Wealthy couple humiliating adventures


Mar 7, 2009
The story is about an upper class or upper middle class married couple in their 30s who wanted to spice their lives a little bit but that went wrong.

The husband and wife came from the wealthy background and are quite successful in their respective positions. He is a corporate executive, she's a government official. Both are rather stuck up and snobbish. Both invest a lot in their appearance and looks, always immaculately dressed (if not slightly overdressed), perfectly groomed and so on. They like to emphasize their high social status with their appearance.

But they also share the same fantasy: the couple secretly want to be robbed and forced to strip by some low class tramps who they publicly detest and maybe undergo even worse humiliation at their hands. To feel this more sharply they sometimes take journeys in their car across the rough parts of the city.

This time started as ever, the rich husband and wife went to such journey after work (or social occasion), dressed in their finery, but after some time their car tyre went flat in one of the desolate streets. They couldn't call service as her smartphone went out of the charge and he forgot his own at home. They tried to find a payphone and moved away rather far from their Lexus. Then they were surrounded by local youth gang (or just a boy and a girl who were impudent enough to start talking to rich couple). They talked a little bit and locals decide that it's quite an easy but tasty prey.

The couple would have to undergo a very humiliating night starting with a robbery they fantasized of (especially degrading for our classy couple at the early stage would be when they see their precious clothes and jewelry would be tried on by the young scum) to parading them naked in the streets. Maybe, the wife will even be forced to watch how her beloved hubby will be forced to fuck the young local sluts (with degrading commentary and so on)...

Is anyone interested in writing this one?
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Sounds interesting.

When I read the title, I thought it was about a powerful couple who pays financially struggling young women to be their slut. The couple degrades the girl and then pays her money.

But anyway, your idea sounds interesting. It's a sexy thought, that a wealthy couple would be degraded by "lower class" people.

It's also very sexy to think that the wife is a government official, so perhaps she's cautious about her identity. That would explain the long drives, because they don't want anyone in their city to find out about their deviant fetish. They know it's sick, but they can't help it.
Does sound intersting, I like the idea of the powerful being brought down.

Maybe have one of the couple really into submission after the encounter, while the other isn't
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The story is about an upper class or upper middle class married couple in their 30s who wanted to spice their lives a little bit but that went wrong.

The husband and wife came from the wealthy background and are quite successful in their respective positions. He is a corporate executive, she's a government official. Both are rather stuck up and snobbish. Both invest a lot in their appearance and looks, always immaculately dressed (if not slightly overdressed), perfectly groomed and so on. They like to emphasize their high social status with their appearance.

But they also share the same fantasy: the couple secretly want to be robbed and forced to strip by some low class tramps who they publicly detest and maybe undergo even worse humiliation at their hands. To feel this more sharply they sometimes take journeys in their car across the rough parts of the city.

This time started as ever, the rich husband and wife went to such journey after work (or social occasion), dressed in their finery, but after some time their car tyre went flat in one of the desolate streets. They couldn't call service as her smartphone went out of the charge and he forgot his own at home. They tried to find a payphone and moved away rather far from their Lexus. Then they were surrounded by local youth gang (or just a boy and a girl who were impudent enough to start talking to rich couple). They talked a little bit and locals decide that it's quite an easy but tasty prey.

The couple would have to undergo a very humiliating night starting with a robbery they fantasized of (especially degrading for our classy couple at the early stage would be when they see their precious clothes and jewelry would be tried on by the young scum) to parading them naked in the streets. Maybe, the wife will even be forced to watch how her beloved hubby will be forced to fuck the young local sluts (with degrading commentary and so on)...

Is anyone interested in writing this one?
I like the story idea...only the humiliation and sexual degradation is NOT something they had planned when they go on vacation. They are both shocked to learn how much that LOVE the nasty things that happen to them.
The plot of the story can be altered a bit for those who likes blackmail.

The couple drives through the poor quarters not because they are looking for a thrill, but just because are in a hurry trying not to be late for a guest night. In one of the streets they hit down a teen, try to make their escape, but their car get stuck. Soon they are surrounded by the friends of the injured teen who saw everything. They lure the couple out of the car and threaten them to call the police....