We are falling in Love


Jul 11, 2001
I couldn't be happier. I can still feel the way his arms tightly hugged me goodnight, just an hour ago. He brings out the best in me, I appreciate that about him and so many other things. Who knows where this will lead but it is definately worth the risk. No red flags this time, for the first time.

Amazing what happens when my perspective changed a little. I took the advice of many here. Over the past several months I have worked hard at pushing my comfort zones. I've accepted dates and I've even asked several people out on my own. Not easy, didn't always work out but I did find out that it gets easier with practice. The key is getting right back up and not wallowing for weeks on end.

The things that I thought were so important really weren't. When I finally allowed myself to just be me, I was amazed at what I saw that had been standing in front me the whole time. I think we can be our own worst enemies sometimes. I know I am. I'm my own worst critic. When I give myself a break, I can really shine. I was making the decision for people that they wouldn't like me before I even gave them a chance. Turns out...I rock and it has everything to do with my insides and not nearly as much to do with my outsides as I thought. Still not giving up on the Weight Watchers, I like those changes as well. It's been fun to watch my body change and to buy smaller clothes. I get this intense thrill when I haven't seen someone in a while and they see me and their jaw drops, in a good way. Not getting winded walking up stairs and trying new sports has also been fun. Who knows, I may even try snow skiing again this year or maybe cross country.

This thread is my way of saying thank you to those who have offered pushes in a positive direction, your encouragement has helped.
PacificBlue said:

Turns out...I rock and it has everything to do with my insides and not nearly as much to do with my outsides as I thought. Still not giving up on the Weight Watchers, I like those changes as well. It's been fun to watch my body change and to buy smaller clothes. I get this intense thrill when I haven't seen someone in a while and they see me and their jaw drops, in a good way. Not getting winded walking up stairs and trying new sports has also been fun. Who knows, I may even try snow skiing again this year or maybe cross country.

Ditto, except that part about trying skiing. :p And Weight Watchers, as I'm doing my own version of it without any scales involved.

2003 is going to be a very good year, PB. I can feel it. :)
Way to go PB. It's amazing what a difference it makes when you decide you like yourself - somehow seems to make others like you as well. It's not really that, it's just you become more approachable, but it's a great sensation. I've had much the same journey the last 6 months, including the weight loss and increased self esteem - and it's been so amazing.

Good for you hun, keep it up. :rose:
PacificBlue said:
I couldn't be happier. I can still feel the way his arms tightly hugged me goodnight, just an hour ago. He brings out the best in me, I appreciate that about him and so many other things. Who knows where this will lead but it is definately worth the risk. No red flags this time, for the first time.

Amazing what happens when my perspective changed a little. I took the advice of many here. Over the past several months I have worked hard at pushing my comfort zones. I've accepted dates and I've even asked several people out on my own. Not easy, didn't always work out but I did find out that it gets easier with practice. The key is getting right back up and not wallowing for weeks on end.

The things that I thought were so important really weren't. When I finally allowed myself to just be me, I was amazed at what I saw that had been standing in front me the whole time. I think we can be our own worst enemies sometimes. I know I am. I'm my own worst critic. When I give myself a break, I can really shine. I was making the decision for people that they wouldn't like me before I even gave them a chance. Turns out...I rock and it has everything to do with my insides and not nearly as much to do with my outsides as I thought. Still not giving up on the Weight Watchers, I like those changes as well. It's been fun to watch my body change and to buy smaller clothes. I get this intense thrill when I haven't seen someone in a while and they see me and their jaw drops, in a good way. Not getting winded walking up stairs and trying new sports has also been fun. Who knows, I may even try snow skiing again this year or maybe cross country.

This thread is my way of saying thank you to those who have offered pushes in a positive direction, your encouragement has helped.

See, I knew you and PC would overcome your differences.
You go girl :rose:

You sound happy, your posts reflect that. :) I'm happy for you.
I think it's wonderful that you've opened up and ventured onto the road to self discovery and self love in the way that you have.

Congratulations on your new love, and even more on the love of self. Weight loss is a hard journey, but with newfound confidence will make it easier. :)
PacificBlue said:
I couldn't be happier. I can still feel the way his arms tightly hugged me goodnight, just an hour ago. He brings out the best in me, I appreciate that about him and so many other things. Who knows where this will lead but it is definately worth the risk. No red flags this time, for the first time.

Amazing what happens when my perspective changed a little.
Good luck Pacific Blue. I have my fingers all crossed up for you.

As for the risk involved... well nothing ventured, nothing gained.
PB...I will share with you my Movie Blurt for the day...

Love is the leap that wont be denied!

Congratulations on having a chance to share your wonderful heart with someone.