WeeeHeee! Gotta love idiots


Oct 31, 2001
This article found in today's Sydney Morning Herald., just goes to show the stupid people are in politics everywhere....

Nile sends Muslims into uproar

Islamic leaders have condemned a call by a NSW MP to ban Muslim women from wearing their traditional dress for fear it could conceal "both weapons and explosives".

Christian Democrat MLC, Reverend Fred Nile, sparked an uproar in parliament after urging the government to consider banning the wearing of the hijab in public places.

Citing the recent Moscow theatre siege as an example of how the dress could be used to stage a terrorist attack, Rev Nile said the recent terrorist threat on Australia was reason to ban it.

"Is it fact that such a total body covering completely conceals a person's identity and even whether they are male or female, which is a perfect disguise for terrorists as it conceals both weapons and explosives?

"Will the government, in view of the new terrorist threat as part of our new Australian security precautions, consider a prohibition on the wearing of the chador in public places, especially at railway stations, city streets and shopping centres?"

The question drew condemnation from other MPs who accused Rev Nile of religious intolerance.

Responding to the call, NSW Police Minister Michael Costa swiftly rejected the request.

The Lebanese-Muslim Association accused Rev Nile of trying to score political points.

"The scarf is about modesty, not about violence and there is not an incident in history of a woman in Australia engaging in violence while wearing the scarf," said association spokesman, Keysar Trad.

"He's riding on the fear that exists out there and exploiting it for possible political gain.


And yes, he is
babydoll_73 said:
Well what did you expect from Hanns, Quick?
well to be honest, over the last few days i have had a couple of decent conversations with him.
OK and he can be funny at times but I have seen him say similar things before so I kinda expected it. Hope you had a nice day
cybergirly1989 said:
So I guess next it'll be the banning of trench coats.
but but but thats for when i am lurking in the park!

Hmmm I wonder....

Togas can be pretty concealing... does that mean we should ban toga parties and all productions of Julius Ceasar?
no because toga wearing romansa re white and in america we only care about white people and oil, that;s why we go to war.
ChefChip said:
no because toga wearing romansa re white and in america we only care about white people and oil, that;s why we go to war.

well we knew that ;)
That guy is 100% right!

In view of the changed world situation, it makes security sense.

If the Muslims dont like it, get out of the country!
Re: That guy is 100% right!

busybody said:
In view of the changed world situation, it makes security sense.

If the Muslims dont like it, get out of the country!

why don;t you get out of the country. that's what makes this afree country and if we want to be a free country we have to know that there are risks. why don;t you just carrya gun and if you see soemone about to shoot someone else or detonatea car bomb, nail them. that;s what I would do if I was old anough.
Re: That guy is 100% right!

busybody said:
In view of the changed world situation, it makes security sense.

If the Muslims dont like it, get out of the country!

To start with Sydney is not in the U.S.:rolleyes:

I really don't know why I'm doing this, but here goes.

Since you seem to think it's ok to tell Muslims what they can and can not wear in the U.S., does that mean it's ok for the U.S. government to tell me and every other citizen what to wear as well? Should I not be allowed to wear bulky sweaters, because I could conceal a gun or a bomb under them? What about short skirts, let me guess it should be against the law for women with ugly knees to wear them.

Have you and your kind shown yourselves DEVOTED to murder and mayhem?
so all white people are evil because a few lynched some black people, we are all like that? and are all black people murderers becase OJ killed soem people? and wow, well I cna't really do this for any longer.
"muslim extremist" is to Islam, what the KKK is to Christianity.

Oops we should also remember the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades since .... well history never forgets.

More recently during WW1 and WW2, god was supposedly on the side of the Axis, as well as the Allies.
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Re: Girly

busybody said:
Have you and your kind shown yourselves DEVOTED to murder and mayhem?

Me and my kind? What kind would that be, tax paying U.S. citizens?

Ok, then turn the question around. Have you and your kind devoted yourself to living in a police state? Living in an isolated compound in the hills of Montana?
I think we are fighting a lost cause battel thingy here. this guy won;t learna nd he certainly won;t back down from his position, he has no reason to so let;s talk about soemthing else.