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Byron In Exile

Frederick Fucking Chopin
May 3, 2002
Please be certain that your rifle is legal using the handy chart and lists below.

I'm not even sure what most of those questions mean.

Pretty sure my old .22 is okay, though.
Okay, I'll bite. What's the drop test?

Handgun Drop Test: shall mean a test in which the handgun in question shall be:

(a) test loaded;
(b) set such that the handgun is ready to fire; and
(c) dropped onto a solid slab of concrete from a height of one meter from each of the following positions:

1. normal firing position,
2. upside down,
3. on grip,
4. on the muzzle,
5. on either side, and
6. on the exposed hammer or striker (or if there is no exposed hammer or striker, then the rearmost part of the firearm).

In addition, if the handgun is designed so that its hammer or striker may be set in other positions, the handgun in question shall be tested with the hammer or striker in each such position (but otherwise ready to fire). Alternatively, the tester may use different handguns of the same make and model, in similar condition, for the test of each of these hammer/striker settings.

(from http://www.ago.state.ma.us/sp.cfm?pageid=1579 )

Since it is old it would not have been tested. :cool:
Handgun Drop Test: shall mean a test in which the handgun in question shall be:

(a) test loaded;
(b) set such that the handgun is ready to fire; and
(c) dropped onto a solid slab of concrete from a height of one meter from each of the following positions:

1. normal firing position,
2. upside down,
3. on grip,
4. on the muzzle,
5. on either side, and
6. on the exposed hammer or striker (or if there is no exposed hammer or striker, then the rearmost part of the firearm).

In addition, if the handgun is designed so that its hammer or striker may be set in other positions, the handgun in question shall be tested with the hammer or striker in each such position (but otherwise ready to fire). Alternatively, the tester may use different handguns of the same make and model, in similar condition, for the test of each of these hammer/striker settings.

(from http://www.ago.state.ma.us/sp.cfm?pageid=1579 )

Since it is old it would not have been tested. :cool:

but it's a rifle, not a handgun

and I'm sure I dropped it at least once when I was a kid
It won't be in lists A, B, or C.

It's a rifle, correct?

Does it have a detachable magazine?

Yes, it's a rifle.

And yes, it has a detachable magazine (8 cartridges, if I remember right).

But I DID drop it. I'm sure I did.
Yes, it's a rifle.

And yes, it has a detachable magazine (8 cartridges, if I remember right).

But I DID drop it. I'm sure I did.
Okay. Does it have any one of the following —

A pistol grip
A thumbhole stock
A folding or telescoping stock
A grenade launcher or flare launcher
A flash suppressor
A forward pistol grip?