WARNING Kat, Hatara, Tub people and Chatters in Lit WARNING.....


Literotica Guru
Aug 12, 2001
Something has to be done because I am tired of being banned from chat because of a person that has a grudge against the Chat Monitors. The name is Jimmy as far as I know. Last night my chat talk was taken over by him because I did not pay attention to what he was saying. I suppose he felt left out and that I was taking away all of his attention. Who knows. All I did was to redline him and continue to talk in the lounge as if he was not there.

The monitors finally came in and realized it was not me doing the massive insulting typing but they had some trouble distinguishing who was who and I was banned. Either way I know I would of been banned because of my server and his stunts.

I do not understand why he holds such hatred for the Monitors. They are there to keep things in check in lit. They are usually well tempered people that do not jump to conclusions so easily. I know this to be true since my stay. OK some in the past have taken such power overboard but the majority do not. Unfortunately they get grief for trying to protect others.

So if my name is in chat make sure you know you are talking to me. I do not think I have gotten rude to others for no reason. I still do not cyber privately. I do play truth or dare and am able to write long erotic passages when I am in the mood. So realize if the person does not feel like me ignore them or pm to find out. Some of you know enough about me to know if it is or isn't me by now. If it is not me let the room know. There has to be something done to stop this person. He has to let go of this anger and try to learn to play well with others. I am not against free speech but when it takes away from my right I get annoyed. Being banned the last couple of months because of one person has not put this person on my high list. If anything he has been a sore in my side without knowing.

In the past I have heard he has divulged other people's personal information. Insulted Chat Monitors. Taken over many other people's name and posed as them. I think that the only thing he is able to do is to get in as others name but who knows and this worries me but then again there is nothing really to hide. So if you are him reading this or you know him please ask him to give up his vengence towards the chat monitors and play nice. His anger and tactics are not allowing him to enjoy the purpose of lit or to make some strong connections. It is also fucking with the time I would like to spend with friends I have made in lit when I do find that time.

Many hugs to all of you I know.

tulip2lipservice said:
Something has to be done because I am tired of being banned from chat because of a person that has a grudge against the Chat Monitors. The name is Jimmy as far as I know. Last night my chat talk was taken over by him because I did not pay attention to what he was saying. I suppose he felt left out and that I was taking away all of his attention. Who knows. All I did was to redline him and continue to talk in the lounge as if he was not there.

The monitors finally came in and realized it was not me doing the massive insulting typing but they had some trouble distinguishing who was who and I was banned. Either way I know I would of been banned because of my server and his stunts.

I do not understand why he holds such hatred for the Monitors. They are there to keep things in check in lit. They are usually well tempered people that do not jump to conclusions so easily. I know this to be true since my stay. OK some in the past have taken such power overboard but the majority do not. Unfortunately they get grief for trying to protect others.

So if my name is in chat make sure you know you are talking to me. I do not think I have gotten rude to others for no reason. I still do not cyber privately. I do play truth or dare and am able to write long erotic passages when I am in the mood. So realize if the person does not feel like me ignore them or pm to find out. Some of you know enough about me to know if it is or isn't me by now. If it is not me let the room know. There has to be something done to stop this person. He has to let go of this anger and try to learn to play well with others. I am not against free speech but when it takes away from my right I get annoyed. Being banned the last couple of months because of one person has not put this person on my high list. If anything he has been a sore in my side without knowing.

In the past I have heard he has divulged other people's personal information. Insulted Chat Monitors. Taken over many other people's name and posed as them. I think that the only thing he is able to do is to get in as others name but who knows and this worries me but then again there is nothing really to hide. So if you are him reading this or you know him please ask him to give up his vengence towards the chat monitors and play nice. His anger and tactics are not allowing him to enjoy the purpose of lit or to make some strong connections. It is also fucking with the time I would like to spend with friends I have made in lit when I do find that time.

Many hugs to all of you I know.


huggs tulip. im sorry you had to go through this. most of the time we can tell who it is and we usually tell others that that person is not who it appears.

just a side note. for other women on chat. you should claim your nic names. i. e. note that in this typeface, the capital i is the same as the lowercase L. so if you have a L in your name. register and substitute an uppercase i instead to make sure that your name as you are in chat is protected. at least some. this is hard to explain, but try it.

:) Skye
Re: Re: WARNING Kat, Hatara, Tub people and Chatters in Lit WARNING.....

skye in silk said:
huggs tulip. im sorry you had to go through this. most of the time we can tell who it is and we usually tell others that that person is not who it appears.

just a side note. for other women on chat. you should claim your nic names. i. e. note that in this typeface, the capital i is the same as the lowercase L. so if you have a L in your name. register and substitute an uppercase i instead to make sure that your name as you are in chat is protected. at least some. this is hard to explain, but try it.

:) Skye

Stay clear of underscores and stuff too. I had a name with underscores between the words and he registered the same without. Huggss tulip I know how you feel, I had to change my name twice to get away from this asshole....he caused me a lot of upset.
Bear with it babe, he will get bored and pick on someone else soon, if it gets too bad maybe pick another naem to use while he is around.
Hugssssss...Trix xx
Thank you to both of you and

many hugs!!!! I just figured it is better to educate others out there just in case he decides to use my name again. It took me a while to get this reputation. Be it bad or good it is me and I don't want another to fuck with it.

Many hugs and again Thank you for support.

Tulip~ Sorry to hear your feeling the wrath of Jimmy. I hope things get better for you soon *hugggggs*
huggggggggggs tulip, sorry you have to go through this too. I really don;t think he will get the idea of playing nice. I talked to him, he sounded very reasonable, then as soon as a cm came in he started up again.........who knows.....
*hugs tulips* Sorry to hear you are being harassed! I'm sure they'll figure it all out...
Well that explains when I gave a big teddy bear hug to you a couple of days ago in the Lounge, the answer was "WHAT THE FUCK IS A TEDDY BEAR HUG?"....it didn't take but a second to realize that it wasn't you (which I figured out real quick!) I can't imagine what this guy's problem is tulip....you have always been kind to me and I have reciprocated...good luck getting rid of this jerkweed! Big teddy bear huggggggggs...AA :rose:
Big Teddy Bear Hug Back.....

Thank you all. Well my new name in lit is similiar. I have turned to numbers with capital Ls. It is 2Lip2lipservice. I am not sure if I like this or not but if it can distinguish me better than so be it. I am annoyed that I cannot fix my profile back to the way I had it because I had filled it out in haste. Oh well, worse things could happen. The scarry part is that there are variations of my name that could of been used in the past. I am not so sure it was all Jimmy's doing. When I typed certain variations of my name with letters in capitals and such it would say that name is already being used, etc. Some advice claim your name. If you have an L in the name use different variations now so nobody can use it in the future. For example us capital i in lue of the l and so forth.

Again the ones I know should realize if it is me or not. To Always hugs and I am glad you knew it was not me. Makes me wonder if I had other conversations with people in the past that I am unaware of. I do not understand why people want to play such games, but they do so be careful and do what you can to protect your persona.

Many hugs to all that responded here and I will see you about the chat and boards.
