We owned most of the world.

Our imperialists learned from your colonialists' mistakes. It's not how much land you control on paper, but how much power you have behind the scenes. When you factor in puppet governments, staged coups and CIA-backed dictators, the American empire is probably as large as yours ever was, and certainly as powerful.
We just took, or bought, what we wanted. That's where the sea to shining sea thing comes into play.
Now you own nothing, you have no natural resources, muslims are taking over and you get your orders from Belgium. :cool:
The U.S. is now the richest and most powerful country in all of human history. You Brits can keep your monuments of a lost empire.
Now you own nothing, you have no natural resources, muslims are taking over and you get your orders from Belgium. :cool:

You're still paying us rent for Diego Garcia, where we evicted the residents in contravention of all international and moral law.
I think America's problem is that they didn't.

Our economy is prospering because of America.

I just sent my three daughters off to College in the United States.

I don't remember the name right now, but I think it's Florida State University.

It might be University of Florida.

Anyway, God Bless America.

Would you like to help patrol your old stomping grounds? It's really not fair that you screwed up some of these places and then left us holding the bag.
Would you like to help patrol your old stomping grounds? It's really not fair that you screwed up some of these places and then left us holding the bag.

What do you think we've been doing in Iraq and Afghanistan? :cool: