We will Blitzkrieg your General Board!


Literotica Guru
Jul 14, 2007
The German Bureau of Political Correctness managed to get hold of German Lit, by establishing an undercover agent as moderator there. The plan of the Germans - removing swearing, provocation and political uncorrectness from whole Literotica and fill the forum with (not too offensive) lolcat pictures.

Phase 1: Establishing a beachhead in German Literotica.
Status: Done.

Phase 2: Eliminating resistence that doesn't want to adhere to the new German-only forum rules - to only have civilized and well-mannered conversations. Any posting with uncivilized words gets removed from the thread and put into a recycle bin thread.
Status: In Progress.

Phase 3: Conquering the other less frequented foreign boards and turning them into nice, comfy places (without cookies). People all over the world should have a place for civilized discussions.
Status: Scheduled.

Phase 4: Conquering the General Board. We all know: The world would be a better place if we all adopted the German way of living.
Status: Scheduled.

So, when they finally take the General Board from you, don't tell us Germans this time we didn't try our best to warn you against the new threat.
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Well, OK then. Let me be the first to welcome our new German overlords to the GB.
Yes, willkommen. Am I saying that right? Willkommen?
*views post*

you go from never here

to always here:confused:

*view post*

I tore meniscus in my left knee and currently am rather limited in what I can do, so I am not working until after the surgery.
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I tore meniscus in my left knee and currently am rather limited in what I can do, so I am not working until after the surgery.

*view post*:rolleyes:

Free loader....I bet Obama sends you money every month....maybe TWICE as much as a STRAIGHT person would get

*view post*:rolleyes:

Free loader....I bet Obama sends you money every month....maybe TWICE as much as a STRAIGHT person would get

*view post*

I wish. Instead I just won't have enough of a salary to owe any taxes for 2012.
*view post*

I wish. Instead I just won't have enough of a salary to owe any taxes for 2012.

*view post*:rolleyes:

So you are juan(ita) of those

that expect

ME to pay


while YOU

lounge around


by the crazed BUSYBODY????????????????????????????:rolleyes:
*view post*:rolleyes:

So you are juan(ita) of those

that expect

ME to pay


while YOU

lounge around


by the crazed BUSYBODY????????????????????????????:rolleyes:

*view post*

And how. I also hope to get at least a 10% disability check from this and some food stamps and perhaps some sympathy sex after the operation.
*view post*

And how. I also hope to get at least a 10% disability check from this and some food stamps and perhaps some sympathy sex after the operation.

*view post*:rolleyes:

You are entitled to everything

As a protected class


Not only a woo man



LezBo as well.....


The German Bureau of Political Correctness managed to get hold of German Lit, by establishing an undercover agent as moderator there. The plan of the Germans - removing swearing, provocation and political uncorrectness from whole Literotica and fill the forum with (not too offensive) lolcat pictures.

Phase 1: Establishing a beachhead in German Literotica.
Status: Done.

Phase 2: Eliminating resistence that doesn't want to adhere to the new German-only forum rules - to only have civilized and well-mannered conversations. Any posting with uncivilized words gets removed from the thread and put into a recycle bin thread.
Status: In Progress.

Phase 3: Conquering the other less frequented foreign boards and turning them into nice, comfy places (without cookies). People all over the world should have a place for civilized discussions.
Status: Scheduled.

Phase 4: Conquering the General Board. We all know: The world would be a better place if we all adopted the German way of living.
Status: Scheduled.

So, when they finally take the General Board from you, don't tell us Germans this time we didn't try our best to warn you against the new threat.

What a dumb fuck. Who the hell gives a crap about the German board? Anyway, I'm sure Manu can track down the moderator and ban 'it' quick enough.

German PCism - fuck you.
Don't mention the war.

Oh. They did.

Aren't the German Literoticans aware that the General Board has more Generals than the Germany Army ever needed?
Ich kann verstehe ein paar Deutscher Worte, aber mein Grammatik ist Englisch!
What a dumb fuck. Who the hell gives a crap about the German board? Anyway, I'm sure Manu can track down the moderator and ban 'it' quick enough.

German PCism - fuck you.

Grouch. You're not getting any of the cookies, I bet.
Primalex sounds like an OTC medication or a hardware store paint brand.