WEG? What's WEG?


AV invisible to idiots
Nov 14, 2001
All right. WEG. I see it now and again and in a context that suggests it means something.

Now I now that LMAO stands for 'Lick My Anal Orifice', LOL is 'Lot's of Love' and that ROFL means 'I am a dyslexic Rolf Harris Fan.' But WEG, now that has me stumped.

What is it?

Wendy Eats Goldfish?
Whack Edwards Gonads?
We Enjoy Golf?
We Entertain Goats?
Winnie eats Gavin?
While Eunuchs Gobble?

Explain please, someone.

Don't be silly!

If you'd seen Weedy Eric's Gibblets like I have then you'd know that they are best forgotten. Quickly.

You just wouldn't want to keep seeing reminders in the posts.

Weedy Eric's Gibblets? Eughhhh!

Perhaps it's

Wriggle Edwina's G-spot?

Wordy Egocentric Gonad?

Wish Everyone Grinds?

Wordly Elephant Gizz?

I really know...do you really want to?

This is fun!
Mad_Jack_Rabbit said:

NO THEY DON'T. They eat what Madame Chaulait cooks for them and they're grateful!

They don't eat grass!

Bullshit..I chased them off the common just the other morning....Orinoco had lost his tissues papers so they were forced to eat their stash instead of smoking ....

Wombles extremely gratefully (coz i lent them two papers..)

No one actually knows do they. I think it's a conspiracy by out raged Tolkien fans out to confuse and bewilder me.


Wanking Elrond Grinning?
Draco said:

Wombles extremely gratefully (coz i lent them two papers..)

You won't see those papers again. Bloody wombles. Always going on 'Lend me some money mate, only I aint been paid yet for the cans I've recycled.'

I just tell me to get a proper bloody job before I set the Borribles on them.
Wombles Extra Grateful....and they have good weed too.

Tobermorey got a plot down behind the fishpond...nice sticky buds
debbiexxx said:

But that would take all the fun out of it. It be like knowing the names of everyone in the pub. You wouldn't be able to go back to the table and say things like:

'I was just speaking to - don't know his name - the guy with the long hair...'

'Who, Jim's mate?'

'Nah, not Jim's mate. Jim's mate has short hair.'

'Noooo, I don't mean Jim's mate with the short hair, I mean the other one, with the jacket.'


How dull life would be with out these little games.

Like what does WEG stand for????
Draco said:
Wombles Extra Grateful....and they have good weed too.

Tobermorey got a plot down behind the fishpond...nice sticky buds

Maybe, but you can't trust their measures. Orinoco always sells short
WEG? What's WEG?
I dunno. Keep guessing.

Whiny Extraterrestrial gimp
Wide Enema's Gap
Wantonly Exploding Guide
Wonderous Exploitive Gay
Whangerlicious Enormous Guy

Wizards Elongated Gizmo's
Wombling Elevated Gag's
Watching Exaggerated Games
What Enormous Gazongas
Warty Elizabethan Giblets
Whiff Edna's genitals.
White Educated Gerbils
William eradicates G-spots
Watching Erudite Guinea Pigs