We have to survive this (open to one woman)


Literotica Guru
Feb 15, 2012
Robert W. Carroll
Age 28
Height 6"
Weight 155
Dark brown eyes and short hair
Clean shaven. No tattoos or piercings. Does not drink or smoke. Not married/ no children. Works as a construction worker by day off work part of a civilian 'zombie watch' group.

In Seattle the population was very dense and hemmed in on one side by the Puget Sound and the mountains. It was a funnel where I 5 sliced through running north and South. I work at a construction company that builds prefabricated houses as well as take them apart. It was a rather simple job that built up my stamina and meets a lot of other people that share the same interests. With that we formed a zombie awareness group. With what happened in Florida, Massachusetts, and Texas we had stockpiling weapons and supplies for what was the makings of the zombie apocalypse. Then, it occurred to us; it would be wise if we purchased a ship instead of taking our chances of running into the mountains or staying put in a apartment complex in the heart of the city, that is where we found: the Pigeon.


She had seen better times in the United States Navy. She was 187 feet 10 inches in length and a beam (width) of 35 feet six inches and draft (height of the hull below the waterline) of 9 feet; certainly not the largest ship but it suited our needs as it was our ship now when we bought it from the scrap yard for $10,000 where it has been sitting for about sixty years. The hull was rusted and riddled with holes, there was a bird’s nest in the smoke stack, and all of the equipment had been stripped away leaving it a hulk that we had to mount on blocks on the land to begin our work.

For six months the eighteen of us spent our free time cleaning the Pigeon up; patching and cleaning the hull, putting in a custom made steam engine and a single screw (propeller) and a powerful radio system. Originally this ship had 3inch guns on board for aerial defense and machine guns, but we couldn’t get the Federal licenses for that but what we could get were assault rifles, shotguns, pistols, and lots of ammunition and none too soon. A lot of people called us ‘childish’ and even ‘stupid’ for wasting so much of our time and money not only on the Pigeon but also on our Zombie preparedness. Even if we could get the damn ship to float; what then?

The 18 of us was just enough to man this ship effectively but few had any experience on a ship so I spent many hours in the library as well as handling smaller ships in the Sound to increase my knowledge and experience and for that I was voted as Captain of the ship but I was not given a rank insignia or even a hat; it was just a position for our small group.

Then zombies came.

It was late at night. The news was confused at first; calling it civil disobedience then rioting as the police stepped up their response but that was all we needed. Grabbing my belongings, rifle, and running through the streets I made it to the Pigeon first then the rest of my friends clambered onboard and we shoved off immediately not paying any heed to anyone else and tried out the engine for the first time and it worked. We built up steam and proceeded at five knots towards the middle of Puget Sound. It was better for us to wait it out offshore than risk it sitting at dock for any new signs.

We endured the freezing wind of the Sound all through the night and we heard on the radio as it became progressively. Using the radio we listened as the military and more law enforcement poured into the city and by dawn the fighting subsided and it was deemed that the fighting was over, we had won, so we came back to dock and from there it all went to hell.

I don't know how it happened, all I know is while we were tying up and topping off our fuel there was a great fusillade of firing several docks over and people ran in every direction. There were other ships moored next to us, large private yachts, but when they ran onboard explosions rocked them and they sank quickly thus we sortied immediately despite seeing people on the dock and behind them were the zombies. They were rather quick infected able to move as fast as a living person could nominally walk instead of shuffling and people were gripped by panic several jumped into the frigid waters of the Sound rather than being devoured alive.

I couldn't let people die despite the risk and used a bullhorn to direct people to another dock where we could pick them up. The crew was scared; all of us checked our weapons and were ready as we came in.

As a warning: there will be violence but will not be used in any intimate scenes. PM me if you have any questions or have a willingness to participate as I am open to bending the story to suit the needs of my partners. The plot line is rather up in the air but will involve being on the sea most of the time.
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Using the rigged PA system I called out: This is not a drill. This is not a drill. General-Quarters. General-Quarters. All hands man your battle stations!

(I’ve always wanted to say that)

All hands: prepare for scenario five-niner!

Pulling up the dock there had to be dozens of people on there. From a distance all I could see were black figures moving about, but as we drew closer I could make out their clothing: police, sheriff’s department, military, and a great many civilians intermixed and also coming were the infected slowly coming towards them. Several people were taking barrels, pallets, and whatever they could get their hands on and constructed a crude barricade and those on the other end of the dock were frantically waving to us to get us to stop and pick them up. We had the room to take them onboard but the crew was rather scared that they would pick up someone that is infected. From the bridge I turned to the helmsman, Roger Mortimer, my 21 year old friend from the construction company and told him to cut speed to just five knots and bring us alongside the tip of the dock and drop speed to just one knot, but do not stop. Anyone that is still on the dock when we pull away is going to be left behind.

We were just a hundred yards away and all ready the barricade was being swarmed. Those with weapons and ammunition were blazing away with everything they had then someone pulled the pin of a grenade and when it detonated spewed razor sharp shards in every direction from a black cloud of smoke, but that was not enough to stop the fiends and they came in. One zombie fell with a shotgun blast to the face that obliterated his face, that stopped that one and another had both legs sheared off but it still crawled towards the retreating people. It was typical as we had prepared for this. On the bow those with hunting rifles took aim and fired several rounds that cut down zombies with head shots. It was going just as we prepared for, but as was to be expected for this: all the noise we were making was drawing in more and more people and looking along the shore line there were many other people that were not on the dock: on other ships, along the shore, in buildings, rooftops. Some were attempting to signal to us using flags, waving shirts, and one even fired off a flare, but we couldn’t get to them. All we could do was save those that were on the dock and then save ourselves. That was the first rule of our survival: save ourselves and second: save everyone else.

Stand by for pick up!

My friends came up on deck and were armed and as soon as the Pigeon was alongside the dock people began jumping on board. To preserve our security everyone had to be 'arrested' and looked at to ensure that they were not infected and as that was happening those at the barricade were collapsing back towards the Pigeon and several of my friends were aiming and firing to give them cover as they sprinted towards the ship.
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Th old Pigeon never stopped as people jumped onboard. Those at the barricade were sprinting as fast as they could and leapt off the edge and crashed onto the deck then the ship eased away and the zombies were still after us.

I said to the helmsman, Forty degree left rudder. All ahead full wanting to get as much distance from the shore as quickly as possible.

The helmsman replied, Forty five degrees left rudder. All ahead full, ayeThe dock we left was now awash with zombies and many were still after us and falling into the frigid waters of the Sound. All fire from us ceased as my crew began to inspect all of our new passengers. Many did not want to be touched let alone have their weapons taken away especially the military however on officer ordered them to stand down and be searched for the sake of our safety. To our surprise no one was showing sign of infection; plenty of cuts and bruises mainly from those that ran and jumped onto the ship. They were grateful for the pick up but our role was not done yet. Seattle had approximently a million souls and with the infection spreading there was going to be more people that needed help.

The Pigeon had plenty of room and now we had more weapons there was another dock up ahead that was used by local fishermen with small boats and their predictament was worst than the first. A handful of people were fighting and their backs to the water againt a wall of zombies. One person jumped from the dock deciding to risk swimming it. We were closing in at five knots and my crew looked at me for another order.
Coming bout and moving towards the open waters the crew inspected the people we plucked from the dock as well as the one man that was fished from the waters. He was well enough, just soaked, tired, and scared. As we left the dock behind the zombies that were covering it kept coming and were falling into the water but we did not care. They could not reach us.

One of the soldiers we saved came up to the bridge, a very tall man with hazel eyes and a deep, craggy face, named Colbert. He was a Washington National Guard Captain and his face showed a great amount of distress in seeing so many of his people that were lost.

When he spoke it was a deep, smokey voice showing his years, "I have people scattered throughout the area. Can you help me save them?"

It was a tall order and really against everything that the crew and myself had planned on and we did not have enough room to fit the entire population of Seattle onto but I could not let innocent people slip away to be eaten and possibly become the infected that we would have to deal with later, thus I went to the map chart that was pinned behind the wheel and asked the captain to show where their areas were.

On deck my crew, after searching through all of the persons saved they took them down below to give them food and some clean clothes but the soldiers were told to remain on deck as we were preparing to go back into action against the undead.

Still llooking for a woman to play with. PM me if interested.
Skie sighed as she stood on the ships upper deck. She looked down at all the people they had rescued so far being escorted either to a quarinteened area, a sleeping are, or the ships infirmary. When she had initially joined the ships crew, just one day into the infection she had been assigned to the infirmary for work. But after a few short days there it was obvious that it wasnt a place for her. She had no problem with blood and dealing with the wounded. In fact it was the opposite. Skie was a certified EMT, but the fact of the matter was that the infirmary was far to dull for her. Originally she had wanted to be a Marine but the Armed Forces rwstriction on women in combat pretty much prevent her dream. None the less she had trained herself like one. She excersised regularly and had a mastery if pretty much all firearms.

Suddenly a noise of the deck drew her attention. She straightened, lifting the sniper rifle she had been carrying. She gazed through the scope and frowned. One of the infeced had gotten onto the ship and was now slowly dragging its way across the deck, she guessed it must have been injured before it was infected. It was coming up behind the ships captain, Robert something. We hadnt spoken more than two words to each other the entire time I had been on the ship. Raising the rifle again I sighted the zombies head and made a shrill whistle between my teeth. The whistle was enough to draw the attention of both the zombie and those on deck. Without a seconds hesitation I pulled the trigger splattering zombie brains all over the deck. Lowering the rifle I slung it over my shoulder and started running down the stairs to the main deck.

As I ran my hair flew into my face. I had grown it to the middle of my back and it was such a deep shade of black that in the sun it appeared to be tinted with purples and blues. The bang was dyed pure white with black coon stripes. Usually Id wear it up in a ponytail to keep it from being a bother but I had lost it earlier rushing at the sound of the alarms. Bursting on to the deck with a sigh pulling a handgun from her hip holster. The wind blew and for one she realized how cold it was.

She wasnt exactly dressed for the weather. She had on a pair of tight fitting camo shorts with a black studded belt and a few chains hanging from it, a black sports bra and mesh shirt and a leather jacket covering that. She walked toward the captsin her combat boots clicking on the deck as she walked. Though she was a diminutive 5'4 all her training had left her slender but with a lean muscularity to her. In the moonlight her violet eyes, framed in thick dark lashes, contrasted even more with her milk chocolate skin.

"You okay Cap?" she asked with a soft smile.

Newly 20 she still had all the slang and mannerisms of a young city girl. Standing she placed a hand on her cocked hip and flicked her hair from her face flashing the multiple piercings in her ears.
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"That you. Skie is it?" Her shot may have saved my life as the rotted body lay sprawled on the metal deck. Saving those people from the dock, though noble, was risking us. Any one could be infected and not show immediate signs and turn on the ship and put us all in danger in these tight confines. Going over to the body with a pistol drawn the bullet she fired had sliced cleanly through its head, destroying the frontal lobe. "Fine shot." Giving her the justly compliment then picking up the mutilated body and heaving it over the side.

Cleaning off my hands and heading the bridge there was radio traffic coming from some of the nearby islands that were requesting evacuation or help. We were not the cavalry. We had people onboard, though not infected were showing other illnesses such as exposure or wounded in their flight that would require proper medical treatment.

My crew had onboard people like Skie that were strong, but there was also military and civilian onboard and since leaving the shores there was a squabble about whom was in ultimate charge. My frinds elected me captain, but others did not see that way, but there was no attempt to take control, jujst trying to stay alive.

Skie accompanied me to the bridge and despite the cold weather she was wearing very litle and advised her to bundle up as she might catch the death of cold.
Skie holstered her gun and took out a rag to wipe her knife clean before sliding it back into its sheathe on her thigh. To be honest she was genuinely surprised that he knew her name and cast a sidelong glance at him. Aboard the ship she was somewhat of an outcast. It wasnt that she was disliked, just that she was different. As far as she knew she was one of the few people on board the ship that were "of color" though texhnically she was of mixed descent. Her mother was Japanese American and her father had been half Nati e American half Black. Both had been killed in the initial days of the zombie attack.

But being generally ignored also had its advantages. Though unallied with any one side of the ship she did hear all the most choice information. Slowly but surely the ship was beginning to divide itself into three seperate groups. There were the member of the original Zombie Awareness team and a bunch of rescuees that thought that the Captain was doing a good job. Then there was another group of rescuees that thoughtthatthey could do a better job running the ship. There werent enough of them yet to be a real problem but in the future, if thier numbers grew there could be. Of course there were the soldiers on board and so far, like her, hey were a faction all to themselves.

As she followed behind the Captain to the bridge she took some time to study him. He seemed strong enough and so far he had proven himself a capable enough leader. She studied his face for a minute and noticed his was handsome in a rugged sort of way. She laughed casually at his comment on her clothes as she shut the bridge door. "Dont worry about me. Im pretty warm as is."she said with a lazy grin before her face and eyes turned serious, "Besides you alreay have enough to worry about." He was standing at the desk seeming to be immersed in a chart and she walked over to stand behind him.
That was true. The groups onboard, though, present and known, were not a problem, just yet. Everyone, when told, would do their jobs, but there as grumblings as I looked at the charts showing the currents of the Sound as well the depths surrounding the many islands. For Skie I had nothing against her. She took down that one ghoul and was not a problem, but some would question the rather open attire. Still, like she said, I had more to worry about.

There were sick people aboard that required attention, stuff we could not give here, but there was a small island close by called Anderson Island. There were people there and hopefully some doctors and surgeons. The bunks were nearly full, but supplies were still adaquate for our crew, but we really had no destination in ind just yet as I looked at the map and one of my men gave a chart showing our fuel reserves. We still had eighty percent remaining with our speed remaining at a slow five knots.

I looked at Skie and asked if she knew anything abut the area.
"I know a little about the area..." Skie said pressing her fingers to her lips for a moment and tudying the map. Leaning forward she pressed her finger to a small place on the map that seemed pretty inconspicuos. It wasnt labeled nor did I expect it to be. The island was man made and at one point had been used for a military outpost. I had been out there once with my mother to explore. It wasnt big but the building were still in good repair and stocked just in case a troop should be passing through. And it did have an medical building. "We should head here. We can restock on ammo and weapons and leave behind the wounded and some of the soldiers. Of course we should visit Anderson Island first if only to refuel and try to to find some more doctors and stuff... But thats just my opinion."

Skie excelled at strategizing, always had. If it came down to an all out fight for the ship it would be best to have as few people possible onboard especially if they were already injured. She stretched lazily and gave a slight shiver. All she wsnted now was to take a hot shower and change her xlothes. It had been a hard days work and her clothes were stained with blood from both the infirmary and the zombies. "Anyway Im heading back to my room. If you need something you know where to find me."

Turning on her heel she left the bridge for her rroom at the aft of the ship. It was small but she had the advantage of both having the room to herself and havind her own bathroom. It was all by sheer luck sin e she had originally shared the room with the ships other doctor but she had gottwn herself killed trying to assist an obviously infected patient. People are so stupid sometomes, she thought to herself as she hopped into the cool shower.
Looking at the map, none of us knew of any military installations in that area, but decided to put Skie's knowledge to use and corrected our course to Anderson Island, still rnning at five knots as the highest ranking soldier, a second lieutenant, came to the bridge asking where we were heading.

"I was just going to send for you, lieutenant" I said loking at the chart, "Do you know of any installatons in the area?" Not refering to Anderson but to the Puget Sound in general. He replied that there was Indian Island towards the Peninsula that was a large ammo dump, but that was all he knew of. Acknowledging this I said that we were heading to answer a distress call and possbly refuel before headin to Anderson Island.

"Why there?" He asked.

"A deserted area to weigh anchor for a bit." I replied casually. If I gave indication we knew of this installation there was no telling how he might react. I didn't want fighting here when we were trying to stay alive. He only hope we had was working together.
I sighed as I walked down the hallway of the ship. The ship had changed direction ever so slightly. We were headed for Anderson Island and from there to the Island that I had indicated on the map. With any luck our amount of zombie interaction on Anderson would be limited and we could refuel and resupply with no problems. We should have no forseeable zombie problems on the other Island, but then again it had been a while since I had been there. Even telling the Captain about the Island had been a risk but in the middle of this all out zombie infestation it was worth the chance.

Suddenly the sound of voices caught my attention and I froze. I had neglected to put on shoe after my shower so my feet made no sound as I crept towards the source of the voices. Up ahead there was an open door and I crept towards it peeking in and listening. There was a loose group of about 10 men gathered around a table and from what I could see at least 4 were soldiers. I sat listening for a while then cursed silently. I rose to my feet making sure I was a good distance away before breaking into a run.

Breathless and panting I reached the Captains cabin. The light was on signaling that he was inside. Without bothering to knock I tossed the door open and rushed in shutting the door behind me. My hair was falling out of the ebony clip that held it up off my neck. I had changed into a pair of black cargos and a clean black sports bra and was glad of the loose fitting clothes. "We may have a big problem."
It would take the btter part of an hour with this speed and currents to reach our first destination. The lookouts were scanning the surface for any signs of people, boats, or zombies, but all that was there were seagulls sitting on the broken suface or flying across to scoop up a fish. It was hilly out and fatigued I turned to my cabin to get some sleep. Along the way I ran into several other civilian survivors that were grateful to be rescued that they served as mess stewards and gave me a cup of coffe, but after drinking it still felt sleepy.

When she burst in I was trying to catch a nap on my bed and her sudden appearance jostled me up and grasped the grip of my pistol. Realizing it was Skie I relaxed and sat down, "What is it?l asking and noticing her damp appearance.
At the appearance of his gun I had instinctively drawn my own from where it had been concealed in the waist of my pants. Once he realized who I was I lowered the gun to my side and stood. I had obviously woken him because his voice waa gruff with sleep, which for some odd reason I found attractive. I shook my head and allowed my breathing to slow before i spoke.

"It seems that the next time we land the dissenters are going to make thier push. Theyve somehow managed to get some of the soldiers on thier side." I said between breaths, "It may be dangerous to stop at Anderson Island now."

I sat in the rooms sole empty chair and sighed. I still considered myself unallied but with tides changing this fast it didnt bode well for anyone. I frowned and pulled the clip from my hair. Rubbing my eyes I stared off a little ways into space. I was tired as all hell since it had been a long day but right now I couldnt afford sleep. We had a couple free hours before we reached land so we had to plan now. "What should we do Captain?"
"Is the lieutenant with them?" If he was then the situation would be more dire than believed. The officer was suppose to the command, whatever he says goes, but what Skie was telling me...to go after them would spark a mutiny from the get go. Speaking in a whisper and one eye trained on the hatch, "Keep this quiet. I'm going to the bridge. To talk this with my men. I advise you to go on deck where you can be seen by others. If you stay down here...well..." not finishing that I stood up and looked out into the corridor and motioned for Skie to leave.

Once she stepped out and away I closed the door and made my way to the bridge and summoned those there to rally to discuss what the problem was. None of them knew of anything below thus it took them by surprise and they took up their weapons.

"None one to make a move, but stay on alert. The bridge and engine room are to be locked. our friends are in there, thus we can trust them. We keep them locked they can't take the ship."
I sighd as I paced the empty upper decks. I was playing some risky games now. At the moment the Captain had this ship on lock and so far I had no inclination to believe that the lieutenant was involved in the mutiny in any capacity. But it was dangerous to make any assumptions that much my own life had taught me. I had put on shoes, a apir of soft leathe boots and a jacket to protect me from the cold. I paced lazily back and forth as i slowly began to realize how tired my body was. I briefly considered calling it quits and going to sleep, but if was going to come down to an all out gunfight I needed to be prepared. Hopefully we would at least be able to fight on land, as doing so on the boat would be exponentially more dangerous. Either way I was determined to make it out alive. All my weapons and ammo, enough to arm 6 men were already locked safely away in my room.

Going back into the ship I made my way through the corridors and to the armory. Looking arond I slipped quietly inside and shut the door behind me. I paced the armory for a moment, placonv things in the most efficient way possible. Organizing always had helped me think. Sitting on the armory floowith my back aginaf the wall I dozed off a little.
Nearing the island the lookouts were scanning the area and could see a slight haze over the island but there were intact structures but no signs of people or zombies. There was the dock and here a descision had to be made. Summoning the lieutenant to the bridge I told him what I knew of this 'little problem' and he immediately wanted to call all of his men on deck, however warned them that was playing roulette. "If they think they've been discovered, they could attack." The lieutenant was fighting in his mind over what needed to be done as the island drew near.

Going over to the charts the area here had two fathoms of water as we neared the docks. No ships were in the area, and they appeared intact. If there was a dock then there might be a refueling station there. "Lieutenant, best call your men on deck and have them secure the docks."

Turning to me with a questionable look, "You question their loyalty and you want them to work?"

"Yes," I replied. "We get to island and refuel and hopefully find others to tae these casualties and from there plan our next move."
I sighed adjusting myself in my hiding space. The ship was coming to a stop at the dock to Anderson Island. While personally I would have desired a more level playing field I suppose I was going to have to make due with what I had. From the tense feeling in the air I knew an uprising was now an inevitability. I had seen a few of the dissenters preparing. At this point it was obvious to me that being unallied would no longer be benificial. The dissenters had manayed to sway three more soldier to thier side.

I gazed through the scope of my sniper rifle down on to the deck. So far everything looked to still be going smoothly. I wondered how long that would last. I loaded my gun, drawing back the slide with practiced ease. From here I had a perfect vantage point on both the deckand the docks. It had been quite lucky finding the empty gun tower and she intended to take full advantage of that luck. Keeping an eye on the movement on deck she had a sudden horrible thought. What if the sound of gunfire attracted zombies?
Gunfire would attract zombies, but the orders were that if their numbers were too great to fall back to the ship and they'll shove off.

Still my friends on the bridge were not sitting easy with the knowledge of what was happening below deck. Naturally Raymond asked about the source of the news, Skie. "How do we know she's not a provokatuer?" Raymond enquired as he stood beside to question my judgement, "she may be a person that stirs up trouble." He was not entirely off. In these days you had to be cautious about every new face you saw. The engine room and bridge would remain locked until further notice as we neared the dock men came on deck with ropes to tie us up and soldiers also as they prepared to secure the dock. The lieutenant was there, looking at all themen with the hint of suspicion on his face, but no one reacted and obeyed his orders. Once the ship docked they leapt onto the thick, weathered, deck and hastily moved towards the shore

Thus far they had no seen any undead as the docks were secured. The soldiers entered a large shed on the docks that contained a pumping station with about three quarters full tank of diesel full. A welcomed sight. Would not fill us up, but definately increase it.
I sighed adjusting my jacket around my shoulders. The place I was hiding in was warming up since it was so small. So far everything looked to be going smoothly. Still I well knew that eventually people were going to start asking questions. Who in thier right mind wouldnt. I wasnt friends with anyone on this ship so I pretty much constituted and unknown factor. Even I would admit that my position as friend or foe was still very much undefined. In my own special way this was how I kept myself entertained.

Suddenly a minute movement just beyond the docks caught my eye. I leaned forward gazing through the scope of the rifle. Moving through the brush just a few meters behind the dock was the distinctive shape of some living, or possibly undead creature. The fog was to dense for me to tell which was which but there appeared to be more than one and they were moving at a good pace. It was now down to a debate. I could either try to make it to the docks and and try to warn the crew there of the possible danger. Or I could try to eliminate it quickly. There werw two problems with that though. One if I shot and it wasnt a zombie I had just killed an innocent civilian. The second problem was that even if it was a zombie if i shot one the gunfire would draw in the other.

I groaned and climbed from my hiding space and down onto the upper deck. Checking ny scope I saw that whatever the dark figures were still continued to advance quickly forward. I cursed under my breath and ran down the main deck and on to the dock. Ducking into the shed I made a signal for quite. Slinging her rifle on her back she pulled a silenced pitol from her waistband.

"Somethings coming up on this shed from behind." I whispered peering out a side window.
Looking through my binoculars at the dock and seeing the soldiers take the shed but then seeing Skie direct them inside had me nervous that something was happening that I did not know. None of them carried radios as they left them when Seattle fell, but we gave one of ours to Skie wehen she went out there and keying the handset whispered, "What's the situation?" not knowing that the crackle and my voice could betray them to whatever was outside. Several crewmembers were on the bow with their rifles scanning, but the haze prevented them from seeing beyond the shed.

The lieutenant was inside the shed with Skie and his men and looked over at the woman and said, "What is it?" with a stern whisper. After pausing for a moment there were some foot steps outside as one of the soldiers took a steel bar and strong armed the door.

WE couldn't see them thus we couldn't figure out what to do but seeing their movements into the shed I figured we have to find out and we're on the docks thus they could only come from one direction. "Raymond, take five men, and head towards the shed and find out what's going on." That only happened after repeated attempts to raise Skie on the radio. Even these powerful civilian radios were bound to be plagued by problems in this enviroment.