Webcam question...again.


Oct 10, 2002
It keeps locking up when someone views it. Not everytime and not with every person. Any suggestions on how to fix it?

I use it with Yahoo, btw.
how often doyou have the refresh set up compared to your bandwidth?
if they are behind a firewall, it could cause problems as well... or if you are behing a firewall...
If all else fails, close all nonessential programs except your ISP connection and Yahoo!.

If I have other stuff running, it slows my cam.

hotlittlegirlwv said:
It keeps locking up when someone views it. Not everytime and not with every person. Any suggestions on how to fix it?

I use it with Yahoo, btw.

Set it on the floor and smash it to smithereens with a sledge hammer. Hope that helps.
How many other windows do you have open? Or how many other programs do you have running in the background?

It could be a RAM issue..
teddybear4play said:
If all else fails, close all nonessential programs except your ISP connection and Yahoo!.

If I have other stuff running, it slows my cam.


Thank you. :)
freakygurl said:
How many other windows do you have open? Or how many other programs do you have running in the background?

It could be a RAM issue..

Speaking of RAM. We bought 2 new 128's and installed them....that didn't work. Right now we have a 128 and a 32 in there and it reads as 96. Maybe we messed the whole deal up with the RAM stuff. *shrugs* Who knows. Thanks for the advice. :)
Guru said:
Some systems, especially Packard-Hell's, don't take standard RAM. You have to be really, really careful with it these days.

Someone said we need to get 100s instead of 133s. I guess we'll try that.
Guru said: has a system selector menu. You might try there first. Tell them Guru sent you.

Thanks! :)

That helped a lot actually. I do need the 100s. Circuit City told me the wrong thing. Bastards. (Not surprised though, sales guy was all of 16! :rolleyes: )