War to be avoided? A step in the right direction, we we shall see!


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
Iraqi Police Arrest Poison Gas Manufacturer
(2003-02-15) -- Iraqi police yesterday raided a plant which manufactures poison gas, arrested the owner and impounded the inventory until it can be turned over to the United Nations weapons inspectors.

"We have been watching this place for weeks," said a police spokesman, "but our hands were tied until Saddam Hussein issued that Presidential decree forbidding production of weapons of mass destruction."

Mr. Hussein plans to award the nation's highest civilian medal to the officers who led the raid in a public ceremony on Monday.

"These men risked their lives to ensure that our nation is in full compliance with the Security Council resolutions which we deeply respect," said Mr. Hussein. "Let this serve as a warning to others who are producing weapons of mass destruction that this Republic will not tolerate it."