WARNING: This Is Not A Plug


Really Experienced
Jan 17, 2002
Okay well I lied. It is a plug. Sue Me.

A day at the Stone Wall Mall

Has been written in part by some of the greastest writers in CHYOO
2bobs, AaronWebster, Chicklet, Doll, Lezbo0004, Ooohkitty, Otep, SparkyMan, Uncola Man, Zingiber, chervil, daciasdesire, goldfinger, goodgirltammy, jakelyon, kendahl6969, lilguy, niceguy2002tim, switch76,

Deepest Thread:
26 (do you see that 26 holy crap)
Total Pages:
276 (does alittle dance for ken)
4.6/195 (not to bad if i say so myself)
Total Views:

so know I'm all pluged up
thanks fols
heck if you want to plug yourself
have fun
re:Christy being all plugged up

You're not all plugged up yet, hon!( watching ooohkitty dance and twirl )-kendahl6969
::Grabs Kens hand and pulls him to me as we both begin to dance around the room::
re: christy's dance moves

wow, (admiring Christy's grace and agility as well as other attributes) this woman has many talents!-K69
::feeling his growing... um... "admiration" I pull Ken closer to me and smile as I get lost swimming in his eyes::
'my admiration' is growing..

..looking deep into Christy's twinkling, mischievous eyes, glad 'my admiration' is being felt..
my lips are sealed..

against hers as I try to slide my tongue inside her moist depths,'my admiration' continues to grow, hoping for similar solace. Wondering when someone will yell at us to get a room..
Oh no, don't mind me.....

I'll just sit here and drool.....

Heh, heh....

Dacia spikes the punch with a hip flash of Vodka and starts getting tipsy seeing as no one has asked her to dance.
an audience..

uhoh, stuart's in the room...better keep christy busy before she notices him..or she'll be on him like a wild dingo on a lamb..is that a good analogy, dac?..take it easy with that vodka, DJ! Maybe stuart can ask her while she can still stand...
Woah, Is it just me or is the room spinning?

I would have said dingo on a baby, but I have a sick sense of humour.

oops there goes my favorite numbered thread...

looking over at dacia, hoping she's gonna be alright. Surprised her head hasn't swelled to ten times its' size with all the accolades bestowed upon her in the forums lately, hehe
::reaches out a hand to dacia::
"There is room enough for three here honey"
::looks at Ken with a smile::
"And i doubt you would mind you dirty old man"
a threesome, oh my..

..speaking of heads swelling to ten times their size..(looking down)
Exactly what kind of "dance" did the two of you have in mind.

Also the doctar says my head is only 4 to 5 times orginal size.:)

"the forbidden dance" lol

I'm not quite sure, DJ. Have to check with the instigator..I mean initiator. In the meantime I've received a foot or two of the snow you love so much so I'm snowed in. Keep me company awhile?
Hmm, two girls, a guy who I assume is fairly cute.....

Dacia, Christy? Either or both of you two lovely ladies care to dance? Or would you care to dance with each other and let me watch? ;)


I actually start getting interested and everybody ignores me.....

Sorry brevdravis. Looks like we were all waiting for this song to end. Of course I will dance with you.

You may have to hold me up a little. I think i made the ounch a bit too strong. "hick"

Mmmmm, lovely.

I believe they're playing a slow song.....

(Places his hands on Dacia's waist and begins to sway with the music.)
