed more gear and by the time the call came for deployment, he was ready.

The flight was spent in silence, the rest of the team seemed to be as leery about the situation as he felt. This was strange, the blood-spattered letter, the strange wooden raft, and a legacy that seemed to bring death. His earpiece buzzed, he unbuckled himself from his seat, secured his gear, and moved to the jump door. The door slid open and he jumped, gliding down, making his signature as streamlined as possible, only to deploy the parachute at a low altitude.

His parachute got tangled, he was expecting as much and was prepared when he released the clasps and swung into the tree.

"Hawkeye in position, moving out."

"Good hunting."
The others deployed in various locations. The maps were crude at best due to Cerebro and Jarvis's estimations pockets of brainwave patterns had revealed at least 3 primitive villages on the island that should have been open water miles off the coast of Belize. Their only guess for her was a couple of brainwave patterns near a waterfall-looking area from basic flyby readings.

She had heard something but what she did not know. Looking around she crouched low near the top of the waterfall with her feline companion sniffing the air with a snarl.

Easy it could have been one of those plane things grandfather told me about. They don't know there is an island here remember. The native mask it with their minds Kya.

She made her way back to the treehouse that was half contained in the caves behind the waterfall. Primitive labs built by her grandfather who could not let go of research no matter where he was. She had been trying to pack it all up in anything she could make to store things in. She understood some of it and even figured out a couple of the ones he had left undone. She was more concerned with survival after they had finally killed him and shoved him away on that raft.
It took a while for the jungle's sounds to return after his landing, he smiled slightly, feeling at home, even though it was not his home at all. He climbed down from the tree, taking his bearings, and set out into the foliage. He knew that he had to find higher ground, set up a beacon, and then continue with his scouting mission.

He was not quite certain what he was looking for, but he thought that it would be quite obvious once he came across or saw it. He came to a river and started to follow it, noticing the tracks left by numerous animals, but very few indications of humans, which would mean that he wasn't near an inhabited area of the island.
Maria's voice some through the comm.

Okay, Hawkeye according to updated intel from Xavier and brainwave tracking your target is ahead of you along the river then up several hundred feet probably waterfall area or... Cave system. Travel companion with the target may or may not be human they are getting one mind with her but the reading varies too much. Approach with caution just in case its not human. Weapons of any kind fury says is absolutely a last resort. The others are slowly closing on that location as well for backup and if needed Banner is ready to jump in.

Catalina continued to pack up much of her grandfather's things. Why she did not know just that it felt like it was the right thing to do. He had always told her her mind was moree like his on instinct just where his was learned hers was natural due to where she was born. He had said humans and mutants could learn a lot from living as they had for all those years. She had often wondered about the world he had left behind.
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When Maria's voice came over the commlink, he was looking at a set of footprints.

"It's a feline."

"Repeat that?"

He rose, looking around carefully.

"I found prints at the top of the waterfall, human and a large feline."

"Roger that, continue with care."

He moved on, following the tracks carefully, not sure what to think or really what to expect. All he knew were that the target had some sort of mutation and most likely mutant abilities. Now there's feline in the mix and judging from the footprints, it was a massive one.
Kya her feline companion turned sharp and began snarling. She paused turning to see what Kya was honing in on. Kya knew that it was not a local but she did not know what it was putting the feline more on guard.

What is it?

She quickly moved to the outlook to see what she can find. Slowly moving out of the treehouse and up into the trees around the waterfall searching.


Kya on the other hand went for a more visual approach walking from the treeline over the water on a fallen tree and laid down studying the area.
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He was seated in a tree, overlooking the river and waterfall, his sharp gaze picked up movement and he watched as a black panther stepped out from a carefully hidden doorway. As he looked, the treehouse started to take form the longer he watched, and then she stepped out of the door and stood looking out over the river. The panther climbed down and took a perch on a tree branch, carefully searching.

Not sure how to handle this situation as he did not know what the feline could get up to, he decided to reveal himself to the two. He gave a short, sharp whistle. The panther's eyes swiveled towards his position and he moved slowly, making sure that it can see him clearly.
The massive cat was immediately back at her side snarling. She tensed watching him but did notice that he was paler like her grandfather and those that stole people from the island. One hand resting on the massive cats head seemed to relax it but did nothing to silence it as it snarled.

Who are you? You are not of the island not do you look like those that steal the natives?

Her other hand resting close to her hip where knives carved of the same strange black wood rested in sheaths.
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He could see that between the two of them, the order of no weapons could become a little problematic. He took a breath when she spoke to him, at least they could talk.

"My name is Hawkeye, I am part of a group called the Avengers. We have come to the island because we have found a person on a raft with a letter, a letter which led us to this island. There are indications that a group called Hydra is using this island to gather people by kidnapping them. We are here to stop that and to find you."
You found grandfather?

She watched him still unsure of this or him but Kya seemed to also understand him stopped snarling and sniffed more at the air to get his scent.

In the earpiece, Nat's voice spoke up.

Sounds like you found her. Extraction point terminated the Islanders found the signal drone and destroyed it. They are on active hunting alert. Is there any clesring where you are big enough to drop a ladder down?
He subvocalized

"Negative on immediate extraction. Need a bit more time."

To her, he said: "I am sorry to say, but his body was found. That is why we came, to look into the kidnappings and to get you out before you are also attacked."
He told me I was always guided to do things before I knew why. I have recently packed up most of this "research and proof that he could not leave your world behind" experiments. How many are here we may need help taking them from here?

Kya snorted she didn't trust anyone but Catalina seemed calm with him so the feline relaxed a little. Nat hearing what she said.

Steve, Tony, Rhodey, and I are close and willing to help.

Tony chimed in.

Absolutely can't wait to see the good Drs research from a place like this.
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He found her sudden acceptance a bit strange, but then again, she wasn't raised as a backward savage, she probably knew a rescue action when she saw it.

"There are four others nearby, if you know of a place nearby, they can meet us there and extract you. If there's anything else you wish to bring with you, we can help. The biggest and most important is to get you out of here first and then return to save the islanders."
Holding her hands up she started up and the treetops overhead and slowly moving her hands the trees seemed to obey and move creating an opening above them there at the top of the waterfall.

I can make one.

She looked to him as the tree too tangled together to keep an opening above the right where she put it.

Kya turned snarling again as Cap and Steve caught up to them stopping short.

Shit, that's a big panther!

Nat said starting at the cat. Kya growled but did not move as Catalina called out to her.

Easy Kya... They found grandfather...

The cat lifted her head as if understanding that and looked to Clint before nudging the various woven packs of his books and experiments and notes about the same time Tony showed up and Kya leaped in attack.
He watched as Tony had to deal with a rather large feline attacking him in his Ironman suit.

"Remember Tony, no weapons. It is a friendly cat after all."

He secured the books and papers inside a magnetizing collapsible locker box, then looked at Catalina.

"Perhaps you can talk Kya down? From the reaction to the Ironman suit, it makes me think that the Hydra agents uses a form of power armor to do their raids?"
Tony tried to simply "embrace" the feline and hold it till it calmed or tired out or was called off. Catalina looked over nodding and moved closer to Kya though a little wary herself.

Kya... they know Grandfather... they are not the the outsiders who try to take the natives from the island.

Kya paused some snarling still.

Open your face mask she needs to know there is someone in there that is not simply part of the suit.

Rhodes without pause opened his as Kyas head whipped over looking to him sniffing. Getting the fangs away from Tony so he could do the same thing before she looked back and sniffed at him too. Seeing Tony's face Kya actually paused her head tilted before trying to look at an old desk in the corner that held a picture of Ebenezer Westlyn and Tony's father and a very different looking Rogers.

I think you confused her.

Nat said as she made her way to see what the cat was looking at and quickly putting the pictures in a bag and burying them in one of the trunks.
"I don't think she's confused. It looks a lot more like facial recognition."

He looked out of the windows and noticed movement in the distance

"I may not have your scanners and telescopic vision, but I know company when I see it."

He looked at Catalina and motioned to Kya

"Will she go with us? I think it is time for us to get out of here."
I will not leave her behind.

Seeing Tony's face she tilted her head but dismissing anything else when he said they had company.

The hole in the canopy will eventually return to normal if a way.to leave is needed we need to go.

Nat looked over.

Research and anything she pointed out to take is secured. Let's go.

Tony looked to Kya.

Only one way.to get you to the jet kitty. Hang on. Meet you all there. Maria hole in the canopy drop them a ladder... NOW! Locals are now shooting at us.

A couple of arrow sail into the tree house imbedding in the wood.
He turned and flexed the staff he carried, it telescoped into a bow. Reaching behind his shoulder, he drew an arrow, aimed, and let loose. The arrow sailed from the window with a high-pitched whine and struck one of the islanders, who went down in a heap. He met the looks from the group,

"Rubber-tipped arrow, he will wake up with a headache."

He followed the group as they climbed on to the ladder and watched as the tree house fell away as the transport lifted them out of arrow range.
Once on the jet Kya seemed leas than amused at the closed in quarters but did seem to accept attention from some of them. The flight to the helicarrier was a quick one as they docked and everyone exited the jet. Once clear of the jet an alarm sounded prompting SHIELD medical to charge towards Catalina. Seeing this she lifted her hands defensively and Kya placed herself squarely between them and her ward. Jarvis chirped to life.

Perhaps Fury should give a stand down command Sir as it appears that all the air has left the helicarrier as our guest lifted her hands in knee jerk defense. Mutant ability clearly confirmed.
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"Oh, I could have told you about clearly confirmed back when she started making a tree move without any wind around."

Clint slowly moved closer but stayed at a safe distance

"Listen up Catalina, we will not bring you all the way here to hurt you or Kya. Perhaps just allow the people to breathe again and in turn, the medics can stand down and wait for you to come to them on your own."
She calmed at Clint's voice but like most everyone she jumped at Furys reaction.

Her grandfather was a mutant so no damn shit she would be one. Now stand down or I will toss you out an airlock!